1983. International Blacklist: An Anti-Authoritarian Directory

I finally found my copy of this book in a folder in my aRCHIVE called "Networking Lists". While my aRCHIVE is very well organized, there's no central list for it & I don't always remember how I've categorized things so it took many years for me to find this once I even remembered being in it.

The smoke damage on the cover of my copy shows that I had it in 1985 when my apartment was set fire to.


Back in 1983, when this book came out, I was astounded that a directory of such folks was made & I was glad to be in it at the same time that it seemed like a perfect tool for police agencies opposed to our efforts.

It's somewhat mind-boggling to me that at age 29 I was known about as an anarchist by the compilers & included in this. It makes some sense b/c I'd considered myself an anarchist since 1970 when I read the term for the 1st time & I was active in correspondence with other anarchists but we were still a fairly disparate bunch. I didn't participate in an anarchist gathering until the Haymarket Centennial in Chicago in 1986 so this book was 3 years prior. The compilers obviously had a deep knowledge of what was happening.

Somewhat ironically, 41 years later, I've been very active as an anarchist internationally but I seem to be more unknown as such than ever. My impression is that 'anarchism' has become so much the province of conformists that I call 'subcultural anarchists' that very little of the free-thinking that I once prized so highly in its context is even referred to as anarchist anymore. This book seems to be solidly from the day when many anarchists were 'wild & wooly' & had a SENSE OF HUMOR. I miss those days.

A few years ago I was at an 'anarchist' May Day event where I was talking with a young woman 'anarchist' who, like almost everyone there, was wearing a black mask meant to prevent the spread of germs. I thought the mask was unnecessary & that their widespread use was the result of brainwashing. Of course, everyone's mask was BLACK - holy ceiling light forbid that there be any nonconformity on that level - say a mask with a picture of sperm dripping from a mouth on it - YOU KNOW, something simple & tasteful.

Anyway, this young anarchist was vaping pot thru the mask & then blowing pot-filled soap bubbles for the kids to chase. Yep, I'm sure tht was 100% sanitary with the black mask in the picture. She explained her 'anarchist' vision to me: to be the LEADER of a revolutionary group. As far as I could tell, it didn't occur to her that wanting to be a LEADER was NOT an anarchist goal. But what do I 'know'? I'm an OLD PERSON & we all know how stupid & reactionary OLD PEOPLE are.



- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE note, April 3, 2018E.V. - revised June 24, 2024E.V.








idioideo at gmail dot com


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