By "Books" I mean every book that I know of that I either have something in or in which I'm mentioned by someone else. What IS a "book", though? On Goodreads, which is a site for reviewing books, there's some controversy about this subject that I seem to be somewhat at one of the centers of. When I first started reviewing there I included Artist's Books & Chapbooks - both of which seemed to be unknown subjects to many of the Goodreads people.
I've also reviewed issues of "OPEN SPACE Magazine" on Goodreads. When I review such things, there's been a 'librarian' there who then labels my entry "NOT A BOOK". I call this person the "NOT A BOOK VANDAL". In response to this person's vandalizing an OPEN SPACE review I wrote something to the effect of:
'According to Mirriam-Webster, a book is "a set of printed sheets of paper that are held together inside a cover : a long written work" ( OPEN SPACE fits this description. Furthermore, it has no advertisements in it. Some publications, especially scholarly journals, are packaged as periodicals in order to insure subscriptions from universities & libraries. These subscriptions enable them to continue publishing without having to depend on a broader more commercial market.'
Apparently, enough people found my argumentation sound because I haven't been bothered by the NOT A BOOK VANDAL on Goodreads since. Even the mention of the absence of advertising isn't necessarily a prerequisite for 'bookness' because there was a time when science fiction books routinely had advertising in their middles, often for cigarettes & other objects not immediately relevant to the interests of their readership.
SO, with this slightly expanded definition of "book" in mind, I'll include here issues of periodicals that are in the physical form of paperback books in addition to objects that most, if not all, people would ordinarily accept as books. I'll also include CD-ROMs. I'm reluctant to include at least one of the books because the portions it contains relevant to me were created as hostile misinformation. These will be organized in reverse chronological order so that the most recent book will appear at the top.
In some of these books, my name is just mentioned in passing, often with 'corrected' case relations. I include such things for the sake of thoroughness. I even include my high school yearbooks. There are probably plenty of books that I'm mentioned in that I'm unaware of. EG: I just learned of 3 in the past few months. If anyone knows of something not on this list I'd appreciate your calling it to my attention. With the exception of "Heretical Thoughts on the New Normal" I've excluded chapbooks. - March 20, 2016EV notes from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE
As of August, 2024, there are 113 books listed below.
2024.08.30 Wrjtjng spelled w/ a "q" (volume 1: 1969-2002)
2024.08.27 Wrjtjng spelled w/ a "q" (volume 2: 2003-2024)
2024.05.29 footnotes (2nd greatly expanded edition)
2024.01.17 not limited to But (Smattering 2)
2023.12.31 Rubber Stamps vs World Dominators!!!!!
2023.12 Mike Film - A Mail (Art) Epic
2022.11 THE SCIENCE (volume 1)
2022.11 High Friends in Low Places
2022.02.27 Heretical Thoughts On The New Normal
2022.01.31 2021, Under Scrutiny
2021.11.14 Otoliths 63, part two
2021 Something Something Morning
2020.12.18 / 2021.01.14 But not limited to (Smattering 1)
2020 Strange Questions - Experimental Film as Conversation
2020 Adventures in Ontological Dissonance or Why I Have No Money
2020.09 Unconscious Suffocation - A Personal Journey through the PANDEMIC PANIC
2020.01.06 Hero in Art - The Vanished Traces of Richard Hambleton
2017. Paradigm Shift Knuckle Sandwich & other examples of P.N.T. (Perverse Number Theory)
2017. Paula Gillen's Head Trip: The 80s
2015. Improper Names - Collective Pseudonyms from the Luddites to Anonymous
2015. Krylon Underground 1984-1992
2014. Confessions of a Failed Egoist
2013. Incite Journal of Experimental Media Issue #4 Exhibition Guide
2013. The OPEN SPACE magazine (issue 15/16; fall 2013/winter 2014)
2013. Anti-Media - Ephemera on Speculative Arts
2013. Artpool - The Experimental Art Archive of East-Central Europe
2010. The OPEN SPACE magazine (issue 12/13; fall 2010/winter 2011)
2010. Amazing Letters - The Life and Art of David Zack
2010. Lomholt Mail Art Archive, Fotowerke and Video Work
2009. HiTEC (Histrionic Thought Experiment Cooperative) "Systems Management"
2007. Encylopaedia Destructica - Bumba IV
2006. Networking - The Net as Artwork
2005. Story of a Fructiferous Society
2005. Paula Gillen Photographs 1975-1985
2003. The Tradition Continues catalog from the PITTS3URGH BIENNIAL 03
2003. Not Necessarily NOT Very Important
2000. A Dictionary of the Avant-Gardes (Second Edition)
1999. Robert Beck Memorial Cinema posters & other ephemera
1999. Big As Life - An American History of 8mm Film
1999. Time Lapse Emotional Study
1997. Anonymous Family Reunion
1997. The House of Nine Squares
1996. Musical Instrument Design - Practical Information for Instrument Making
1995. Neoism, Plagiarism & Praxis
1994. X 94 - junge kunst + kultur catalog
1994. Revelation X - The "Bob"Apocryphon
1993. On Edge - Performance at the End of the Twentieth Century
1992. Reactionary Muddle America
1992.03. Enoch Pratt Free Library Audio Visual Department 1992 Video Catalog
1992.03. Enoch Pratt Free Library Audio Visual Department 1992 16mm Film and Slide Catalog
1991. Telepathy Receptivity Training
1991. How to Write a Resumé - Volume II: Making a Good First Impression (2nd edition)
1991. Neoist Manifestos / The Art Strike Papers
1991. Performance Au/In Canada 1970-1990
1989. The Fringes of Reason - A Whole Earth Catalog
1989. Re/Search: Modern Primitives
1989. How to Write a Resumé - Volume II: Making a Good First Impression (1st edition)
1989.01. Enoch Pratt Free Library Audio Visual Department 1989 Catalog
1988. The Assault on Culture Utopian Currents from Lettrisme to Class War
1986. The Abolition of Work and other essays
1985. Mail Art The Scroll Unrolls
1984. the L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E book
1983. Falling Annual Livingroom Video Festspiel 83 catalog
1983. The Book of the SubGenius
1983. International Blacklist: An Anti-Authoritarian Directory
1982. The Neoist Network's First European Training Camp
1980. The Irene Dogmatic Paper Doll Book
1978. Michael's Hospital Art therapy book 4 ALFRED
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to find out more about why the S.P.C.S.M.E.F. (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Sea Monkeys by Experimental Filmmakers) is so important
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for info on tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's tape/CD publishing label: WIdémoUTH
to a very small selection of tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's Writing