(from late 1975e.v. to february, 2025e.v.)

(in order of most recent to oldest - with the exception of the HiTEC documents - which are organized together regardless of how they fit the overall chronology)

It's my impression that a "feature" is usually defined as a movie 70 minutes or longer. I've decided to designate any movie of mine 60 minutes or longer a "feature" & anything under 60 minutes a "short". Why? Maybe it's just because I don't know what term is used to describe 'mid-length' movies. In literature we have novellas in between short stories & novels but what's the movie equivalent? Is a 65 minute film a "long short"? Or a "long shot"? Is an 18 second movie a "short short"? Using this simple length criteria I've listed 236 features below.

HOWEVER, it's not that simple. Many of the movies listed have versions both an hour or longer & shorter versions. Usually, the shorter versions are the ones I consider to be best & I wouldn't even screen the longer versions (except to researchers). But, already, there's at least one exception: "Harps & Angles" - the shorter version is meant to be mainly used in 'performance' & the longer version is the one I would present as the documentary (or "quasi-documentary" as I often prefer). Then there are the features that are not meant to be presented as something to be witnessed alone. They're meant to be used in mixes ("concrete mixes" as I call them) as "usical material" or, more conventionally, "wallpaper". Even though the usical material listed here meets the length criteria I would still disqualify them because their full appreciation doesn't require their being witnessed in their entirety - excerpting from them in units less than an hour would be satisfactory. An even more obvious example of something further to be rejected from the list below are the loops & indefinite duration pieces. While these can certainly play for more than an hour this would just be a formal exercise of little or no value to me.

SO, I'll whittle the list down:

I'll remove 336. "WARNING: TV Suffocates the Senses like a Bag over the Head", 321. a. "Triple-S Variety Show - Orgone Cinema", 318. "watching YOU watching THE END OF TELEVISION",191. "Volunteers Collective", 157. "Official Tour/Ture - '92", 44. "The 8th International Neoist Apartment Festival", 13. "81 Apt" as having better short versions. I'll remove 236. "Automatic Pilot", 206. a. "Space Ballet" (Usical Material Version in 24 parts), 174. "El Departamento de Quizás Presenta: una Demostración de Soluciones de Rompecabezas", 162. "Color Bars", 149. "Concrete Mixing Usical Material Vaudeo #2", 148. "Concrete Mixing Usical Material Vaudeo #1", 140. "Teaser", 137. "Wallpaper Video", 134. "One Word per Person Party", & 37. "Subtitles (analysis projector transfer of 16mm to 1/2" VHS cassette version)" {version 1} as "usical material". I'll remove 28. "Exquisite Corpse", 14. "Silent Speed", 4. "Ghost* [..]", & 3. "Mike Film" as loops or indefinite duration pieces in which the concept of "feature" is inappropriate. Finally, I'll remove "Prequel" because I don't really think it's interesting enough to be worth watching (even if I do have an affection for it). That leaves 225 features.

Furthermore, there's the whole selection of HiTEC documents: Some of these are more highly edited than others - it's possible that they'd be of substantial interest to enthusiasts of experimental (M)Usic. However, they're primarily intended to be interim documents to preserve this history - it's my hope to make a very long movie that edits all the HiTEC footage together someday. Given that as of the date of this writing there's something close to 80 hrs of raw footage this is a very daunting task. For the moment, I'll eliminate ALL of these but the exemplary 306. c. "HiTEC 024 A" (hybrid version), 311. "HiTEC 045 'Full' Group", 320. "HiTEC 051 - New Hazlett Theater", 340. a. "The End of Television", 344 b. "HiTEC @ the VAF", 352. "Systems & Processes 1-4 (HiTEC 065-068 Y)", 359. "HiTEC 072 - FINAL GIG", & 360 a. "Infinite Monkey Theorem". That's 43 HiTEC features minus my 8 favorites of those = 36 to be subtracted here. That leaves 179 features.

But why stop there? Some of the features are edits sequencing shorts together with the occasional segue element. When these can be experienced satisfactorily in sections because they are more anthologies than they are continuous pieces then they too can be eliminated (although we're getting on shakier ground here with something like 180. "FILMSTRIPS" which is highly edited to work together as a single piece - in fact I just decided to reinstate it). An EXCEPTION would be 219. "Hibonsa o osoleluna! "Heibon" ga omae o Dame m sulumaeni" ("Kill Normality Before It Kills You") which I think is best experienced as a feature (even though the shorts within it are often presented separately). This criteria pulls out 269. "IMP ACTIVISM 7", 256. "IMP ACTIVISM #6", 231. "millenarianism - volume one", 216. "IMP ACTIVISM #2", 208. "Very Important", 204. "IMP ACTIVISM #1", 159. "2 Yrs of "Official" History" / ""Official" Thistory", & 68. "An Incomplete History of APT Festivals". That reduces the features total to 168!

What the fuck! Let's get even more severe, shall we? (Just who am I addressing, anyway?) Let's cut out the features that are as long as they are because they're documentaries of events that try to be inclusive even though their inclusiveness is unlikely to be of any interest to anyone other than the participants. In other words, features that I have no intention of screening. Exceptions here (even though they could be objected to as being just as tediously 'comprehensive' as everything I'm cutting otherwise) are 377. "Innisfree Reading", 376. c. "Reductionisms Expanded" & 218. "Circumsubstantial Playing & Blindfolded Tourism" ( for this latter because I think I made a pretty good edit). Whacked out are 67. "Ultimatum II", 58. "Not So Private Life (1st edit)", 38. "t he Telectropheremoanin'quinquennial", 33. "14BX Sub-Par/Con", & 12. "Attempt to Undermine Reality Maintenance Traps". Originally, I whacked out 117. "I Plagiarized This Title From Outer Space Junk Mail" but then I made the "b" version so now that stays in. That makes a new total of 157 features - but, by now, the standards are getting pretty dodgy.

DODGY or not, I will now eliminate further! 63. "Easter Island Bunny Edit" was meant to be used in 'performance' (& the variations can be rejected by the previous paragraph's 'rules'). I might as well also eliminate 390. "mm 22", 406. "mm 37 - musical saw", 442. a. "mm 62 presents: CLARINET", 443. a. "mm 63 presents: HARMONICA", & 459. "mm 69: Special Packaging" even though I actually quite like them just because if I were to not screen all of the 21 mm features so far I might leave those 5 out.. I also reject the "Neil Feather & tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE at the NorMill" one - not because I don't like the content but because the camerawork was done by an inexperienced cameraperson & it's a bit too insufferably shakey. Might was well reject 490. "Slow-Bowling with the Gods" & 508. "Cluck" because they're basically wallpeper movies. I reject "uni.Sol_II.tENT" somewhat reluctantly because it's mainly a sound piece. I reject "Secret Music Society" largely because it's probably of limited interest to people outside of the Secret Music Society. Furthermore, I leave out 604. "Prequel" because it's basically a joke of sorts that's not exactly meant to stand on its own. 612. "The Ticket that Exploded @ the library" can suffice to represent the 2 Ticket that Exploded features to date so I'll eliminate "The Ticket that Exploded Who Unit? rehearsal January 18, 2020". "Light Show (of Sorts) 2" isn't selected because, while it has many points of interest, it's basically an historical document rather than something calculatedly engaging. "simplicity itself" almost makes it but it's really too much of a Wallpaper piece. I'll now remove "Consciousness Expansion Score Movie Rehearsal 1" because the 2nd, fuller, rehearsal replaces it. I don't select 696. "Nuclear Brain Physics Surgery School - 3rd graduating class: the diploma they received & the "Lesson 4" they made" not because there aren't important things about it but because it's just a feature-length document by virtue of the materials used rather than because I would choose it to be so otherwise. The same applies to 698. "Usic - 1", "t he nuclear brain physics surgery school diploma 4, lesion 5", & "nuclear brain physics surgery school lesion #6". I've also cut out "APT 64" because I wasn't there & didn't shoot it. I could claim "Zeroworks Jubilee" bcause I was there & the booke-ending performances were by my band & I sis quite alot of restoration work on the glitchy VHS but I didn't shoot it so I'll leave it out. That leaves:


which are highlighted in the list below in large font size.

{tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE can be contacted @ idioideo at gmail dot com}

[Note that my failed attempt to be recognized by Guinness for "Most Feature-Length Movies" is documented at the end of this list]



759. "Zeroworks Jubilee"

- camera: unknown, Jubilee organizer; Monty Cantsin (Istvan Kantor) AMEN. & The Monks of the Monastery

- shot August, 1992

- ridiculously tedious glitch recovery: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- featuring: "the Official, August 12th, 1992ev, Zerowork Jubilee John Cage Cover Band Orchestra" on August 12th, 1992 - Neil Feather; John Eaton; Peter Williams; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; projectionist: Rebecca Barten

- featuring Mnty Cantsin (Istvan Kantor) AMEN., Bill Satan, Scott Righteous

- featuring: "The Devil's Chauffeur" by Roger Ely

- featuring: "the Official, August 15th, 1992ev, Zerowork Jubilee Morphing Center Orchestra with John Cage Interpreters" on August 15, 1992 - ame as the above + 3 dancers: Katrini & 2 friends

- 640X480, 29.97 Stereo

- 2:34:34

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube chnnel here: https://youtu.be/7n_vBZIpGc8

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/zeroworks-jubilee


758. "Marilyn"

- 1080p 29.97p, Stereo - 1:27:12

- interview shot on December 3, 2024, edit finished on December 4, 2024

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/7q1dpCppXw4

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/marilyn_202412


757. "N'at, for Short"

- mostly nature footage shot from 2002 to 2024

- 1920 X 1440, 29.97fps, Stereo

- 1:36:21

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/E2KRFo-otn8

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/nat-for-short


755. ""Adam Welch"

- 1920X1440, 30fps, Stereo

- 1:12:52

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/L2XAb40hgzs

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/adam-welch


750. "Aspartame"

- 1920 X 1440, 29.97 fps, Stereo

- 1:19:00

- edit finished July 13, 2024

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/seXuT_NCCpY

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/Aspartame


744. "Assemblings"

- 1920X1440, 29.97fps, Stereo

- 1:15:50

- uploaded May 12, 2024

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here; https://youtu.be/TMJuLg3_4Zg

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/Assemblings


730. a. "Not Still Life #6 (160)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps

- 2:40:55

b. "Not So Still Life #6 (170)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30 fps

- 2: 50:49

c. "Not So Stil Life #6 (180)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30 fps

- 3:01:17

d. "Not So Still Life #6 (180) (sound)"

- with an edit of the "Infinite Monkey Theorem" (performed by HiTEC) soundtrack as its sound

- edit finished November 30, 2023

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps

- 3:01:26

- on my onesownthoughts YouYube channel here: https://youtu.be/hDdvTScmqVs

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/not-so-still-life-6-180-sound


729. "School of Negativity @ Bottom Feeder Books"

- a movie about tENTATIVELY, a cONVENINECE's 1st painting exhibit in 40 years (at Bottom Feeder Books, proprietor: Ryan McLennan) broken into 5 parts:

one: the work

two: preparing

three: the proprietor

four: installing

five: the exhibit

- 2:00:16

- 1920X1440, 30fps, Stereo

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/Eeom6mQxBL4

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/son-bfb


727. "Radio 2023.09.21"

- made in collaboration with Zoopainterr & Arcanepainterr of Zang Tumb Tumb Radio Hour, 88.7FM,Harrisonburg, VA

- recorded Thursday, September 21, 2033; edit finished September 25, 2023

- 1920 X 1440, 25fps, Stereo

- 1:25:12

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/LAQmFCnSzqc

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/728.-radio-2023.09.21-final


726. "SSH, Neto, Blynken, & OOF"

- shot primarily at 30 Mile Point Lighthouse, Golden Hill State Park, NY; Wellsboro & Pennsylvania's Grand Canyon, PA; Watkins Glen, NY; & Dillon State Park, OH from Thursday, August 24, 2023 to Monday, September 4, 2023

- with the absolutely essential & wonderful musicianship of Eric Lipsky: cello, 5-stringed banjo

- with most of all else, as usual, by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- 1920 X 1440

- 1:09:40

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/6wRJknyxPRE

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/ssh-neto


725. "2023.06.30_16mm"

- shot at a screening of some of my 16mm work in Homestead, PA, Friday, June 30, 2023

- sponsored & organized by Pittsburgh Sound + Image as part of Essential Pittsburgh

- special thanks to Steven Haines

- 1920X1440, 30fps

- 1:53:23

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/nJKZt1FKtCg

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/2023.06.30-16mm


724. "Caress of the Periphery of the After-Margin"

- a documentary of AfterMAF (After Marginal Arts Festival) in Roanoke, VA, us@ shot from Friday, June 23, 2023, to Sunday, June 25, 2023

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, Stereo

- 5:52:32

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/H_L3xPNLqm8


721. "Interview PM"

- made as part f Sylli-G in colaboration with Kelly Stilles & April Gilmore (who instigated it) & Zivan Vasquez, Matthu Stull, & Morgan Cahn

- show at Who Unit? & in the outdoors near Matthu's house on May 27th, 2023

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE edited it,named it, & mde the titles for it, etc..

