1982.07 bisect a picture w/ a page change by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

Is this writing? Does it belong as part of my Writing website? A black & white version of it was published in Trevor Blake's magazine OVO:

175. "bisect a picture w/ a page change"

- contributed as: tentatively, a convenience

- published in: OVO 7 - Information (October 1989)

- Knoxville, Tennessee

- edited by: Trevor Blake

I decided to put it on my Writing site because I was writing a review of Barrett Watten's "FRAME (1971-1990)" & I wanted to link to this piece but my computer wasn't working for doing website work so I had to complete the review without the link. Now maybe I'll change it. .




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for A Mere Outline for One Aspect of a Book on Mystery Catalysts, Guerrilla Playfare, booed usic, Mad Scientist Didactions, Acts of As-Beenism, So-Called Whatevers, Psychopathfinding, Uncerts, Air Dressing, Practicing Promotextuality, Imp Activism, etc..

for info on tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's tape/CD publishing label: WIdémoUTH

to see an underdeveloped site re the N.A.A.M.C.P. (National Association for the Advancement of Multi-Colored Peoples)