2024.08.27 Wrjtjng spelled w/ a "q" (volume 2: 2003-2024)
review of
tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's "Wrjtjng spelled w/ a "q" (volume 2: 2003-2024)"
by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE - August 30, 2024
This is my 22nd bk. It's conjoined w/ my 21st, the 1st volume. Usually when I 'review' my bks I don't really say that much about them, I don't go to the great lengths that I do w/ many of my reviews of other people's bks. I don't even always give them 5 stars! However, in this case, if I cd give this bk / these bks 25 stars I wd. "Wrjtjng spelled w/ a "q"" is absolutely extraordinary, there's essentially nothing else like it that I know of. It display more ideas than you'd find in a pile of completely burnt Encyclopedia Destructicas. In the past, I've used James Joyce's "Finnegans Wake" to set the bar for most complex & original writing. Now, something like 48 yrs after I finished reading the "Wake", I put my own "Wrjtjng spelled w/ a "q"" at the top. IMO, I spent the 55 yrs that went into it well. Here's the table of contents for this 2nd volume:
Table with a Spork balanced on it that doesn't move even though it's at sea
2003.10.12 Internal Jumbling Technique....................................011
2003.10.22 Dream........................................................................024
2004.01.22 Posted 4....................................................................026
2005 business card......................................................................027
2005 Story of a Fructiferous Society, IT BEARS FRUIT IN Y(OUR) MIND.............................................................................................028
2006 Le dernier homme sur terre................................................038
2006.08.26;5:15AM Dream...........................................................087
2009.05.22 As I was Saying, "The Making of Americans"..........088
2010 Po, Li, Ou.............................................................................100
2010.10 vii....................................................................................116
2010.11.20 Dream........................................................................124
2010.11.23 Dream........................................................................125
2010.12.10 is is............................................................................127
2010.12.26 Dream........................................................................128
2011.02.11 Dream........................................................................130
2011.06.06 Dream........................................................................132
2011.10.20 Dream........................................................................133
2011.11.09 Dream........................................................................135
2012.01.10 billboard....................................................................137
2012.03.22 Skeletal Remains......................................................138
2012.07.10 Red Shift PC..............................................................139
2012.07.20 The Only Jealousy of Cascando McKenna..............140
2012.08.10 txt msg editorial.......................................................143
2012.11.25 J from A to Z.............................................................154
2013.03.17 In Memoriam "Blaster" Al Ackerman.......................156
2013.06.09 BANNED NAMES.......................................................157
2013.07.28 Titin...........................................................................161
2013.08.26 Dream........................................................................175
2014.02.19 Dream........................................................................177
2014.06.17 A Catamaran Animist Vigor......................................180
2014.09.08 review of "Blaster" Al Ackerman's "Huff Hacks".....188
2014.09.30 Beforewords: How do I love thee?...........................194
2014.12.26 Goodreads question..................................................198
2016.09 Tex-Mix (Giddyup Americana).......................................203
2016.04.27 Fenollosa's Chinese.................................................206
2016.05.05 ?i?polysemi? Cue Cards..........................................218
2016.06 WalKway........................................................................223
2017 Endangered Languages, Endangered Cultures, Endangered Ideas............................................................................................232
2017.02.06 Cosmic Grunt............................................................306
2017.07 Instagram Poems..........................................................308
2018 Synthesizer Template........................................................319
2019 Butt Poems.........................................................................320
2019.05 Soap Box Opera.............................................................332
1975-2018.05.08 Double Takes...................................................340
2019.12.04 Morse Code...............................................................350
2019.12.12 The Ticket.................................................................369
2020.06.26 Scribbling 01.............................................................375
2020.07.04 Independence Day....................................................385
2021.07.27 Macron / Passeport Sanitaire...................................386
2022.04.10 List4n........................................................................387
2023.01.13 Slide..........................................................................391
2023.06.23 School of Negativity Painting #4.............................413
Many of these works have appeared in other bks & magazines. Chances are, however, that none of the readers of "Wrjtjng" will have ever seen any of those publications. As such, these will all be fresh to you.
As I write in the introduction:
"As will be obvious in this book, I think about language in a very broad sense. For one thing, I write in at least 40 languages, not just English. I don't do this because I speak or read these languages, I do this because I think languages in general are interesting and I try to pursue that interest with an imagination."
One might ask: What languages? I've never listed them before so I'll try to do so here:
volume 2:
01. Ainu
02. Albanian
03. Belarusian
04. Boro
05. CalÃ?
06. Catalan
07. Cherokee
08. Chewa
09. Chiga
10. Chinese
11. Cornish
12. Creole
13. Croatian
14. Czech
15. Danish
16. Denya
17. Earth Minimal
18. English
19. Esperanto
20. Faroese
21. Fijian
22. French
23. French Canadian
24. Galician
25. German
26. Gilbertese
27. Guarani
28. Haitian Creole
29. Hawaiian
30. Hungarian
31. Icelandic
32. Ido
33. Indonesian
34. Inuktitut
35. Irish
36. Italian
37. Kimbu
38. Kiriwina
39. Kwanyama
40. Latin
41. Limburgian
42. Lithuanian
43. Malay
44. Marquesan
45. Matumbi
46. Morse Code
47. Netherlands
48. Norweigian
49. Nunavut Inuktitut
50. Odawa
51. Pampangen
52. Papiamentu
53. Polish
54. Portugeuse
55. Romanian
56. Russian
57. Samoan
58. Sanskrit
59. Sardinian
60. Serbian
61. Slovak
62. Slovenian
63. Slovio
64. Spanish
65. Swahili
66. Tagalog
67. Taiwanese
68. Tibetan
69. Tocharian
70. Tonga
71. Ukranian
72. Valencian
73. Welsh
74. Wolof
idioideo at gmail dot com
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for info on tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's tape/CD publishing label: WIdémoUTH
to a very small selection of tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's Writing