- 1920X1440, 30fps, Stereo

- 1:16:00

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/2kQyV9SInYU

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/interview-pm


718. "The Making Of "The Making Of "The Making Of"""

- shot primarily at Cabin 1, Raccoon Creek State Park by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE on April 28-30, 2023

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps Stereo

- 1:51:10

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/OCFFkN7COr4

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/the-making-of_202305


717. a. "Consciousness Expansion @ the Lindsay Theater"

- My document of the realization by Eric Lipsky (cello, percussion); Devin Sherman (guitar, percussion); Ben Opie (alto sax, percussion); tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE (electronics, prcussion) at the Lindsay Theater & Cultural Center on Sunday, April 16th, 2023, 1PM

- This 1st version (not labelled as such in the movie itself) there're computer rendering errors that I (tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE) didn't ntoice until after it was uploaded - because of this I decided to make "(version 2)". I left 'version 1' on the Internet Archive & replaced it with "(version 2)" on YouTube

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, stereo

- 1:49:02

- version 1 on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/consciousness-expansion-the-lindsay-theater

b. "Consciousness Expansion @ the Lindsay Theater (version 2)"

- My document of the realization by Eric Lipsky (cello, percussion); Devin Sherman (guitar, percussion); Ben Opie (alto sax, percussion); tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE (electronics, prcussion) at the Lindsay Theater & Cultural Center on Sunday, April 16th, 2023, 1PM

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, stereo

- 1:49:02

- version 2 on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/EVHniXMv0MY


716. a. "Not So Still Life #5 (125)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps

- 2:05:21

b. "Not So Still Life #5 (130)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps

- 2:10:22

c. "Not So Still Life #5 (135)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps

- 2:15:05

d. "Not So Still Life #5 (140)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps

- 2:20:212

e. "Not So Still Life #5 (145)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps

- 2:25:14

f. "Not So Still Life #5 (150)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps

- 2:30:41

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/zHggL59Tjew

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/not-so-still-life-5-150


715. "APT 64"

- 640 X 480, 29.97p, Stereo

- 3:20:26

- originally shot December 1-7, 1986, by person unknown to me including people at the Offener Kanal, West Berlin

- footage provided for the tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE aRCHIVE by Pete Horobin & Florian Cramer who got it from Herr Stiletto Studios & Graf Haufen

- edit finished March 17, 2023

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/MRVdKNPeEPA

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/apt-64


714. "InnerViews#218 (augmented)"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE interviewed by Gerry Fialka w/ additional visual materials added by t,ac

- 2704 X 1520, 59.94 fps, Stereo

- 1:50:10

- edit finished March 12, 2023E.V.

- https://youtu.be/FAns0q9py1w

- https://archive.org/details/inner-views-218-augmented


713. "APT 6"

- original source material from February 21-27, 1983

- a document of the 6th International Neoist Apartment Festival featuring work by the Neoists, Boris Wanowitch, Richard Mayer, Boys du Severe, Alan Lord, Gordon W Zealot, Monty Cantsin (Istvan Kantor), Marcel Mongeau, TTP, Napoleon Moffat, tENTATIVELY a cONVENIENCE, François "Moondog" Mignault

- constructed primaily of instamatic stills & audio cassette recordings from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, Stereo

- 3:44:23

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/u8KUb-8Kutg

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/apt-6


712. "APT 5"

- shot in NYC March 15-21, 1982

- VHS by Matty Jankowski

- extra audio from "Grey Tape" by Alexeev von Hahn

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, Stereo

- 1:46:55

- uploaded January 29, 2023

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/s4UOyRjugHE

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/apt-5


706. a. "Not So Still Life #4 (95)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, Stereo

- 1:36:13

a. "Not So Still Life #4 (100)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, Stereo

- 1:40:48

a. "Not So Still Life #4 (105)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, Stereo

- 1:45:04

a. "Not So Still Life #4 (110)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, Stereo

- 1:50:03

a. "Not So Still Life #4 (115)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, Stereo

- 1:56:11

f. "Not So Still Life #4 (120)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, Stereo


g. "Not So Still Life #4 (120) (sound)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, Stereo

- 1:59:32

- edit finished December 13, 2022

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/QK6jZI-flxU

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/not-so-still-life-4-120-sound


704. a. "Not So Still Life #3 (65)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, silent

- 1:06:52

- edit finished November 16, 2022

b. "Not So Still Life #3 (70)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, silent

- 1:10:20

- edit finished November 16, 2022

c. "Not So Still Life #3 (75)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, silent

- 1:15:25

- edit finished November 20, 2022

d. "Not So Still Life #3 (80)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, silent

- 1:20:00

- edit finished November 26, 2022

e. "Not So Still Life #3 (85)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, silent

- 1:26:32

- edit finished November 29, 2022

f. "Not So Still Life #3 (90)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, silent

- 1:32:57

- edit finished November 30, 2022

g. "Not So Still Life #3 (90) (sound)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, Stereo

- 1:33:06

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/gTw873ZVzi8

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/not-so-still-life-3-90-sound


703. "Easter Island Bunny"

- an improved document of the April 19, 1987 event shot by Lizard Media Systems & featuring the work of Steve Estes; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; John Sheehan; Laughing Tree; Neil Feather; & No Tourist Attraction

- 640 X 480, 29.97, Stereo

- 1:40:20

- edit by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE finished & put online November 10, 2022

- on my onesownsthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/nU0RiNrowa0

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/easter-island-bunny


701. "nuclear brain physics surgery school lesion #6"

- with audio provided by: Rebecca Barten; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Jake "Unclean" True; John Berndt; J9; etta cetera; Brainpang; Warren Burt; John Anders Evans; Maya Espy

- 1920 X 1440, 23.98fps, Stereo

- 1:23:48

- edit finished October 27, 2022

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/6X9TPak1kWs

(This has been age-restricted to 18 & over by YouTube)

- on the Internet Archive here; https://archive.org/details/nbpssl-6


700. "t he nuclear brain physics surgery school diploma 4, lesion 5"

- with audio provided by: Mark Pawson; Scott Larson; Pete Horobin; Stewart Home; cris cheek; Sianed Jones; Shaun Caton; Elisabeth Morcellet; Reinhardt U. Sevöl; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- 1920X1440, 23.98fps, Stereo

- 1:33:06

- edit finished October 24, 2022

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/ZoIbyqrXLKo

- on the Internet Archive here; https://archive.org/details/nbpssd-4-l-5


699. "Consciousness Expansion Score Movie @ the Harris Theater"

- featuring Eric Lipsky: cello, distortion, Tibetan cow-bell, guiro; Devin Sherman: electric guitar, effects, cymbal & cymbal stand; Ben Opie: plastic alto sax, school bell, ratchet; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: 2 samplers, micro-Moog, devil's fiddle, crotales, ratcher, vibra-slap, flexi-tone, squeeze toy, 8 bell schalmei, bongos, Chinese gong, cymbal

- 1:26:35

- 1920X1440, 29.97fps, Stereo

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/Lgd7ME0U-1A

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/consciousness-harris


698. "Usic - 1"

- a version of my 1st self-published tape from 1980 with added relevant visuals

- 1:23:22

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, Stereo

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/RnegXJ_HGFo

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/usic-1


696. "Nuclear Brain Physics Surgery School - 3rd graduating class: the diploma they received & the "Lesson 4" they made"

- w/ Lesson 4 provided by: Nathan Long; Michelle Estebon; Brian Gentry; Laura Adele Trussell; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; John Berndt; Wendy Lee Parker; Peter Zahorecz; Janet Axe; John Sheehan

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, Stereo

- 1:26:05

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/HnToOwDWcO0

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/nbpssd3l4


695. "Consciousness Expansion Score Movie @ Art Rat Studios"

- 1:24:57

- 1990 X 1440, 25fps, Stereo

- shot at Art Rat Studios, Roanoke, VA, on August 13, 2022

- edit finished August 16, 2022

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/VQy-6Su-JUI

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/2022-highest-128k

- Art Rat Ralph Eaton's footage: https://youtu.be/IVip-ASP-JM


692. a. "Not So Still Life #2 (50)"

- This is, essentially, a continuation of the "Not So Still Life #1" series but I decided to differentiate it because the work I had to do intensified. For "#1", I ran a search for "stills" & added all the stills listed., working through them in the order they were listed. Not all of my external hard drives, however, were accessed because the computer can't have them all be open at once. As such EHD8TB3full (or some such) wasn't accessible to the search while EHD8TB6 was. But then I had to restart the computer & this time 6 didn't open & 3 did. I finished off the 1 series as best as I could & then started on the 2 series culling new material from EHD3. Most of these didn't have stills - or even Final Cut Pro files - so I had to work more from scratch: often creating the FCP files & then making stills from that.

- 14192 6-frame stills from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE movies + 202 1 second publication cover images + 1:38;00 titles

- edit finished July 7, 2022

- 51:23;15

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, silent

b. "Not So Still Life #2 (55)"

- 15316 6-frame stills from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE movies + 202 1 second publication cover images + 1:38;00 titles

- edit finished July 10, 2022

- 55:07;03

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, silent

c, "Not So Still Life #2 (60)"

- 16791 6-frame stills from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE movies + 202 1 second publication cover images + 1:38;00 titles

- edit finished July 14, 2022

- 1:00:01

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, silent

d. "Not So Still Life #2 (60) (sound)"

- 16791 6-frame stills from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE movies + 202 1 second publication cover images + 1:46;16 titles

- edit finished July 14, 2022

- 1:00:09;26

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, silent

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/RAbEj6KzKo0

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/not-so-still-life-2-60-sound


686. "Consciousness Expansion Score Movie Rehearsal 2"

- featuring: Ben Opie: alto sax, percussion; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: building, d composing, moviemaking, keyboard, electronics, percussion; Jeff Weston: contrabass, percussion; Eric Lipsky: cello, percussion; Devin Sherman: guitar, percussion

- 1080p HD, 30p, Stereo

- 1:39:39

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/-BTZFFPTuCs

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/expansion-score-rehearsal-2


684. "Consciousness Expansion Score Movie Rehearsal 1"

- featuring: Ben Opie: alto sax, percussion; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: building, d composing, moviemaking, keyboard, electronics, percussion; Eric Lipsky: cello

- 1080p, 29.97fps, Stereo

- 1:53:47

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/CcOyfj3SGvc

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/expansion-score-rehearsal-1


681. a. "Consciousness Expansion Score Movie"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, Stereo

- 1:26:49

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/YBYB_jfJR0s

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/consciousness-expansion-score-movie

b. "Consciousness Expansion Score Movie (revised)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, Stereo

- 1:19:54

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/OoyP35lrIhI

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/expansion-score-revised

c. "Consciousness Expansion Score Movie (revised) (w/ soundtrack)"

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, Stereo

- 1:20:05

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/4K92-fx6PAs

- on the Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/expansion-score-revised-sound


678. "simplicity itself"

- using "Side 1" & "Side 2" (1979) as soundtrack

- shot March 9, 2022; edit finished March 10, 2022

- 1080p HD 30p, Stereo

- 1:33:18

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/fFBrQn5MAjg

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/simplicity-itself


670. "Consciousness Expansion"

- 3:17:31

- 1920X1440, 30fps stereo

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/Unpj-NtdRTQ

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/consciousness-expansion


666. "VerminSuprememeaversarry, day one"

- a collaboration between Vermin Supreme; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; & Tyler Lindsey on December 12, 2021

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE edit Finished December 15, 2021

- 2K, 60p, Stereo

- 2:11:35

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/sqdNKZuW8AI

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/vermin-suprememeaversarry


664. "Tuning"

- 1080p HD 40p, Stereo

- 1:06:53

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/q7EO2nJcS-c

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/tuning_202112


663. "Consciousness Expansion - Phase 06"

- 5:37:39

- 1920X1440 - 30fps, stereo

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/rFTF9PU545M

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/consciousness-expansion-phase-06


662. "Consciousness Expansion - Phase 05"

- 5:05:28

- 1920 X 1440, 30fps, stereo

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/QAGfg0ckrw4

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/consciousness-expansion-phase-05


660. a. "bent"

- shot at South Bass Island, Ohio, from Sunday, September 5, 2021, to Saturday, September 11, 2021

- edit finished by Sunday, September 19, 2021

- 1080p HD 29.97p, Stereo

- The above HD version was too big to put online so after multiple tries I gave up & sent out an email offering it to possibly interested parties. Within 24 hours 5 people replied requesting it so I sent it to them via WeTransferPro. Then I used ShrinkIt to make it & the previous movie manageable & managed to upload both of them.

