Live Fast, Die Old


I was born in a neighborhood called "Edmondson Village" in West Baltimore in 1953. When I was 3, my family moved to an area a mile away from the city limits. I lived there for most of the next 19 years. Then I left my family home for good & lived in Baltimore City again for the next 18 years. Baltimore was such a violent place & I was so frequently targetted as a 'weirdo' that I often said, half-seriously/half-joking that I fully expected to be murdered before I ever had a chance to be old.

I moved away from Baltimore when I was 40 & my life has been more peaceful since then. So, here I am, still alive at age 68. I've lived a pretty fast life at times so instead of having "Live Fast, Die Young" as my motto I like to say "Live Fast, Die Old" instead. It's too late for me to die young. The older I get, the more I notice how many people whose life & work I've admired (or, at least, paid some attention to) died at a younger age than I've survived to.

Hence, this list. Not everyone listed is someone whose work I admire but they are generally historically noted figures of some sort. I'm certainly not as historically celebrated as any of them.. but I have the consolation of sorts of still being alive.


Alcott, Louisa May - Nov 29, 1832 - Mar 6, 1888 - 55

Arcimboldo, Giuseppe - Apr 5, 1526 - Jul 11, 1593 - 67

Berberian, Cathy -Jul 4, 1925 - Mar 6, 1983 - 57

Beyer, Johanna - Jul 11, 1888 - Jan 9, 1944 - 55

Biggers, Earl Derr - August 26, 1884 - April 5, 1933 - 48

Bowie, David - Jan 8, 1947 - Jan 10, 2016 - 69

Brakhage, Stan - Jan 4, 1933 - March 9, 2003 - 70

Brown, Fredric - October 29. 1906 - March 11, 1972 - 65

Brunner, John - Sept 25, 1934 - Aug 25, 1995 - 61

Bruno, Giordano - 1548 - Feb 17, 1600 - 51 or 52

Buckley, Tim - Feb 14, 1947 - Jun 29, 1975 - 28

Cowell, Henry - Mar 11, 1897 - Dec 10, 1965 - 68

Dick, Philip K. - Dec 16, 1928 - Mar 2, 1982 - 53

Feldman, Morton - Jan 12, 1926 - Sept 3, 1987 - 61

Fourier, Charles - Apr 7, 1772 - Oct 10, 1837 - 65

Frampton, Hollis - Mar 11, 1936 - Mar 30, 1984 - 48

Franks, David - ? - Jan 14, 2010 - between 61 & 66

Grogan, Emmett - November 28, 1942 - April 6, 1978 - 35

Haggard, H. Rider - June 22, 1856 - May 14, 1925 - 68

Hammett, Dashiell -May 27, 1894 - January 10, 1961 - 66

Higgins, Dick - March 10, 1938 - October 25, 1998 - 60

Humphrey, Doris - October 17, 1895 - December 29, 1959 - 64

Hunt, Jerry - Nov 30, 1943 - Nov 27, 1993 - 49

Jarry, Alfred - Sept 8, 1873 - Nov 1, 1907 - 34

Johnson, Ray - Oct 16, 1927 - Jan 13, 1995 - 67

Jones, Spike - December 14, 1911 - May 1, 1965 - 53

Kesey, Ken - Sept 17, 1935 - Nov 10, 2001 - 66

Kornbluth, Cyril M. - July 2, 1923 - Mar 21, 1958 - 34

Knievel, Evel - Oct 17, 1938 - Nov 30, 2007 - 69

Kuchar, George - August 31, 1942 - September 6, 2011 - 69

Ludlam, Charles - April 12, 1943 - May 28, 1987 - 44

Mayuzumi, Toshiro - Feb 20, 1929 - April 10, 1997 - 68

Nichol, bp - Sept 30, 1944 - September 25, 1988 - 43

Parfrey, Adam - Apr 12, 1957 - May 10, 2018 - 61

P.Orridge-Breyer, Genesis - Feb 22, 1950 - March 14, 2020 - 70

Rabelais, François - between 1483 & 1494 - 1553 - ±64

Ray, Nicolas - Aug 7, 1911 - Jun 16, 1979 - 67

Reich, Wilhelm - Mar 24, 1897 - Nov 3, 1957 - 60

Satie, Erik - May 17, 1866 - Jul 1, 1925 - 59

Schneider, Maria - Mar 27, 1952 - Feb 3, 2011 - 58

Sharits, Paul - Feb 7, 1943 - Jul 8, 1993 - 50

Smith, Jack - Nov 14, 1932 - Sept 18, 1989 - 56

Stanshall, Vivian - March 21, 1943 - March 5, 1995 - 51

Stratos, Demetrio - Apr 22, 1945 - Jun 13, 1979 - 34

Thompson, Hunter S. - Jul 18, 1937 - Feb 20, 2005 - 67

Vanderbeek, Stan - Jan 26, 1927 - Sep 19, 1984 - 57

Villon, François - ca 1431 - after 1463 - 31-32

Wallace, David Foster - Feb 21, 1962 - Sep 12, 2008 - 46

Warhol, Andy - Aug 6, 1928 - Feb 22, 1987 - 58

Whitney, James - Dec 27, 1921 - Apr 8, 1982 - 60

Williams, Davey - 1952 - Apr 6, 2019 - 67

Williams, Robin - Jul 21, 1951 -Aug 11, 2014 - 63

Zappa, Frank - Dec 21, 1940 - Dec 4, 1993 - 52

Z'EV - Feb 8, 1951 - Dec 16, 2017 - 66





idioideo at gmail dot com


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to find out more about why the S.P.C.S.M.E.F. (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Sea Monkeys by Experimental Filmmakers) is so important

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