The Stencil Craze - Phase I

What I'm very tenuously referring to as "Phase I" of "The Stencil Craze" is just the 1st few years from, perhaps, 1979-1982, when a small group of us in Baltimore were fairly prolifically active.

"Phase II" is that phase when we were joined by another group of friends a mere few years later. Such a narrow time span is not a very viable basis for a distinction but that's the way it works in my head.

- August 5, 2016 notes from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE


This was one of my favorite graffiti pieces I ever did. Created in 1980 it's meant to look like a fire hydrant as seen from above. I don't have the stencil anymore but I still have sprayings of it on a piece of cardstock that's white on one side & brown on the other. The white side has brighter color but much of it's destroyed. The brown side is muted but intact. The above image is a composite made from the 2.

Here's a picture of me watering the fire hydrant image in June of 1980. After spraying the image neatly in 2 colors with my stencil, I used a broad brush to make paint marks on the sidewalk around the hydrant image as if I'd painted an actual hydrant & done a sloppy job & gotten paint where it wasn't meant to be.

This particular image was on the sidewalk near my house in the 1600 block of Calvert Street in BalTimOre. Occasionally, I'd go to the hydrant image & water it as if trying to make it grow up into the shape it should have instead of staying in its flattened form. This, of course, was my idea of being funny.





idioideo at verizon dot net


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