- 2:33:25

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/pq9wSjKJf9E

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/bent-bent

b. "Heresy"

- 1080p HD 29.97p, Stereo

- 1:32

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/JNYggAp_Fe4

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/heresy_202109

c. "Holograms"

- 1080p HD 29.97p, Stereo

- 3:58

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/oyn9pi55AC4

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/holograms_202109

d. "When in Exile, do"

- 1080p HD 29.97p, Stereo

- 6:42

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/SxKbH-4tmNI

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/when-in-exile-do


659. "Consciousness Expansion - Phase 4: The Winter of 2021"

- 2:53:47

- 1920 X 1440 - 30fps, stereo

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/456zw6WZHxg

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/expanded-consciousness-phase-04


647. "Light Show (of Sorts) 2"

- projected at the Andy Warhol Museum by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE on September 1, 2000

- For the soundtrack I've used 2 recordings of mine that were recent to the time of the Light Show & that didn't have any special visuals for them already: "Rehearsal for Musician's Club Duet" - Warren Burt & tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE - Melbourne, Australia, April 8, '000; & "Let Your Freak Flag Fly" - tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE - 3CR 855AM radio, Melbourne, Australia, May 20, '000.

- 1:48:47


- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/bZZX8BpGKt0

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/light-show-of-sorts-2


643. "The Official Krononautic Protectors of Media Executives & Their Families Orgestra"

- takes 1 & 2 of the recording session for the "Official Wafer Face Record" on June 28, 1991E.V.


- 1:26:49

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/fy-2tvgupa4

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/official-lp


632. "TV Hospital: Talkathon - April 3, 1994E.V."

- NTSC SD (720X480)

- 4:04:00

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/lzsCANyaewQ


631. "TV Hospital: Talkathon Promotion - April 1, 1994E.V."

- NTSC SD (720X480)

- 3:00:10

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/TAOI0Ac2R1E


630. "TV Hospital: Talkathon Introduction - March 25, 1994E.V."

- NTSC SD (720X480)

- 1:53:19

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/nylqx2ekY7Y

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/tv-hospital-talkathon-introduction


629. "Old Folks at Home: Doug Retzler"

- 1080p

- 2:09:57

- made from January to November, 2020 (Vision)

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/vqLZkrl_yWo


624. "Endangered Languages, Endangered Cultures, Endangered Ideas"

- a 'primitive', but satisfactory, presentation of tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's 3rd 'opera'

- 2k, 60p

- 2:19:21

- mainly made from 2016-2017

- 'finished' & uploaded in mid-June,2020

- because this is so high-definition (215.07GB) it had to be broken into its 4 acts to upload to my onesownthoughts YouTube channel:

- "Endangered Languages, Endangered Cultures, Endangered Ideas, Act 1" - 2k, 60p - 25:44 - 32:19GB - https://youtu.be/IYifS4vFq-Y

- "Endangered Languages, Endangered Cultures, Endangered Ideas, Act 2" - 2k, 60p - 46:45 - 62:08GB - https://youtu.be/XSsiSqC0T1Q

- "Endangered Languages, Endangered Cultures, Endangered Ideas, Act 3" - 2k, 60p - 54:23 - 93.56GB - https://youtu.be/xHWJH07x0Fo

- "Endangered Languages, Endangered Cultures, Endangered Ideas, Act 4" - 2k, 60p - 12:29 - 27.25GB - https://youtu.be/MC9LAlcXtoI


621. a. "2020.05.12 ZOO(m)"

- featuring Anthony Levin-Decanini on percussion; Dan Willis on trombone & electronics as live sound to a video game run-through; Kevin Sapp on bass clarinet; Neil McCall (spelling uncertain) on electric guitar; & tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE on reliving-his-youth in the form of story-telling & 12 string electric-acoustic guitar

- 1:16:17

- 2K

- edit finished May 15, 2020 (Vision)

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/NsjP_zXv5fk

b. "Heretic InExile in this 2020.05.12 ZOO(m)"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's solo set from the above

- 10:23

- 2K

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/Mfd7YUIGXKM


613. "Old Folks at Home: Neil Feather"

- 1:05:38

- 1080p HD 29.97, Stereo

- edit finished February 13, 2020

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/QbxIGRTDLJY


612. "The Ticket that Exploded @ the library"

- featuring: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: Ben Opie; Roger Dannenberg; Jeff Weston

- 1:05:59

- 1080p HD 29.97, Stereo

- edit finished February 1, 2020

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/Uw2sDzENK6o


611. "The Ticket that Exploded Who Unit? rehearsal January 18, 2020"

- featuring: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: Ben Opie; Roger Dannenberg; Jeff Weston

- 1:06:37

- 1080p HD 29.97, Stereo

- edit finished January 30, 2020

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/JXGa4kbGQaE


607. "Coal & tENT: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE & Coal Hornet discuss IMPROVisation: 2019.11.24"

- 1:06:31

- 1080p

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/KX4QDzHpyJo

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/coaltent


606. "Diabetes Type 2"

- 1:22:42

- custom HD 1920 X 1440

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/2GLu66dgpKI


604. "Prequel"

- the building of the hurdy-gurdy from a kit for "A-Gogh-Gogh" in September, 2019

- edit finished October 26, 2019

- 10:04:31

- 1080p

- on my onesownthoughst YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/Jhp3vqHNpBQ


602. ""Yr of Sundays" K7 Release Party"

- main footage shot at the Chatham College Swimming Pool in the (former) Mellon Mansion, Pittsburgh, us@ on Sunday, March 29th, 1998, 8 to 9:30PM

- incorporating footage from the Volunteers Collective feature that was projected as part of the above

- edit finished September 6, 2019E.V.

- 1:28:29

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/xnghwdLNZx4

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/yrofsundaysrelease


600. "AMD"

- "Administrator Meeting Disorder" as explained by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE using footage of a March 15, 2019, meeting + footage of various May Days + footage shot especially for this, etc..

- Thanks to SOMEONE for being a sample villain

- edit finished July 5, 2019

- 1:50:24

- custom 1920 (width) X 1440 (height) - 4/3 aspect ratio

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/IQgkC5OwPmw


599. "Street Ratbag No5 Release Event"

- shot by Kent Bye & tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE in the fall of 2001E.V.

- centered around the manufacture & release of the "Street Ratbag No5" magazine edited by Rita Rodentia & RATical

- featuring performances by Guitarists Anonymous (tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE + Daryl Fleming + Greg Pierce) + the Hip Criticals (HipHopcrates + Little Orphan Anarchy with guest appearance by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE)

- also featuring a movie by Mark Dixon of Think Tank VIII & an excerpt from a movie of tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's CircumSubstantial Playing & Blindfolded Tourism

- edit finished June 25, 2019E.V. by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- 3:43:50

- UNLISTED on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/3hEepzUGkss


598. "Dixmont"

- a tour of a closed-down mental hospital called Dixmont on February 17, 2002E.V. conducted by Zack Jones + scans & readings of a printed matter interview conducted by Rita Rodentia with Zack for the Street Ratbag magazine, issue 6

- featuring additional input from Erok & Angry Ron, urban explorers who joined us on the tour

- (almost) continuous camcorder: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- intermittent camcorder: Kent Bye


- edit finished June 19, 2019E.V.

- 2:15:05

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/yEWrSNKzg60


592. "Volunteers Collective XIX: "Vexations""

- Rob Johnston: prepared piano; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: electronics, movie-making - performing an abridged & expanded version of Erik Satie's "Vexations" in the Turquoise, Beige, & Flesh Room at the Funny Farm on March 11th & 12th, 1995E.V.

- 1:34:40

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/dVOd7vtMveE

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/Vexations_201905


591. "Triple-S Variety Show @ Orgone Cinema"

- this movie was actually made as a performance document of the 1st thing I presented in Pittsburgh on January 12, 1995. I (tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE) played a "Triple-S Variety Show" (live electronics using a DX27S synthesizer, 2 K2m wave-table synthesizers, & a Mirage sampler/sequencer) at the same time that I mixed VHS tapes that I'd prepared or selected for this purpose. This latter was projected. On May 29, 2019, I added a scan of the poster for the event to the front + a minimal title & repeated the title info at the end. This is concluded by the icon for my aRCHIVE.

- 1:56:42

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel UNLISTED here: https://youtu.be/mhhOcHKOKFw


590. "tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE @ the Music Gallery, a sO-cALLED wHATEVER"

- featuring the talents of tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: 16mm films, record making, electronics, d composing; Colin Hinz: specially constriucted turntable, projecting; John Henry Nyenhuis: mind-nogglingly great keyboard playing

- shot on VHS by Istvan Kantor on September 8, 1995

- edit by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE finished May 28, 2019

- 1:35:54

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/kjkDZsaWhkk


586. "The Official, April 29th, 1992E.V., Band That Does Accept Money From Institutions"

- shot on VHS by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: stationary camera, Laure Drogoul: moving camera; edit probably made in 1992 using home VHS deck to home VHS deck with no editing interface in 1992

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: "Erector Set" Percussion + miscellaneous other Percussion, "Terrence Dougherty", Small Nondo, Vibraphone, Trumpet, Movies (& the mixing thereof), Voice, etc; Chris Astier: Fretless Bass, Euphonium, Tom, Voice, etc; John Eaton: Alto Sax, Flaming Alto Sax, etc; Scott Larson: Medium Accordion, Abomination, Flaming Sink, etc; John Berndt: DX7 Synthesizer, VSS-30 Sampler, Soprano Sax, Violin, Dry Heaves, Stephanie Palmer Apologetica, etc; Peter Williams: Bass, Pans + Pots & Pot Lids, Pipe Xylophone, etc; Sarmad Brody: VFX Synthesizer, Voice, etc; Courtney McCullough: Tenor Sax, Bass Clarinet, Voice, etc; Eric Myers: Slinky Reverbed Cello, etc; John Dierker: Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Alto Sax, etc; Dawn Culbertson: Bass, Didjerido, Flaming Brad-A-Lon, etc; Neil Feather: Former Guitar, Apex Roto Zither, Bell Tree, Small Instruments Rig, Recombinant Electronics SK1 Sampler, etc

- 1:08;03

- uploaded to my onesownthoughts YouTube channel April 17, 2019 UNLISTED here: https://youtu.be/DdAPsiswqT8


585. "365 @ Regent Square"

- the premier of "365" (which accidentally turned out to be "364") on April 7, 2019, with the phenomenal assistance of Ben Opie: alto sax, Coal Hornet: Eb contra alto clarinet, Kenny Haney: Bb clarinet, Unfinished Symphonies: keyboard, Devin Sherman: electric guitar, Eric Lipsky: cello, Roger Dannenberg: trumpet

- Thanks to Pittsburgh Filmmakers, The Regent Square Theater, Michael Prosser, Joe Morrison

- 2:22:25

- 1080p

- edit finished: April 16, 2019

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/fsi5EVJaqUU

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/365RegentSquare


579. "Secret Music Society"

- shot Sunday, February 10, 2019

- 1:01:33

- edit finished Monday, February 18, 2019

- 1080p

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/4JS9wGPyAPY


578. "Living a Making"

- an edit of 40 years's worth of materials relevant to being a Jack-Off-Of-All-Trades at work

- 2:26:26

- edit finished January 23, 2019

- in 2 versions: custom 720W X 540H & custom 1920W X 1440H

- the latter version is UNLISTED on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/YSRsar8SfMg


577. "365"

- the entirety of my project of shooting footage of me playing (M)Usic every day of 2018. The month movies from 2018 & the duets & quartets & other related movies are all subsets of this.

- 2:17:11

- edit finished December 31, 2018

- custom HD: 1920W X 1440H

- uploaded to my onesownthoughts YouTube channel on December 31, 2018: https://youtu.be/wC09g1d-Ou8

- uploaded to the Internet Archive on December 31, 2018: https://archive.org/details/idioideo_verizon_365_201901



- This is basically just an end-to-end combination of all 4 of the "UNDERAPPRECIATED Day" movies with a title added, the end credits for each section removed, & overall credits added. I treat all 5 movies as separate entities because witnessing them as seperate days or as a whole are different experiences.

- shot at the UNDERAPPRECIATED MOVIEMAKERS FESTIVAL & environs from July 30-August 5, 2018.

- Thanks to the Glitter Box Theater, Pittsburgh Filmmakers & Will Zavala's Documetary Salon, & to the Babyland garage folks in general & to Greg Witt in particular for being affordable for lunatic fringe types such as myself

- camerawork by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE & Florian Cramer - with additional camera from Mariëtte Groot

- alphabet provided by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Skizz Cyzyk; & Dick Turner

- edited by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; edit finished September 22, 2018

- 5:41:02

- Custom HD 1920WX1440H

- uploaded to my onesownthoughts YouTube channel August 23, 2018: https://youtu.be/KwlfRxmRU3E



- a document of the 4th & final day of the UNDERAPPRECIATED MOVIEMAKERS FESTIVAL preceded by a rehearsal of the Quartet for the End of Time & by Florian Cramer's scrutiny of Dick Turner & mealtime. Starting off with "Karaoke Orgy" by way of tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE & Dick Turner. Next was Go Pill (Skizz Cyzyk) followed by Dick Turner followed by dzum (Mariëtte Groot), The climax was of those 4 performing together under the name of Quartet for the End of Time.

