2024.08.30 Wrjtjng spelled w/ a "q" (volume 1: 1969-2002)


review of

tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's "Wrjtjng spelled w/ a "q" (volume 1: 1969-2002)"

by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE - August 30, 2024




This is my 21st bk. It's conjoined w/ my 22nd, the 2nd volume. Usually when I 'review' my bks I don't really say that much about them, I don't go to the great lengths that I do w/ many of my reviews of other people's bks. I don't even always give them 5 stars! However, in this case, if I cd give this bk / these bks 25 stars I wd. "Wrjtjng spelled w/ a "q"" is absolutely extraordinary, there's essentially nothing else like it that I know of. It display more ideas than you'd find in a pile of completely burnt encyclopedias. In the past, I've used James Joyce's "Finnegans Wake" to set the bar for most complex & original writing. Now, something like 48 yrs after I finished reading the "Wake", I put my own Wrjtjng spelled w/ a "q" at the top. IMO, I spent the 55 yrs that went into it well. Here's the table of contents for this 1st volume:


Table with a knife balanced on it that doesn't move even though it's at sea

1956 Dream..................................................................................016

1969 Encoded Yearbook Self-Description...................................017

1973 Student Flowchart..............................................................021

1975 Briefcase.............................................................................022

1975 Briefcase: language such as this.......................................024

1975 Briefcase: T HE...................................................................025

1976 Briefcase: Untitled Book....................................................026

1976 Briefcase: Spiral Time Writing folder.................................034

1976 Briefcase: Spiral Time Writing: (f), (g)................................035

1976 Briefcase: Spiral Time Writing: (g).....................................036

1976 Briefcase: Spiral Time Writing: (t)......................................037

1976 Briefcase; Spiral Time Writing: (v).....................................038

1976 Briefcase: Spiral Time Writing: (z)......................................044

1976 Briefcase: Spiral Time Writing: (gg)...................................048

1976 Briefcase: Spiral Time Writing: (hh)...................................049

1976 Briefcase: Spiral Time Writing: (jj).....................................050

1976 Briefcase: Spiral Time Writing: (kk)...................................051

1976 Briefcase: Spiral Time Writing: (ll).....................................052

1976 Briefcase: Spiral Time Writing: (nn)...................................054

1976 Briefcase: tape transfer.....................................................056

1976 Briefcase: Transparency Book...........................................057

1976 Briefcase: Untitled Folder 1: ethy 1. alcohol.....................066

1976 Briefcase: Untitled Folder 1: nubdgertsyuogil...................067

1976 Briefcase: Untitled Folder 1: sedentary.............................077

1976 Briefcase: Untitled Folder 1: STUFFED HER MOUTH.........078

1976 Briefcase: Untitled Folder 1: worst feces..........................080

1976 Briefcase: Untitled folder 1: yrhfiutm.................................081

1976 Briefcase: Untitled Folder 2: ditto,rip,tape........................082

1976 Briefcase: Untitled Folder 2: Letraset Rubbing.................083

1976 Briefcase: Untitled Folder 2: saHarA.................................084

1976 Briefcase: Untitled Folder 2: Selectric VisPo....................085

1976 Briefcase: Untitled Folder 2: Mud Letter...........................086

1976 Briefcase: Untitled Folder 2: Smudges..............................087

1976: Briefcase: woe green.........................................................088

1976: Briefcase: zeta roti grid.....................................................089

1976/2024: Signing Mikey's Copy................................................090

1976 Briefcase: 1. 4 u..................................................................096

1976 Briefcase: I'm thinking that...............................................097

1976/1996.11 Stimulants/Depressants.......................................098

1977 Briefcase: Joyce used 17 yrs.............................................122

1977 Briefcase: Palindrome........................................................123

1977 Briefcase: perversion a magazine.....................................124

1977 Briefcase: Vocabulary Lesson #1......................................125

1977 Briefcase: Work(ing) from Models......................................126

1978 Briefcase: Connect-the-Letters: a thing involving audio tape, tape playing machine, 2 cushioned seat speaker cabinets, 2 paid book-ends, emptied pockets & pocket-books, books, a book-shelf, & an audience? advertisement................................127

1978 Briefcase: Connect-the-letters...........................................128

1978 Briefcase: nuclear brain physics surgery's cool lesion #1 cover............................................................................................135

1978 Briefcase: Formally Experimental Writing: Now, don't.....136

1978 Briefcase: Formally Experimental Writing: early idea.......137

1978 Briefcase: Formally Experimental Writing: I M SIC...........138

1978 Briefcase: Formally Experimental Writing: i refer 2 it.......141

1978/2021 EYE LEVEL.................................................................142

1978.06.28 Briefcase: 1st 2........................................................147

1978 Briefcase: Formally Experimental Writing: Inter Symbols.148

1978 Briefcase: Formally Experimental Writing: l dy ln.............149

1978 Briefcase: Formally Experimental Writing: PLEASURE ERASURE......................................................................................149

1978 Briefcase: Formally Experimental Writing: relaxation.......150

1978 Briefcase; Formally Experimental Writing: ST ART...........151

1978 Briefcase: Formally Experimental Writing: Wri! ti, ng.152

1978 Briefcase: frankly, frankly..................................................153

1978 Briefcase: His Heroin Eyes.................................................154

1978 Briefcase: International Symbols Book..............................155

1978-1979 Briefcase: Ripley's Believe It Ot Not!........................175

1979 Briefcase: Chain Letter.......................................................184

1979 Briefcase: cover all signs...................................................185

1979 Briefcase: especially so that..............................................185

1979 Briefcase: heat transfer FoRs............................................186

1979: Play Out Regress...............................................................187

