House Expansion

"Consciousness Expansion - Phase 01" - 1920 X 1440 - 30fps, Stereo - 2:45

"Consciousness Expansion - Phase 01": My mom died on December 30, 2019, & I inherited enough money to consider building an extension on my house. By about March, 2020, I was ready to try to find someone to do the job. I'm retired & didn't want to take the job on myself both because I'm tired of doing physical labor & because I thought someone else would do a better job. I had talked with one friend about hiring them several years before. When I called them they blew me off. I tried contacting other builder friends, they all blew me off. I think this was because they took it for granted I wouldn't pay them enough even though I asked them to set the price. I tried asking other builders I didn't know. One guy that I didn't like gave me an outrageous price. Another guy that I did like gave me an unaffordable price. After 6 months of this I'd more or less given up when I casually asked a neighbor. He said he could do the job & gave me an affordable price. "Phase 01" is his beginning of the job. - July 31, 2021 notes from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

Tags: building


"Consciousness Expansion - Phase 02" - 1920 X 1440 - 30fps, Stereo - 6:29

"Consciousness Expansion - Phase 02": My mom died on December 30, 2019, & I inherited enough money to consider building an extension on my house. I tried to find an affordable builder to do the job & failed. I finally found a neighbor to do it cheaply enough. He said he could build the external wood structure in 3 weeks. He couldn't. I had to resort to helping him despite my ardent desire to not do so. After a few weeks of that I had to give up on him & decided to finish the job myself. "Phase 02" is the part of the job after he surpassed his deadline up 'til I decided to end his services. - July 31, 2021 notes from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

Tags: building


"Consciousness Expansion - Phase 03" - 1920 X 1440 - 30fps, Stereo - 41:52

"Consciousness Expansion - Phase 03": My mom died on December 30, 2019, & I inherited enough money to consider building an extension on my house. I tried to find an affordable builder to do the job & failed. I finally found a neighbor to do it cheaply enough. He said he could build the external wood structure in 3 weeks. He couldn't. After 7 weeks of hiring him I felt forced to resort to finishing the job myself. "Phase 03" is of my 1st month working mainly by myself. I hurt my leg almost immediately, which complicated matters - nonetheless, with the very occasional help of a friend I managed to at least get the building enclosed & to get all its windows & doors in in December, 2020. - July 31, 2021 notes from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

Tags: building




"Consciousness Expansion - Phase 4: The Winter of 2021" - 2:53:47 - 1920 X 1440 - 30fps, stereo

The above HD version was too big to put online so after multiple tries I gave up & created a 920 X 690, 30fps, stereo version to upload instead.

Unfortunately, after 14 days of trying in what were ultimately 4 different ways I didn't succeed in uploading any version to either YouTube or the Internet Archive. SO, for the moment, I'm going to move on to other projects.

THEN, I used ShrinkIt & got it down to a manageable size & succeeded in uploading it.

"Consciousness Expansion - Phase 4: The Winter of 2021": In October, 2020, the process of adding an extension onto my house was begun by someone I hired. That didn't work out so by December I was working on it by myself. For the purposes of this movie, I'm calling January, February, & March "The Winter of 2021" & showing what I got done during that time. It wasn't exactly easy for me & 5 months later I'm still at it. Nonetheless, substantial progress can be witnessed &, all-in-all, I did a reasonably good job. Many or most people might find this a particularly tedious document but it does have its moments & I, personally, just watched it all the way through from beginning to end & found it sufficiently engrossing. It's worthwile to take into consideration that the edit presented only represents about 1% of the total raw footage shot. As a 67 year old about to turn 68 working under the psychologically & financially trying conditions of the QUARANTYRANNY, I'm glad to still be strong enough & agile enough to get this much accomplished. I also hope to NEVER go through such a grueling process again. - September 2, 2021 notes from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE



The quantity of images that I'm uploading here is too much for the old app that I'm using so the reader is redirected to here: Expansion2.html for the rest of the article/photo-essay.






idioideo at gmail dot com


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