- Thanks to the Babyland garage folks in general & to Greg Witt in particular for being affordable for lunatic fringe types such as myself

- shot August 4, 2018, by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE & Florian Cramer

- alphabet provided by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Skizz Cyzyk; & Dick Turner

- edited by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; edit finished September 16, 2018

- 2:18:05

- Custom HD 1920WX1440H

- uploaded to the Internet Archive starting September 17, 2018: https://archive.org/details/UNDERAPPRECIATEDDay4



- a document of the 3rd day of the UNDERAPPRECIATED MOVIEMAKERS FESTIVAL followed by Florian Cramer & Dick Turner brainstorming at Who Unit?. Work & explication was presented by Skizz Cyzyk; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; & Florian Cramer

- Thanks to the Glitter Box Theater for being affordable for lunatic fringe types such as myself

- shot August 3, 2018, by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE & Florian Cramer

- edited by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; edit finished September 10, 2018

- 1:00:32

- Custom HD 1920WX1440H

- uploaded to the Internet Archive starting September 10, 2018: https://archive.org/details/UNDERAPPRECIATEDDay3



- a document of the 2nd day of the UNDERAPPRECIATED MOVIEMAKERS FESTIVAL & the events in & surrounding it & featuring explication & conversation from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Dick Turner; Florian Cramer; Mariétte Groot; & various (v)audience members

- Thanks to Will Zavala for arranging access to the Mini-Melwood Screening Room at Pittsburgh Filmmakers & for hosting this evening as part of his Documentary Salon

- shot August 2, 2018, by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE & Florian Cramer

- edited by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; edit finished September 7, 2018

- 1:07:43

- Custom HD 1920WX1440H

- uploaded to the Internet Archive September 9, 2018: https://archive.org/details/UNDERAPPRECIATEDDay2



- a document of the 1st day of the UNDERAPPRECIATED MOVIEMAKERS FESTIVAL & the events in & surrounding it & featuring explication & conversation from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Dick Turner; Florian Cramer; Mariétte Groot; & various (v)audience members

- Thanks to the Glitter Box Theater for their highly open & amenable usage policies

- shot from July 30, 31; & August 1, 2018, by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Florian Cramer; & Mariétte Groot

- edited by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; edit finished September 2, 2018

- 1:15:22

- Custom HD 1920WX1440H

- uploaded to the Internet Archive September 2-4, 2018: https://archive.org/details/UNDERAPPRECIATEDDay1


560. "FILMMAKERS don't let it be Dead at 47"

- shot at the Tuesday, August 14, 2018 Film Kitchen at the Melwood Screening Room at Pittsburgh Filmmakers during a time when Filmmakers appears to be ending after 47 years

- brief testimonial footage of tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE shot by Stefano Ceccarelli & Tom Fisher

- all else shot, titled, & edited by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- edit finished August 21, 2018

- 1:07:50

- Custom HD 1920WX1440H

- uploaded to my onesownthoughts YouTube channel August 23, 2018: https://youtu.be/6ZEkIgWa5vQ

- uploaded to the Internet Archive August 24, 2018: https://archive.org/details/DeadAt47


556. "uni.Sol_II.tENT"

- shot on the 194th day, July 13, 2018, of the every day shooting in 2018 for "365"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's participation in Slavek Kwi's "uni.Sol_II - United Artists for Well-Being of Solar System"

- edit finished on July 14, 2018

- 2:00:00

- Custom HD 1920WX1440H

- uploaded to my onesownthoughts YouTube channel in an extremely compressed form on July 15, 2018, here: https://youtu.be/Sjg-C-Ay9MA


510. "Vermin Supreme, His Humble Beginnings"

- edit finished February 27, 2018

- I've never had my computer crash as much as it did with this one. It may've crashed THOUSANDS OF TIMES before I finally managed to finish this. Aa such, it's not quite as thorough & polished as it might've been otherwise but I still think it's a remarkable document - tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE note

- 1:19:07

- SD 720X480

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/9GmNOHKbRyY

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/VerminSupremeHisHumbleBeginnings


509. "Cluck"

- edit finished February 21, 2018

- a single cluck was taken from BLUE Sound Effects's "CHICKEN SQUAWK" (Download/Stream: https://audiograb.com/tyFcxfjkv) & used twice

- 1:00:10

- 1080p

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/N2O_bIahATA


505. "The Struggle to End Death by Incarceration"

- a document of the Panel Discussion at the Summit Against Racism, January 20, 2018. Pittsburgh, PA, organized by CADBI (Coalition to Abolish Death by Incarceration (West))

- featuring panelists Yusef Jones, Sharif Boyd, Paulette Carrington, Troy David, & Tiffany Sizemore

- https://cadbiwest.org

- shot, edited, & titled by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE using 2 mini-dvs, 1 Vivitar sports camera, 1 iJones

- stills & additional iJones footage by etta cetera

- 1:27:58

- 1700X1275 (4/3)

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/3KJc0rb-zRk


502. a. "MM 76 RELEASE"

- shot using 4 cameras on Friday, October 13, 2017, at the Glitter Box Theater by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE with one additional iPhone provided by Noah Rectenwald of his section

- performers in order of appearance: Noah Rectenwald; Warren Burt; Ben Opie; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE & Meg Graham; How Things Are Made (Matt Aelrmore & David Bernabo); Mike Boyd

- 1:28:38

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/XuoZopfS4CQ

b. "MM 76 RELEASE (medium rare)"

- 39:33

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/MM76RELEASEmediumRare

c. "MM 76 RELEASE (well done)"

- 12:24

- on Vimeo here: https://vimeo.com/241244343


496. "1st Non-Existent International Neoist Apartment Festival in the Year 000"

- shot In Adelaide, Australia, from March 20, '000 to June 8, '000 by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE etta cetera using mainly a cheap VHS camcorder

- initial VHS edit finished in March, 2001; computer edit finished October 20, 2017

- 1:17:00

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/1stNonExistentInternationalNeoistApartmentFestivalInTheYear000


492. a. "Double Embrace"

- a celebration of the in-person meeting of tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE & Libby Ramer from June 19 to June 26, 2017E.V.

- A Romantic Experimental Music Documentary Comedy

- 1700 X 1275

- 1:50:49

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/1GDXxp_g168

b. "An afternoon in Casa WHO UNIT?"

- the improvisation section excerpted from the above

- 1:04:01

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/AnAfternoonAtCasaWHOUNIT


491. "Slow-Bowling with the Gods"

- thanks to the shooter of 110311_TUNAMI.avi.

- thanks to EC Films Stock Footage for the Bowling Strike

- thanks to John Sheehan for the idea of Slow-Bowling

- soundtrack: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's 1st NU-NU Triple-S Variety Show (April 30, 1996)

- editing & effects: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- edit finished: June 4, 2017

- In memorium: 15,894 deaths, 6,152 injured, 2,562 people missing from the March 11, 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami

- 720p HD 60p, Stereo

- 1:16:14

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/1O4ad4Fv7Zk


489. "Pamelia Stickney, Herself Extraordinaire"

- a quasi-documentary about Pamelia Stickney's visit to Pittsburgh on May 18 & 19, 2017E.V.

- shot, audio recorded, edited, effected, scanned, titled, etc, by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- Pamelia Stickney: theremin, effects pedals, voice, piano

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: sampler, ELsoftware, wave-table synthesizer, DX27-S synthesizer, mixer-sampler, voice, music boxes, percusssion, etc

- Ben Opie: electronics, alto sax, percussion, voice


- 1700X1275 (4/3) HD

- 1:37:14

- edit finished May 24, 2017E.V.

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/ZpNhMIwc9Po


488. ""EL" IP"

- a quasi-documentary about the development of the ELsoftware for my 'opera' entitled "Endangered Languages, Endangered Cultures, Endangered Ideas"

- software conceived of by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- software developed by Roger Dannenberg with assistance from Tianyang Feng & Wynne Yao

- 1st footage shot February 7, 2016

- edit finished May 19, 2017

- 1700X1275 (4/3) HD

- 1:23:45

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/fiAVrCNtKvQ

b. ""EL" IP (abridged)"

- the above version reduced to a single presentation of the 1st 6 paragraphs of the temporary libretto taken from the book entitled "Vanishing Voices - the extinction of the world's languages" by Daniel Nettle & Suzanne Romaine & my review thereof

- 12:06

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/ELIPabridged


486. "DiVenti"

- Tom DiVenti interviewed by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE Sunday, April 30, 2017E.V. augmented by relevant materials from the tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE archive, etc..

- interview mini-dv, scanning, titling, editing, f/x, etc: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- edit finished May 4, 2017

- 720X480 (3/2) SD

- 1:01:53

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/UydvbT-1geQ


484. "Is this a Black Theorem?"

- shot at tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's launch of his book entitled "Paradigm Shift Knuckle Sandwich & other examples of P.N.T. (Perverse Number Theory)" at the Glitter Box Theater in Pittsburgh on April 1, 2017E.V.

- shot using 2 mini-dv camcorders & 1 iJones

- edit finished April 10, 2017E.V.

- 1700X1275 (4/3)

- 1:01:38

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/gw48jIh0oS4


482. "Monte con o sin safos Rides Again"

- a coproduction of Ryan Broughman & tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- shot August 1-14, 2016; edit finished March 26, 2017

- shot at Who Unit?, Frick Park, Rock Room, Mattress Factory, Andy Warhol Museum, mm 68 & 69, B.Y.O.C. 4 & 5, Schenley Park, Allegheny Cemetery, Poetry & Prose Open Mic at Té Café, Janelle Pica Studio, Center for Postnatural History

- 2 iJoneses, laptop, GoPro, f/x: Monte con o sin safos

- 2 iJoneses, mini-dv, f/x, editing, titles, transitions: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- 1:38:27

- 1700X1275 (4/3)

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/rItG4Wa55_0


477. a. "mm 75 presents: BIRD CALLS & SONGS"

- attendees: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE & Ben Opie

- 2:26:44

- 1700X1275 (4/3)

- edit finished January 24, 2017

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/9hAT8KCWHbg

b. "mm 75 presents: BIRD CALLS & SONGS" (ever so slightly corrected)

- the version I put on YouTube had an accidental repetition of an edit less than :06 long. While this was annoying to me, it wasn't worth going through another 3 days of turning the corrected version into a QuickTime movie.

- 2:26:38

- edit finished January 30, 2017

c. "BIRD CALLS & SONGS (Endangered)"

- 6:25

- edit finished January 31, 2017

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/BIRDCALLSSONGSEndangered.


475. a. "mm 74 presents: NONDO"

- focusing on Neil Feather's instrument, the NONDO

- shot using a mini-DV & screen recording by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE at Who Unit? on International Neoist Day, December 25, 2016E.V.

- 1:14:47

- 1700X1275 (4/3)

- edit finished December 29, 2016E.V.

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/OHmyNTfDs2U

b. "NONDO +"

- talking removed from version a

- 45:53

- 1700X1275 (4/3)

- edit finished January 2, 2017E.V.

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/NONDO

c. "NONDO (Endangered)"

- 3:13

- 1700X1275 (4/3)

- edit finished January 3, 2017E.V.