1979? Briefcase: Medical Records..............................................201

1979.01 duoOaccident review.....................................................209

1979.02.10 Briefcase: NEA Grant Application............................210

1979.04 Rawz cover....................................................................231

1979.12 MD Arts Council Grant Application...............................232

1980 ADVICE................................................................................247

1980 Wrench Wrench...................................................................248

1981 Fan Clubs envelope............................................................249

1981 plenial wer..........................................................................250

1981.01/2024.06.29 Conversation Piece....................................254

1981 prikalkulilo ktp....................................................................260

1981 rare idea money..................................................................266

1981? ERASURE..........................................................................267

1982 abbr in plaintext.................................................................268

1982 A DOUBLE NEGATIVE AS NOT A POSITIVE.......................269

1982 P@........................................................................................273

1982 19 Carney............................................................................274

1982.01.09 FoR Cards for EAR INN Reading..............................275

1982.07 Bisected Picture............................................................287

1983 "Bob" = brain over brawn...................................................288

1983 "Sound Along w/ t he Bounding Ball(s)" title scroll........289

1983.04 Japan Blood................................................................291

1984 Form Love Letter (English)..............................................292

1984 Form Love Letter (Spanish).............................................293

1985 SEE-SAW..........................................................................294

1986 Deaf Education SMILE.....................................................300

1988 COGS................................................................................304

1988 Compliance Technologies...............................................305

1988 Corrected Dyslexia (w/ John Sheehan)...........................306

1989 Art Strike (w/ John Sheehan)...........................................308

1991.01 Gulf Honkies...............................................................313

1991 Your Horoscope...............................................................314

1992 Puzzle Writing..................................................................317

1992.10 batswan waystar........................................................326

1992 Gold Flag of Near Neologisms.........................................327

1996.03.10 Upping the Anti-School of Up, Up & Away............328

1996.07 The Postman Always Rings the Homunculous of Woody Allen & Hollis Frampton Twice.................................................330

1997 Egy Gyümölcsérlö.............................................................338

1997.02.16 letter to Doug Skinner re Outsider Writing...........346

1997 Poesie Totale......................................................................350

1997 Lost in Translation..............................................................352

1997.09.04 Air Drop #1................................................................366

1997.10 Stale Urine review.........................................................369

1998 In Perplexing Pursuit of the Prodigy Paleontologist 1.......375

1998 Last Word for Edge Wise.....................................................389

1998.02.24 A Homance Novel.....................................................390

1998.08.27 Reading at Fuel & Fuddle.........................................391

1998.09.04 Air Drop #2................................................................394

1999 Shuffle Mode.......................................................................398

1999 Street Rat stickers.............................................................412

2002.12.05 Courtney & Babs discuss "Cuntralia"......................414


Many of these works have appeared in other bks & magazines. Chances are, however, that none of the readers of "Wrjtjng" will have ever seen any of those publications. As such, these will all be fresh to you.

As I write in the introduction:

"As will be obvious in this book, I think about language in a very broad sense. For one thing, I write in at least 40 languages, not just English. I don't do this because I speak or read these languages, I do this because I think languages in general are interesting and I try to pursue that interest with an imagination."

One might ask: What languages? I've never listed them before so I'll try to do so here:


volume 1:

01. American Sign Language

02. Arabic

03. bar codes

04. Czech

05. Danish

06. Dutch

07. English

08. Esperanto

09. Finnish

10. French

11. German

12. Greek

13. Hungarian

14. Hebrew

15. Indonesian

16. International Symbols

17. Italian

18. Japanese

19. Norwegian

20. Polish

21. Portuguese

22. Rumanian

23. Russian

24. Serbo-Croatian

25. Spanish

26. Swahili

27. Swedish

28. Turkish

29. Yiddish





idioideo at verizon dot net


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to the tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE as Interviewee index

to the tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE as Interviewer index

to tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE'S Linked-In profile

for A Mere Outline for One Aspect of a Book on Mystery Catalysts, Guerrilla Playfare, booed usic, Mad Scientist Didactions, Acts of As-Beenism, So-Called Whatevers, Psychopathfinding, Uncerts, Air Dressing, Practicing Promotextuality, Imp Activism, etc..

to the mm index

to see an underdeveloped site re the N.A.A.M.C.P. (National Association for the Advancement of Multi-Colored Peoples)

to tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's Neoism page

to the DEFINITIVE Neoism/Anti-Neoism website

to the Philosopher's Union website

to the tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE movie-making "Press: Criticism, Interviews, Reviews" home-page

to tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's Score Movies


to find out more about why the S.P.C.S.M.E.F. (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Sea Monkeys by Experimental Filmmakers) is so important

to the "tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE - Sprocket Scientist" home-page

to Psychic Weed's Twitter page

to tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's Vimeo index

to Vine movies relevant to tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE made by Ryan Broughman

to tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's presence in the Visual Music Village

for info on tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's tape/CD publishing label: WIdémoUTH

to a very small selection of tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's Writing

to the onesownthoughts YouTube channel