From the earliest age I can remember, I was usually in conflict with 'authority figures'. I think this just came naturally to me, it wasn't a reaction against my parents. I didn't understand just how repressive & stupid my parents were until much later. My mother was a robopath & my father was a con artist. Both of them were Republican Christians although finding any of the compassionate or caring qualities ostensibly part of Christianity would've been a challenge. I remember being sent to kindergarten in a church & being told to NOT go into the balcony. I went to the balcony & started screaming. I hit a teacher in Elementary School with a lunchbox when she gave me shit about something or another. I used a razor blade to slice off the top of an apple. I then hollowed out its interior & stuffed it with trash & put the top back on. Then I gave the apple to my 4th grade teacher. It was a conscious parody of the 'teacher's pet' giving the teacher an apple. I was 9. When I was 10, we learned in class that President Kennedy had been assassinated. That was fine by me. Around the same time I refused to stand & put my hand over my heart during the Pledge of Allegiance. Pledge allegiance to a flag? No way. My parents would've been horrified.
It wasn't until I was 16, in 1969 or 1970, that I encountered the words "anarchy" or "anarchism" or "anarchist" in my reading. Anarchists had been all but wiped out in the US by this time. I realized right away that that's what I was. It's been a long journey since then. I'm the 1st person I ever saw use "@" as an anrchist symbol. I realized by the '70s that there wd be people who'd overly define anarchy & try to show that people like myself weren't really anarchists because we stubbornly stayed ourselves in the face of 'peer pressure'. My attitude was (&, to a lesser extent, still is) that if anarchist gets turned into something that I no longer agree with then, fine, I'm something else.
As with so many websites I create, I don't know how far I'll go with this. For right now, there's only one link. There's so much more that could be provided but I have plenty of other things to do in my life.
- June 26, 2019E.V. note from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE
idioideo at verizon dot net
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to find out more about why the S.P.C.S.M.E.F. (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Sea Monkeys by Experimental Filmmakers) is so important
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