- on Vimeo here: https://vimeo.com/197947897


474. "Neil Feather & tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE at the NorMill"

- shot by Laura O. White using a VHS camcorder on September 2, 1994

- edited & titled by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE on December 24, 2016

- 1:01:14

- 720 X 480 (3/2)

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/HP5Gmmu97Jc


472. a. "mm 73 presents: ZITHER"

- shot using 2 mini-dvs & a laptop screen-recording on December 11, 2016 at Who Unit? by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- edit finished December 16, 2016

- 1:01:41

- 1700X1275 (4/3)

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/fe51_KN9WfU

b. "mm 73 presents: ZITHER" (very slightly corrected: 1 of 2 corrections needed made)

- edit finished December 18, 2016

- 1:01:37

c. "ZITHER (Endangered)"

- edit finished December 18, 2016

- 2:39

- 1700X1275 (4/3)

- on Vimeo here: https://vimeo.com/196249356


470. a. "mm 71 presents: TUNING FORKS"

- shot using 2 mini-dvs, 2 iJoneses on November 6, 2016 at Babyland with tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE, Gwen Sadler, & Zachary Haras holding cameras

- also in attendance: Anthony Levin-Decanini & Ben Grubb

- edit finished November 22, 2016

- 1:41:23

- 1700X1275 (4:3)

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/TwYDwJnHRe8

b. "TUNING FORKS (Endangered)"

- edit finished November 26, 2016

- 2:28

- 1700X1275 (4:3)

- on my Vimeo channel here: https://vimeo.com/193192550


461. a. "Hindsight"

- shot using a GoPro from June to August, 2016, by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Selena Or; & Goldie Lamé; final shot using an iJones by Unfinished Symphonies in early September, 2016

- edit finished September, 2016

- 1:33:34

- (1080i) 1920X1080 (16/9)

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/z1_wrZboeMs

b. "Hindsight (looping installation version)"

- edit finished September, 2016

- 1:29:31

- (1080i) 1920X1080 (16/9)

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HindsightInstallationVersion

c. "Hindsight (quickie)"

- 123 stills from "Hindsight" rendered as a slide show w/ each slide at 10 frames

- :32

- (1080p) 1920X1080 (16/9)

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/4S0-Ez262Zs


460. "mm 69: Special Packaging"

- shot at the Opie manse Sunday, August 14, 2016 using 2 iJoneses wielded by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE & Ryan Broughman

- hosted by Ben Opie especially to highlight his collection of Conglomerate Records publications

- featuring: Ben Opie, Rob, tENT, Ryan, Elizabeth F, & Hyla

- edit finished September 9, 2016

- 1:14:36

- 1280X720 (16/9)

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/aQmdIJ_bBOw


456. a. "mm 68 presents: ELECTRONICS"

- shot at Who Unit? August 7, 2016 [incorrectly dated in movie as August 8]

- attendees: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Ryan Broughman; Ben Opie; Kelly Stiles; April Gilmore; Marcus

- 1 mini-dv, 2 iJoneses, 1 laptop: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE & Ryan Broughman

- edit finished August 24, 2016

- 2:19:14

- 1700X1275 (4:3)

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/BURHnvcb6V8


- shot at Who Unit? August 7, 2016 [incorrectly dated in movie as August 8]

- edit finished August 29, 2016

- 15:06

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/detailsELECTRONICS_201608

c. "ELECTRONICS (Endangered)"

- edit finished August 30, 2016

- 5:16

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/Y7SEIQ6ANro


454. a. "mm 67 presents: HOUSEHOLD OBJECTS"

- shot at Who Unit? July 24, 2016

- attendees: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Ben Opie, Hyla Willis

- 2 mini-dvs, laptop, 2 iJoneses, GoPro: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- edit finished July 30, 2016

- 1:43:22

- 1700X1275 (4:3)

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/dFj2qH5H4xI


- edit finished August 4, 2016

- 3:47

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HOUSEHOLDOBJECTS

c. "HOUSEHOLD OBJECTS (Endangered)"

- edit finished August 5, 2016

- 3:08

- on my Vimeo channel here: https://vimeo.com/177718577


453. a. "mm 66 presents: PIANO"

- shot at the Who Unit? June 26, 2016

- attendees: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Ben Opie

- mini-dv, laptop, 2 iJoneses: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- edit finished July 4, 2016

- 1:57:56

- 720X480 (3:2)

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/mm66PresentsPIANO

b. "PIANO (Endangered)"

- edit finished July 5, 2016

- 2:22

- Custom 1700X1275 (4:3)

- on my Vimeo channel here: https://vimeo.com/173585182


452. a. "mm 65 presents: VIBRAPHONE"

- shot at the Who Unit? June 19, 2016

- attendees: Pittsburgh: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Hyla Willis; Ben Opie; Soren Lundi; Selena Or; Richmond: Ryan Broughman, Hannah

- GoPro, laptop, 2 mini-dvs, iJones: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- hand-held iJones: Hyla Willis

- all Pittsburgh attendees played vibraphone; additional vibraphone recordings used of the following players: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Walt Dickerson; David Friedman; Lionel Hampton, Jay Hoggard; Bobby Hutcherson; Milt Jackson

- edit finished June 27, 2016

- 1:33:56

- Custom 1700X1275 (4:3)

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/pmzSusXI4nc

b. "VIBRAPHONE (Endangered)"

- the distilled version of the above made to be sampled from for my 'opera' entitled "Endangered Languages, Endangered Culture, Endangered Ideas"

-Edit finished June 30, 2016

- 3:28

- Custom 1700X1275 (4:3)

- on my Vimeo channel here: https://vimeo.com/172995385


450. "Limpolysemia"

- attendees: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE (Pittsburgh), Monty Cantsin (Rotterdam), Monty Cantsin (Minsk), Carrion Elited (Richmond), Yuli Ilyushchanka (Minsk), Carlin Christy (Pittsburgh), Katya (Minsk), Deanna? (Minsk), Sasha Krotovsky (translator) (Minsk), Egor (Minsk), Alexei (Minsk), Jury Urso (Minsk), Dmitry Veleskevich (Minsk), Anna Oldfield (translator) (South Carolina), Ben Grubb (Pittsburgh), Caleb Gamble (Pittsburgh)

- shot using screen recording (Ryan Broughman), mini-dv & cell-phone (tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE) mostly on May 5, 8, & 9, 2016

- unedited 2:53:00 screen recording by Kareem EL E OT on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/DikIpJ_RX3E

- edited, titled, scanned, & otherwise labored over by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- 3:05:09

- 1200 X 800 (Custom 3:2)

- edit finished June 16, 2016

- a coproduction of tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE & Lipovy Tsvet

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/Iimpolysemia


449. a. "mm 64 presents: MUSIC BOXES"

- attendees: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Soren Lundi,; Ryan Broughman; Frank Burchap

- screen recording from Ryan Broughman (unedited 2:30:01 here: https://youtu.be/PJvZjh6M8 )

- mini-dv & cell-phone footage from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- editing, titles, etc from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- 1:49:58

- 1280X720

- edit finished May 26, 2016

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/UYDhnx5CD7U

b. "MUSIC BOXES (Endangered)"

- 1:04

- 1280X720

- edit finished May 28, 2016

- on my Vimeo channel here: https://vimeo.com/168465116


444. a. "mm 63 presents: HARMONICA"

- shot at the Who Unit? on April 17, 2016 using 2 cellphones: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE (720X480); Hyla Willis (1920X1080)

- participants: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Clint Hoover; Ben Opie, Unfinished Symphonies; Hyla Willis

- 1:38:50

- edit finished April 25, 2016

- custom 936X 720

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/wQFjfQvqooc

b. "HARMONICA (Endangered)"

- version made for in-progress large piece entitled "Endangered Languages, Endangered Culture, Endangered Ideas"

- 4:30

- edit finished May 3, 2016

- custom 1920X1280

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/2W95LUcETK0


443. a. "mm 62 presents: CLARINET"

- shot at the Who Unit? on April 3, 2016 using 2 mini-dv camcorders, 1 cellphone, & 1 GoPro

- participants: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Ben Opie; Kenny Haney

- 2:18:20

- edit finished April 9, 2016

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/ErbOrZGZN2k

- 720X480

b. "CLARINET (Endangered)"

- version made for in-progress large piece entitled "Endangered Languages, Endangered Culture, Endangered Ideas"

- HDTV 1080i (1920X1080)

- on my Vimeo channel here: https://vimeo.com/163182020


440. "The Warren Burt Show & Tell"

- shot from April - June, 2000 in Australia on VHS

- edit finished March 1, 2016

- 3:55:38

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/TiCYlcBm5nM


437. a. "Monty Cantsin Rides Again" (Internet Archive version)

- made in honor of a visit from Monty Cantsin to Pittsburgh from November 6 - November 14, 2015

- edit finished December 19, 2015

- 1:56:49

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/MontyCantsinRidesAgain

b. "Monty Cantsin Rides Again" (interestingly defective version)

- intended to be the same as the above but due to computer malfunctions soundtrack portions repeat in accompaniment to non-synced visuals - because the results are somewhat interesting I decided to keep this version


c. "Monty Cantsin Rides Again" (DVD version)

- An attempt was made to correct all the artifacts of the previous defective version which required some slight re-editing

- 1:56:43


434. "nuclear brain physics surgery school lesson # 1"

- originally made in fall, 1978, by tentatively, a convenience (as Michael Frederick Tolson et al & id ntity)

- turned into a movie in september-october, 2015 by tentatively, a convenience

- edit finished october 2, 2015

- 1:42:37

- 1280 X 960 Custom (4:3)

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/NBPSSL1


428. a. "mmm057: Remote Viewing / Remote Grooving" ('real-time' version)

- shot at mm 57 on Sunday, July 5, 2015

- a collaboration with Ryan Broughman in Richmond, VA, us@ who made the screen-shot movie portion of this

- incorporating Google Hangouts & FaceTime

- cell-phone footage shot by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- edit finished July 30, 2015

- 2:07:52

- HD

b. "mmm057: Remote Viewing / Remote Grooving" (abridged version)

- 1:25:45

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: http://youtu.be/-nQ0V6-M4EI


427. a. "Taking care of Business" (long version)

- shot almost entirely at the Who Unit? by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- shot from May 30, 2014 to June 4, 2015

- edit finished July 4, 2015

- 2:59:15

- in 2 parts: 2014: 2:26:54, 2015: 32:21

b. "Taking care of Business" (shorter version)

- edit finished July 12, 2015

- 2:20:03

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/v0bcpI5J-pw

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/takingcareofbusiness_201910


425. a. "mmm055"

- shot at the Who Unit? in Pittsburgh on May 17, 2015, at mm 55

- Featuring tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Frank; Brainpang (in spirit); Joey; Soren; Ben; Greg S.


- featuring the music of tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Artie Shaw & his Orchestra; Charles Mingus; Joe Fiedler Trio; Ernie Krivda; Time Ghost & Laurie Amat; Angus MacLise; Jaques Lasry; Mario Lanza; the sound art of G. X. Juppiter Larsen; & the 'anti-tapes' of Conglomerate Records

- 1:31:55

b. "mmmo55" (abridged for YouTube

- 14:04

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: http://youtu.be/uFleYGfWMrs


422. a. "mm 51: Score Reading: Penderecki's "Passio""

- shot at the Who Unit? in Pittsburgh on February 15, 2015, at mm 51

- Featuring Matt Aelmore, Brian Riordan, Zachary Haras, & tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- shot by & all the rest by: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- 1:47:05

- edit finished February 25, 2015

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: http://youtu.be/28AAI3PZ1u8

b. "mm 51: Score Reading: Penderecki's "Passio"" (without commentary)

- only the portion of the above when the music's playing & minus all other audio than the music

- 1:22:24

- edit finished February 26, 2015


421. a. ""A Catamaran Animist Vigor" & Anita Sphinx @ Babyland - 2015.01.24"

- featuring the players of "A Catamaran Anmist Vigor": Matt Aelmore: French horn, Roger Dannenberg: laptop 'piano' chords, Kenny Haney: Bb clarinet, Brian Riordan: latop samples, tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: percussion samples; & the members of Anita Sphinx: Anita Fix: voice, percussion, recordings, Ben Grubb: metalworking & percussion, Jim Lingo: percussion, Mika Metz: percussion, Paula Jean Tonsor: voice, percussion

- "A Catamaran Anmist Vigor": Score Movie making, camcorder on tripod, audio recording, general messterminding, editing, titling, etc: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Elizabeth Bushmann: hand-held camcorder, stills

- Anita Sphinx: hand-held camcorder, editing, titling, etc: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Elizabeth Bushman: stills

- 1:53:21

b. ""A Catamaran Animist Vigor" @ Babyland - 2015.01.24" (for YouTube)

- 41:08

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: http://youtu.be/cn3U055X-2U

c. "Anita Sphinx @ Babyland - 2015.01.24" (for YouTube)

- 43:51

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: http://youtu.be/dIIUKoKBa0o


420. "mm 49: Vivian Fine Marathon!"

- shot at the Who Unit? Sunday, December 21, 2014E.V. from noon to about midnight

- a gathering in honor of the work of composer Vivian Fine

- edit finished December 31, 2014E.V.

- shot using 2 mini-dv camcorders & 2 iJones

- 1:48:00

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: http://youtu.be/vjqJ9xekECs


417. a. "A Map Between Real Time & _____ Time"

- a quasi-document of the 1st rehearsal of the "A Catamaran Animist Vigor" Score Movie

- incorporating the Score Movie itself & footage of the rehearsal shot in the basement of Abandoned Store, October 13, 2014

- title taken from a joking comment made by Riger Dannenberg at the end of the rehearsal

- featuring:

Matt Aelmore: French Horn

Roger Dannenberg: Laptop 'piano' chords

Kenny Haney: Bb Clarinet

Joey Molinaro: Spray-Paint Cans

Brian Riordan: Laptop samples

- (d) composing, camera, editing, titling, etc: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- edit finished October 20, 2014

- 1:16:15

- broken into 3 unlisted parts on YouTube:

"A Map Between Real Time & _____ Time: Real": http://youtu.be/cC5d-SriB6Y

"A Map Between Real Time & _____ Time: Jumping Backwards": http://youtu.be/O2ToDm0HfKc

"A Map Between Real Time & _____ Time: Jumping Forwards": http://youtu.be/Bh9p5Io83OQ

b. ""A Catamaran Animist Vigor" rehearsal 2"

- incorporating the Score Movie itself & footage of the rehearsal shot in the (M)Usic Rm of Who Unit?, November 09, 2014

- featuring:

Brian Riordan: Laptop samples

Roger Dannenberg: Laptop 'piano' chords

Kenny Haney: Bb Clarinet

tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: Percussion Samples

Matt Aelmore: French Horn

- (d) composing, camera, editing, titling, etc: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- edit finished November 10, 2014

- 55:06

c. ""A Catamaran Animist Vigor" rehearsal 2" (for YouTube)

- version with just the performance of the score without the flanking discussion

- 41:19

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: http://youtu.be/9JueavuM5m0

d. "solo rehearsals of "A Catamaran Animist Vigor""

- edited from 2 solo rehearsals (January 21 & 23) for the January 24, 2015 Babyland gig

- 1:01:30



- filmstrip & 35mm stills shot in October, 1998, at House on the Rock & Dr. Evermor's Sculpture Park by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE etta cetera

- audio recording from Dreamtime Village & Dr. Evermor's: October, 1998: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- the latter featuring the voices of tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE etta cetera, Malok, & Dr. Evermor

- some of the above made into "Say Cheese!" filmstrip repurposed here

- mini-dv shot on June 15 & 16, 2011, at House on the Rock, Dr. Evermor's Sculpture Park, a restaurant, & Dr. Evermor's home by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- edit finished October 5, 2014

- 1:32:44

- unlisted YouTube "Bird Band" section here: http://youtu.be/v2fIfIt6usI

- the entire movie is on my onesownthiughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/prrluc2-tms

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/forevermor


410. a. "MM 26 Release - August 8, 2013"

- featuring Anthony Levin-Decanini: electronics; Ben Opie: electronics & alto sax; Kenny Haney: alto clarinet; Rey Freme: synthesizer; Matt Aelmore: french horn & electric bass; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: setting-up & tearing down, percussion, sampler, speaker switcher suitcase; special guest: Elisa Schwenniger: roll-up keyboard

- shot on dysfunctional mini-dv: August 8, 2013

- sound recording: Anthony Levin-Decanini

- edit finished June 18, 2014

- 1:38:46

b. "MM 26 Release - August 8, 2013" (w/ 'Director''s Commentary)

- edit finished June 21, 2014

- 1:39:04

c. "MM 26 Release - August 8, 2013" (for YouTube)

- edit finished June 24, 2014

- 33:18

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: http://youtu.be/zc5N4qdFVW0


406. a. "mm 37 - musical saw"

- yet another document of a m(usic(ian's))m(eeting) at tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's house where a broader variety of subjects are discussed than would be typical of most subcultures - including, but not limited to: the "Scratch My Back" book about Musical Saws, an old Musical Saw record the size of a CD, "Saw Playin' Band" song from the "Buddy Nutt and his Musical Saw" CD, Buddy Nutt's demise & Calder Dudgeon's role as the executor of his estate, the actress/screenplay-writer Britt Marling & her movie "Another Earth" & the Musical Saw part of that, the saw duet by Todd Whitman & Michael Johnsen on the "Volunteers Collective XXIX" selection of the "Volunteers Collective XXII-XXX" cassette that tENT publishes, a CD-R called "The Means of the Deck" (April 1999) w/ Chim Nwabueze: saw & Sylvie Menta: piano harp, "The Following" TV series about a serial killer who's a Poe expert - starring Kevin Bacon, The Space Exchange - the every Tuesday music series at the Thunderbird in Lawrenceville on Butler St that drummer Dave Throckmorton books, the Mandan O-Kee-Pa ceremony part of "A Man Called Horse", Stellarc & Fakir Musafar, George Catlin, ORLAN, The Big If, Kathleen Hannah bio movie, The Great CO2 Orchestra (1984), Andrew Drury "Renditions: solos 2004-2007" CD, the American Wind Symphony Orchestra, Penderecki's "Pittsburgh Overture" wch was commissioned & premiered by the AWSO - the part played has saw, David Burge's "Serenade for Musical Saw & Orchestra" (1965) & Bill Perkins's "Textures for Musical Saw & Percussion" (1971) from Jim Turner's "The Well-Tempered Saw" on Owl Records, the harmonics & extended technique on the latter piece, Ennio Morricone's "Il Etait une Fois dan L'Ouest" (Once Upon A Time in the West) from "La Scie endantée de Maurice Dalle" saw record, musical saws & cases, Unfinished Symphonies's "Summertime" music video, MC5's "Kick Out the Jams" DVD w/ light shows, Fela's running for president, Tan Dun's "Water Concerto", a bondage movie w/ Throbbing Gristle's "Hot on the Heels of Love" from their "20 Jazz Funk Greats" record as part of the soundtrack, serial killers Myra Hindley & Ian Brady, Taryn Simon - whose work is in the Carnegie International who had done a project where she took people who'd been exonerated by DNA evidence after serving time & photographed them at the scene of the crime, the latest Herzog movie, & "Project W" CD

- shot on mini-DV January 26, 2014; edit finished on May 7, 2014 & outputted to DVD-R, mini-DV, & VHS

- 1:55:23

b. "mm 37 - musical saw (for YouTube)"

- edit finished May 8, 2014

- 39:27

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: http://youtu.be/mbmdUuwUP8M


404. a. "Devival (for scholars)"

- a quasi-documentary of the June 22, 2013 Church of the SubGenius Devival / Tommy Amoeba's Rock n Roll Birthday Party At Howler's Coyote Café

- w/ additional footage of an interview w/ the Reverend Ivan Stang, Sacred Scribe on June 23, 2014 + tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE rehearsing "Banned Names" on June 16th & 22nd, 2014 + historic footage of Ivan Stang at the 3rd Church & Foundation of the SubGenius Convention in BalTimOre in September, 1983, etc..

- featuring Saint Andrew the Impaled; Eric Singer aka Erok; Reverend Phriar, Phat Chick for Higher, Popess Phat Man Dee & the Cultural District; Princess Wei 'R.' Doe, Queen of ALL the UFOs; Saint tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Reverend Ivan Stang, Sacred Scribe; Tommy Amoeba & Amoeba Knieval

- shot June, 2013; edited April, 2014 - edit finished April 10, 2014

- mini-DV shot by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- MP4, MP3, digital stills provided by StangDoe

- 3:19:46

b. "Devival"

- abridged version of the above reduced to more commercially palatable running time

- edit finished April 17, 2014

- 1:47:43

c.. "Devival" (for YouTube)

- http://youtu.be/FfDCnTR03dg

- edit finished April 24, 2014

- 52:47

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: http://youtu.be/FfDCnTR03dg


401. "Titin"

- conceived of with most of the work done by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- focused on the full chemical name of the protein Titin, as found on Sarah McCulloch's blog & then proofread & corrected by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE to yield a word 189,824 letters long with 23 component names within it. Also focused on tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's relationship with Elisa Schwenninger.

- beginning help with pronunciation of Titin from E. J. Barnes

- shot pronouncing these component names while skydiving with GoPro footage provided by the tandem skydivers, John & Cush, & stills of us preparing & landing by Marcie. Also shot of Elisa Schwenninger pronouncing component names at the Bayernhof Museum by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE. Further footage of Elisa used as well as footage of tENT & Elisa playing (M)Usic.

- shot mostly in July, a little in September, editing done from June, 2013 to February 11, 2014

- ediit finished February 11, 2014

- broken into 4 parts:

pt 1: Preparation - 1:59:40

pt 2: Free-Fall - 1:52:32

pt 3: Parachuting - 2:00:00

pt 4: Landing - 1:43:29

- total time: 7:35:41

- 2:06 sample on Vimeo here: https://vimeo.com/86542569

- the full thing is ony my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/Z2hUqjvKv_A

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/Titin


398. "This Will Explain"

- a memorium to my friendship with "Blaster" Al Ackerman, 1939-2013

- more or less all the work done by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE, March-June, 2013; edit finished June 23, 2013

- 1:23:20

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/QJYHcjYc8Yk

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/thiswillexplain


390. a. "mm 22"

- shot November 11, 2012 at the 22nd Music(ian's) Meeting

- incorporating various found modern dance footage & found footage of Tom Lehrer

- introducing footage of my in-progress "I Heard It Through the Grapevine" sound sculpture


- edit finished November 13, 2012

- 1:35:12

b. "mm 22 condensed"

- re-edited to make it small enuf to be easily emailed to people on the mm list

- edit finished November

- 1:23


384. a. "mm 05"

- a quasi-document of the 5th "mm" (music meeting)

- featuring tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Unfinished Symphonies; Spat Cannon; Greg Pierce; Ben Opie

- shot January 29, 2012

- edited made July 12-13, 2012

- 1:02:23

b. "mm 05" (YouTube version)

- edit made July 14-15, 2012

- 15:51

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: http://youtu.be/ZF85ExKktCE


382. "Robopaths"

- research probably started around late 2007, edit finished May 20, 2012

- a pastiche assembled by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE inspired by the Lewis Yablonsky term

- A/V sources used (roughly in the order in which I decided to add them to the project):

"Mother Night" movie by Keith Gordon based on the book by Kurt Vonnegut, 1996

"Colour of War VI: Adolf Hitler" movie from TWI/Granada Television - 2004

"Obedience" taken from A/V Geeks' "Science!" compilation

"Uncle Bernie's Farm" from The Mothers of Invention's "Absolutely Free" record composed by Frank Zappa

"Mother People" from The Mothers of Invention's "We're Only in it for the Money" record composed by Frank Zappa

"Mechanical Man" from "Lie" record - composed by Charlie Manson, performed by Manson + The Family

"Modern Times" movie by Charlie Chaplin, 1936

"Architecture of Doom" movie by Peter Cohen, 1989

"Joe" movie by John G. Avildsen, 1970

"Why does Herr R Run Amok?" movie by Michael Fengler & Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1977

"Human Leech" from the "on the loose" record by Coyle and Sharp, 1964

"You Too can be a Puppet" from "Flahooley" musical, lyrics by E. Y, Harburg, music by Sammy Fain, 1951

"Seven Beauties" movie by Lina Wertmuller, 1975

"Anaconda Targets" movie by Dominic Angerame, 2004

"Punishment Park" movie by Peter Watkins, 1971

"Sweet Movie" movie by Duan Makavejev, 1974

"Otmar Bauer zeigt:" ("Otmar Bauer presents:") movie, 1969

"For the Love of... Part I" (2007-8) & "Threnody" (1992 rev. 2008) - electroacoustic compositions by Mark Steven Brooks from "Dam(n)age" CD

"Judgment at Nuremberg" movie by Stanley Kramer, 1961

"Rapture" installation by Shirin Neshat, 1999

"The South Bank Show (with Shirin Neshat)" tv show by Susan Shaw, 2001

"Hell's Ground" movie by Omar Ali Khan, 2007

"The Crooked E" movie by Penelope Spheeris, 2003

"Holy Smoke" movie by Jane Campion, 1999

"The Cult of the Suicide Bomber" movie starring Robert Baer, 2005

"Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against The West" movie by Wayne Kopping, 2006

"Rock Slyde" movie by Chris Dowling, 2010

"Rat Race" movie by Jerry Zucker, 2001

"Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story" movie by Todd Haynes, 1987

"Terror's Advocate" movie by Barbet Schroeder, 2007

"Life and Debt" movie by Stephanie Black, 2001

"Entartete Musik - music suppressed by the third reich" movie from Beata Romanowski for Decca Records, 1993

"Amen." movie by Costa-Gavras, 2002

"The Stranger" movie by Orson Welles, 1946

"The Boys from Brazil" movie by Franklin J. Schaffner, 1978

"Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky and the Media" movie by Mark Achbar & Peter Wintonick, 1992

"Shoah" movie by Claude Lanzmann, 1985

"Conspiracy" movie by Frank Pierson, 2001

"Nazi War Criminal goes on Trial" newsreel, 1961


"The Hunt for Adolf Eichmann" movie from Dan Setton & Ron Frank, 1994

"The House on Garibaldi Street" movie by Peter Collinson,1979

"The Man Who Captured Eichmann" movie by William A. Graham, 1996

"Work Will Make You Free Trade" movie by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE, 2000

"The Killing Fields" movie by Roland Joffé, 1984

"A" movie by Mori Tatsuya, 1998

"Rhinoceros" movie based on the play by Eugene Ionescu, 1974

"Beginning Responsibility - Lunchroom Manners" movie by Coronet Instructional Films, 1960

"Soapy the Germ Fighter" movie by Avis Films

"Shy Guy" movie by Coronet Instructional Films, 1947

"Kansas vs Darwin" movie by Jeff Tamblyn, 2007

"Flock of Dodos" movie by Randy Olson, 2007

"Man in the Glass Booth" movie by Arthur Hiller, 1975

"The Wonderful, Horrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl" movie by Ray Mller, 1993

"This Film Is Not Yet Rated" - Kirby Dick, 2006

"Come and See" - Elem Klimov, 1985

"The Kaiser's Lackey" movie by Wolfgang Staudte, 1951

"Interpreting The Kaiser's Lackey" - movie by Michael Aronson, 2007 Assistant Professor of History and German & Scandinavian Studies University of Massachusetts Amherst: Andrew Donson]

"The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T" movie by Dr. Seuss & Roy Rowland, 1952

"Monty Python's Flying Circus: Episode 1: Whither Canada" tv program by Monty Python's Flying Circus, 1969

"The Pentagon Wars" movie by Richard Benjamin, 1998

"Backwards Masking in Rocks" movie by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE, 2008

"Women in Love" movie by Ken Russell, 1969

- text sources used:

Robopaths - People As Machines - Lewis Yablonsky, 1972

Joey: A "Mechanical Boy" (Scientific American Offprint: Scientific American, March 1959) - Bruno Bettelheim

Eichmann in Jerusalem - A Report on the Banality of Evil - Hannah Arendt, 1963


"The Other Possibility" (Die andre Mglichkeit) , Let's Face It (originally in Ein Mann Gibt Auskunft) - Erich Kastner, 1930

Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television - Jerry Mander, 1978

"How corporations became 'persons' - The amazing true story of a legal fiction that undermines American democracy." - Tom Stites, May 1, 2003 - http://www.uuworld.org/ideas/articles/157829.shtml

Little Superman (Der Untertan) - Heinrich Mann, 1914

- editing notes here

- 1:48:20

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/-PR7C8nFKtA

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/Robopaths


380. a. "Spectral Evidence"

- silent version made for "Sync'd 4" in "3 Rivers Film Festival" intended to have live soundtrack

- shot in Massachusetts from September 12-21, 2011

- camera, direction, editing, effects: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- additional camera, nature guide, court jestering, Putt-Putt Course: Vermin Supreme

- edit finished October 1, 2011

- 8:28

b. "Spectral Evidence"

- edit finished October 19, 2011

- featuring music by: Arnold Schönberg, Peter Maxwell Davies, HiTEC,

& poetry w/ music by Kenneth Patchen w/ The Chamber Jazz Sextet

(music composed by Allyn Ferguson)

- 1:18:42

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/SpectralEvidence

c. "Lungs Face Feet @ Sync'd 4"

- edit finished November 11, 2011

- featuring music by "Lungs Face Feet" performed during "Sync'd 4" in "3 Rivers Film Festival" at the Regent Square Theater in Pittsburgh on Thursday, November 10, 2011 - w/ the band showing most of the time - this includes a unique edit of the "Spectral Evidence trailer".

- 41:37

d. "Spectral Evidence trailer" (YouTube version)

- edit finished November 11, 2011

- featuring music by "Lungs Face Feet" performed during "Sync'd 4" in "3 Rivers Film Festival" at the Regent Square Theater in Pittsburgh on Thursday, November 10, 2011 - w/ the band showing during "Verse 1" & the final "Chorus"

- 8:53

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: http://youtu.be/PFtodKMQpXE

e. "Spectral Evidence trailer"

- edit finished November 13, 2011

- featuring music by "Lungs Face Feet" performed during "Sync'd 4" in "3 Rivers Film Festival" at the Regent Square Theater in Pittsburgh on Thursday, November 10, 2011 - but w/o the band showing

- 8:53

f. "Spectral Evidence trailer" (with sound by Sound/Unsound)

- sound recorded at the Hollywood Theater in Dormont, PA, on December 1, 2013 as part of the "Silents, Please" series

- 8:44


377. "Innisfree Reading"

- a reading given by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE @ Innisfree Poetry Bookstore & Café in Boulder, CO on June 1, 2011

- edit finished July 16, 2011

- broken into 6 parts for YouTube (leaving out the beginning intro & the ending Q&A):

01. tENT & Amy read @ Innisfree - pt 1 - 4:34

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/iWwMJDdEGr8

02. Amy & tENT read @ Innisfree - pt 2 - 7:39

03. tENT & Amy read @ Innisfree - pt 3 - 8:15

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/SeKRPVGa_ko

04. Amy & tENT read @ Innisfree - pt 4 - 9:06

05. tENT & Amy read @ Innisfree - pt 5 - 9:59

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/9GohN-MtOMg

06. Amy & tENT read @ Innisfree - pt 6 - 9:39

- 1:04:04


376. a. "Reductionism (A Yr of Sundays with Mono)"

- the movie version of the score (+ the score played) of the audio piece of the same name

- d composer/realizer: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- Thanks to Warren Burt for Pitch-to-MIDI & Cakewalk assistance

- 1997-1998 / 2000 / 2003 / 2011 - finished June, 2011

- 37:24

b. ""Reductionism (A Yr of Sundays with Mono)" + "Interpretive Duncing (The Sum of Multiple "Reductionisms")" + "Artifacts""

- 37:51

c. "Reductionisms Expanded"

- incorporating footage of the rehearsals & the premier

- 1:19:47

d. "Reductionism + Interpretive Duncing + Artifacts"

- incorporating footage of the rehearsals & the premier of just the expanded piece

- 42:15

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/0MkMFpaZGOU


375. a. "DEPOT (wherein resides the UNDEAD of Franz Kamin)"

- short version made for the March 19, 2011 NORKINFEST in Baltimore

- this covers Franz Kamin's years before he moved to St Paul to recuperate from alcoholism, ie: 1941-1986 & is a compressed synthesis of 357 & 359-362 amongst other footage shot in St Paul, NYC, Barrytown, & Pittsburgh

- super-8mm film & mini-dv & scans -> computer -> mini-dv & DVD-R

- 29:52

- October, 2010 - February, 2011

b. "DEPOT (wherein resides the UNDEAD of Franz Kamin)"

- full length version finished at the end of April, 2011

- 3:40:39

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/qDwGVNIJbgE

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/depot_201906


366. a. "tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE - School of Disembodied Poetics"

- shot at the PAC (Performing Arts Center) & environs of the Naropa University in Boulder, CO on October 8, 2010 by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE & a student from the PAC tech crew

- edit finished on November 24, 2010 by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- 1:49:19

b. "tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE - School of Disembodied Poetics" (YouTube version)

- edit finished on November 25, 2010 by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- 10:21

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: http://youtu.be/f2puiVTPGYU

c. "Anselm Hollo Remembers Baltimore"

- Just the Anselm Hollo section extracted from the feature above for possible use in an exhibit about Baltimore literary history in the 1970s, 1980s, & 1990s

- edit finished on July 27, 2017 by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- 3:38


359. a. "A Catamaran Animist Vigor" ('purist' version - ie: w/o the explanatory Mark Dixon interview)

- starring: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE & Bart Trotman

- shot April 17, 2010 in INVISIBLE's studio in Greensboro, NC, using Mark Dixon & Fred Snider's "Selectric Piano" invention

- camcorders: 2 still mini-dvs set up by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- edit from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE finished May 15, 2010

- 43:43

b. "A Catamaran Animist Vigor" (explanatory version - ie: w/ the Mark Dixon interview)

- 48:33

c. "Po, Li, Ou" ('purist' version - ie: w/o the explanatory Mark Dixon interview)

- using the "Po, Li, Ou" texts created by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- starring: Jodi Staley as the typist

- shot April 17, 2010 in INVISIBLE's studio in Greensboro, NC, using Mark Dixon & Fred Snider's "Selectric Piano" invention

- camcorders: 2 mini-dvs, one static, one moving, set up & shot by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- edit from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE finished June 11, 2010

- 27:18

d. "Po" (YouTube version)

- an adapted version of "Po, Li, Ou"'s "Po" section

- 4:29

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: http://youtu.be/T--GnT8Xk0w

e. "Li" (YouTube version)

- an adapted version of "Po, Li, Ou"'s "Li" section

- 7:17

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/NZk-vJoI9nY

f. "Ou - pt 1" (YouTube version - brroken into 2 parts to meet YouTube's technical limits)

- the 1st half of an adapted version of "Po, Li, Ou"'s "Ou" section

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/uDvCwN_QB04

- 8:53

g. "Ou - pt 2" (YouTube version - broken into 2 parts to meet YouTube's technical limits)

- the 2nd half of an adapted version of "Po, Li, Ou"'s "Ou" section

- 8:23

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/TPduDtGGlwU

h. "Po, Li, Ou" (explanatory version - ie: w/ the explanatory Mark Dixon interview)

- edit from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE finished June 13, 2010

- 32:44

i. "Selectric Piano; Po, Li, Ou; & Anagrammatic Variations"

- edit from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE finished June 15, 2010

- 1:16:32

j. "Mark Dixon's Selectric Piano" (for YouTube)

- edit from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE finished June 15, 2010

- 7:47

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/3x6AJ6ssJsk

k. "Claustrophrenia"

- Claustrophrenia - neologism coined by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE on June 17, 2010 (&, probably, by someone before him): mental discomfiture due to extraordinary interiorization.

- edit from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE finished June 17, 2010

- 45:15


336. "WARNING: TV Suffocates the Senses like a Bag over the Head"

- finished May 16, 2009

- 1:51:24

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/WIoChhRmiiQ


321. a. "Triple-S Variety Show - Orgone Cinema"

- live mix & electronic soundtrack to VHS: Friday, January 12, 1995


- 1:56:16

b. "Triple-S Variety Show - Orgone Cinema"

- VHS -> computer -> mini-DV & DVD-R

- 26:11

c. "Triple-S Variety Show - Orgone Cinema (revisited)"

- incorporating footage from the live presentation of this at the Why Are series on March 28, 2009

- shortened back down to 26:11 despite the addition of framing footage


318. "watching YOU watching THE END OF TELEVISION"

- shot January 15, 2009; titles added January 16, 2009

- 1:04:54


HiTEC documents:

- HiTEC (Histrionic Thought Experiment Cooperative) was originally proposed as "Sonic Aughts Union" by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE after a May '08 gig in a library by t,ac; Margaret Cox; Rick Gribenas; & Steve Boyle. When "Sonic Aughts Union" failed to materialize as cONVENIENCE originally imagined, it transformed into HiTEC & into more orchestral dimensions. Its 1st rehearsal was on July 14, 2008. In an attempt to document every rehearsal, mini-dv has been shot, sometimes w/ 2 cameras, sometimes w/ the camera(s) only on (a) tripod(s), sometimes w/ camera operators - & explanatory titles have been added. The numbers in the title represent the number of the rehearsal & the letters represent the sub-group of HiTEC that was rehearsing. 'Full' groups are designated as such. The order they're presented in here is an approximate recreation of the order in wch they were made.

- All were shot on mini-dv & edited & titled on computer by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE & outputted to DVD-R & mini-dv unless otherwise noted


280. "HiTEC 001 A"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, guitars, effects pedals, feedback, cymbal, sampler, wave-table synthesizer; Rick Gribenas: laptop, organ, vibres, floor stomping; Johan Nystrom: snare drum, cymbals

- Monday, July 14, 2008; etc..

- 1:05:22

- https://archive.org/details/HiTEC001A


285. "HiTEC 006 E"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, sampler, wave-table synthesizer; Erok: trombone; Ally Reeves: vibres; Margaret Campbell: belly dancing

- Sunday, August 3, 2008; etc..

- 1:05:17

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/28AWJK4xbC0


286. "HiTEC 007 B"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, sampler, wave-table synthesizer, DX-27S; Ben Opie: Bb clarinet, thingamagoop; Spat Cannon: vibres; Julian Krishnamurti: electric bass; Ben Harris: violin, table-tapping

- Monday, August 4, 2008; etc..

- 1:05:19

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC007B


288. "HiTEC 009 A"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, electric guitar w/ wah-wah, sampler, wave-table synthesizer, percussion; Johan Nystrom: percussion; Hyla Willis: erhu, Jamaican bean; Ben Harris: violin ; Dave Bernabo: acoustic guitar; Kerrith Livengood: flute; Andrew "The Impaled" Laswell: Jamaican bean, piano, vibres

- Monday, August 11, 2008; etc..

- 1:05:10

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC009A


292. "HiTEC 013 C"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano; James Gyre: percussion; Kenny Haney: bass clarinet; Roger Dannenberg: trumpet; Dani Simmonds: banjo-uke; William Wedler: glass xylophone

- Thursday, August 21, 2008; etc..

- 1:04:26

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC013C


298. "HiTEC 020 F & A"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, percussion; Johan Nystrom: percussion; Hyla Willis: erhu, small instrument; Dave Bernabo: vibres; Kerrith Livengood: alto flute; Jonathan Brodsky: monome with mabalhabla software; Unfinished Symphonies: electronic keyboard; Dani Simmonds: banjo-uke; William Wedler: Erector Set; Margaret Campbell: belly dancing, Wheel of Fortune

- Sunday, September 7, 2008; etc..

- 1:04:35

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/aDDsf5vY4nc


300. "HiTEC 021 'Full' Group"

- Clockwise w/ the Wheel of Fortune @ 12 O'Clock:

- Ilona Auth: tap dancing, WoF spinning; Ben Opie: alto sax, thingamagoop; Kerrith Livengood: flute; Ben Harris: violin; Dave Bernabo: acoustic guitar; Johan Nystrom: percussion; William Wedler: percussion; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: grand piano, percussion; Unfinished Symphonies: electronic keyboard; Joy: acoustic guitar; Erok: trombone; Jonathan Brodsky: monome with mabalhabla software; Kenny Haney: bass clarinet; James Gyre: darbouka, flute, bicycle; Hyla Willis: erhu, small noisemaker; Tony Balko: 16mm camera

- Sunday, September 14, 2008; etc..

- 1:01:57

- 16mm + mini-dv -> DVD-R & mini-dv

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC021full


302. "HiTEC 023 F"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, percussion, effected WoF; Roger Dannenberg: trumpet; Unfinished Symphonies: electronic keyboard; William Wedler: Erector Set; Stuart Anderson: recorder, vibres

- Sunday, September 21, 2008; etc..

- 1:05:42

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC023F


305. "HiTEC 039 'Full' Group"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: grand piano, effected WoF; Johan Nystrom: extended percussion amplified thru electric guitar; Hyla Willis: erhu; Ben Harris: violin; Dave Bernabo: acoustic guitar, homemade kracklebox made by dave kuzy; Kerrith Livengood: flute; Jonathan Brodsky: monome with mabalhabla software; Spat Cannon: acoustic bass; James Gyre: drum kit; Kenny Haney: bass clarinet; Roger Dannenberg: trumpet; Ben Opie: alto sax, thingamgoop (from kit); Julian Krishnamurti: electric bass; Unfinished Symphonies: electronic keyboard; Dani Simmonds: banjo-uke; William Wedler: percussion; Joy: acoustic guitar; Erok: trombone; Melissa St. Pierre: amplified toy piano

- Sunday, November 16, 2008; etc..

- 1:22:50

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC039full


306. a. "HiTEC 024 A" (sound version)

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, percussion; Johan Nystrom: percussion; Hyla Willis: erhu, vibres; Ben Harris: violin; Kerrith Livengood: alto flute; Jonathan Brodsky: monome with mabalhabla software; James Gyre: Erector Set; Spat Cannon: upright bass

- Monday, September 22, 2008; etc..

- 1:26:09

b. "HiTEC 024 A" ('silent' version)

c. "HiTEC 024 A" (hybrid version)

- 1:32:12

- edit made April 22, 2019

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/RmtaSPLef_w


308. "HiTEC 026 E"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, percussion; Stuart Anderson: Small Nondo; Joy: acoustic guitar; Ben Opie: Bb clarinet, thingamagoop (from kit), vibres

- shot Sunday, September 28, 2008; edited December 11, 2008

- 1:18:06

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/6OPfaeUoVY0


310. "HiTEC 045 'Full' Group"

- Clockwise w/ the Wheel of Fortune @ 12 O'Clock: Joy: acoustic guitar; Unfinished Symphonies: electronic keyboard; William Wedler: percussion; Erok: trombone; Stuart Anderson: recorder; Roger Dannenberg: trumpet, flugelhorn; Dani Simmonds: banjo-uke; Spat Cannon: acoustic bass; Melissa St. Pierre: toy piano; Julian Krishnamurti: electric bass [app. 20 minutes into recording]; Mike Tamburo: hammered dulcimer; Ben Harris: violin; Jonathan Brodsky: monome; Johan Nystrom: extended percussion; Hyla Willis: erhu, small noisemaker(s); Kenny Haney: bass clarinet; Ben Opie: Turkish clarinet in G, soprano sax, thingamagoop (from kit); Tony Balko: SM camcorder; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: grand piano

- Sunday, December 7, 2008; edit finished December 22, 2008

- 1:11:32

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC045full


311. "HiTEC 027 C"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, percussion; James Gyre: Erector Set, sampler; Kenny Haney: bass clarinet; Roger Dannenberg: trumpet; Ben Opie: Bb clarinet, thingamagoop (from kit); Julian Krishnamurti: electric bass

- shot Thursday, October 2, 2008; edit finished December 25, 2008

- 1:05:28

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC027C


312. "HiTEC 028 F"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano; Unfinished Symphonies: electronic keyboard; Dani Simmonds: banjo-uke; Stuart Anderson: Erector Set; Erok: vibres

- shot Sunday, October 5, 2008; edit finished December 27, 2008

- 1:05:28

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/op9JufolGFY


314. "HiTEC 030 C"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, percussion, vibres; James Gyre: percussion; Kenny Haney: bass clarinet, piano; Roger Dannenberg: trumpet; Julian Krishnamurti: electric bass, percussion

- shot Thursday, October 16, 2008; edit probably finished shortly thereafter

- burned to DVD-R December 28, 2008

- 1:05:17

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/qvtF8UmLyuw


316. "HiTEC 032 A"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, percussion, voice; Johan Nystrom: percussion; Ben Harris: violin; David Bernabo: acoustic guitar; Kerrith Livengood: alto flute; Jonathan Brodsky: monome with mabalhabla software; Erok: trombone

- shot Monday, October 20, 2008; edit finished December 31, 2008

- 1:05:29

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/WAwvVSEyasY


317. "HiTEC 034 E"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, percussion; Spat Cannon: acoustic bass; Ben Opie: soprano sax; Erok: vibres

- shot Sunday, October 26, 2008; edit finished January 1, 2009

- 1:05:31

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/oh8Xjiuz2mg


319. "HiTEC 051 - New Hazlett Theater"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, SysMan, electronics, percussion, spinner, editing, etc..; Tony Balko: camcorder; Ben Opie - reeds, electronics; Kenny Haney: clarinets, balloons ; Spat Cannon: upright acoustic bass; Dani Simmonds: banjo-uke; Roger Dannenberg: trumpet, flugelhorn, piccolo trumpet; Missi St Pierre: toy piano w/ effects; Julian Krishnamurti: electric bass; Johan Nystrom: extended percussion; Kerrith Livengood: alto flute; Ben Harris: violin; Jonathan Borofsky: monome with mabalhabla software; Mike Tamburo: hammered dulcimer; Unfinished Symphonies: electronic keyboard; Joy: electric guitar w/ nylon strings; William Wedler: Experiment 1; Erok: trombone; Stuart Anderson: laptop; James Gyre: drums

- moving cameras: Blissy Ann Higgs, Bill Daniel, Ashley Brickman

- shot Friday, January 9, 2009; edit finished February 4, 2009

- high-definition hard-drive & mini-dv -> mini-DV & DVD-R

- 1:38:42

click here to check out the beginning of this

click here to check out an excerpt from the raw soft focus Hi-Def footage of this

- the complete gig is on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC051full

- complete version also on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/lc20DsVW718


322. "HiTEC 036 A & F"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, percussion, WoF spinner, Designator, editing, titling; Johan Nystrom: amplified percussion, vibres, Sheepdog; Kerrith Livengood: flute; Jonathan Brodsky: monome ; Dani Simmonds: banjo-uke; William Wedler: Erector Set, Designator; Spat Cannon: acoustic bass

- shot Monday, November 3, 2008; edit finished February 17, 2009

- 1:08:18

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/c7cIl-vckqk


323. "HiTEC 037 G"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, percussion, editing, titling; Unfinished Symphonies: electronic keyboard; Jules: SK-1

- shot Thursday, November 13, 2008; edit finished February 19, 2009

- 1:05:28

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC037G


324. "HiTEC 040 A"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, editing, titling; Johan Nystrom: balloons, vibres; Hyla Willis: erhu, Jamaican bean, small noisemaker; Jonathan Brodsky: monome with mabalhabla software, electric guitar

- shot Monday, November 17, 2008; edit finished February 22, 2009

- 1:05:28

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/kWvAr1MHHcQ


325. "HiTEC 041 F"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: Spinner, Processor, editing, titling; Unfinished Symphonies: electronic keyboard; William Wedler: Erector Set; Joy: electric guitar; Stuart Anderson: vibres; Erok: trombone; Roger Dannenberg: trumpet

- shot Sunday, November 23, 2008; edit finished February 26, 2009

- 1:03:29

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC041F


326. "HiTEC 042 G"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, percussion, titling; Melissa St. Pierre: toy piano; Mike Tamburo: hammered dulcimer; Dani Simmonds: banjo-uke; Roger Dannenberg: trumpet

- shot Monday, November 24, 2008; edit finished March 2, 2009

- 1:05:28

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/EGZhm7VuAyw


327. "HiTEC 043 C & G"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, percussion, Spinner; James Gyre: Erector Set; Kenny Haney: bass clarinet; Ben Opie: soprano sax, thingamagoop (from kit), percussion; Tony Balko: SM camcorder; Julian Krishnamurti: electric bass; Melissa St. Pierre: toy piano; Mike Tamburo: hammered dulcimer, percussion

- shot Tuesday, November 25, 2008; edit finished March 5, 2009

- 1:21:27

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC43CG


328. "HiTEC 044 A & G"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, percussion, voice, camcorder, titling; David Bernabo: acoustic guitar; Jonathan Brodsky: monome; Spat Cannon: acoustic bass; Melissa St. Pierre: toy piano; Mike Tamburo: hammered dulcimer, percussion, voice; Stuart Anderson: organ, camcorder

- shot Monday, December 1, 2008; edit finished March 7, 2009

- 1:22:47

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/6OXXONcpKXg


329. "HiTEC 046 C & G"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: non-SM camcorder, Spinner; Kenny Haney: Bb clarinet, Spinner, Processor; Roger Dannenberg: trumpet, percussion; Julian Krishnamurti: electric bass, percussion, piano; Melissa St. Pierre: toy piano

- shot Thursday, December 11, 2008; edit finished March 14, 2009

- 1:17:35

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/CZCS6cnaQis


330. "HiTEC 047 A"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, percussion, oboe, camera, titling; Johan Nystrom: electronics, vibres; Hyla Willis: erhu, Jamaican bean; David Bernabo: acoustic guitar, percussion; Jonathan Brodsky: monome with mabalhabla software; Spat Cannon: acoustic bass, percussion; Mike Tamburo: hammered dulcimer, percussion

- shot Monday, December 15, 2008; edit finished March 19, 2009

- 1:22:50

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC047A


331. "HiTEC 048 'Full' Group"

- Clockwise w/ the Wheel of Fortune @ 12 O'Clock: James Gyre: drum set; Joy: electric guitar w/ nylon strings; Unfinished Symphonies: electronic keyboard; William Wedler: Experiment 1, percussion; Erok: trombone; Dani Simmonds: banjo-uke; Spat Cannon: acoustic bass; Julian Krishnamurti: electric bass; David Bernabo: melodica, percussion, homemade kracklebox made by dave kuzy; Jonathan Brodsky: monome; Johan Nystrom: extended percussion; Kenny Haney: bass clarinet; Ben Opie: tenor sax, thingamagoop (from kit); Tony Balko: SM camcorder; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: grand piano, editing, titling

- shot Sunday, December 21, 2008; edit finished March 28, 2009

- 1:24:46

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/MnanNTyY7yo


332. "HiTEC 049 A"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, percussion, voice, camera, editing, titling; Hyla Willis: erhu, percussion, voice; Jonathan Brodsky: monome; Melissa St. Pierre: toy piano; Roger Dannenberg: trumpet, SysMan software

- shot Monday, December 29, 2008; edit finished April 2, 2009

- 1:05:26

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC049A


333. "HiTEC 050 'Full' Group"

- Clockwise w/ the Wheel of Fortune @ 12 O'Clock: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: piano, SysMan, electronics, percussion, spinner, editing, titling; Tony Balko: Systems Management camcorder; Ben Opie: tenor sax, electronics; Kenny Haney: bass clarinet; Dani Simmonds: banjo-uke, harmonica; Roger Dannenberg: trumpet, flugelhorn; Missi St Pierre: toy piano w/ effects; Julian Krishnamurti: electric bass; Johan Nystrom: extended percussion; Kerrith Livengood: alto flute; Ben Harris: violin; Jonathan Brodsky: monome with mabalhabla software; Mike Tamburo: hammered dulcimer; Joy: electric guitar w/ nylon strings; William Wedler: Experiment 1

- shot Thursday, January 8, 2009; edit finished April 8, 2009

- 1:22:48

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/7CpcMSnch90


334. a. "HiTE Club PREMIER"

- starring joy toujours; Tony Blowad; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- 1:31:51

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEclub1

b. "HiTE Club PREMIER" (YouTube version)

- 09:46

- on my onesownthoughtsYouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/XU6AnSa4v0s


335. "HiTEC 054 'Full' Group"

- Clockwise w/ tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE @ 12 O'Clock:

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: grand piano; joy toujours: guitar; William Wedler: Experiment 1; Unfinished Symphonies: electronic keyboard; Julian Krishnamurti: electric bass, erhu; Roger Dannenberg: trumpet; Dani Simmonds: banjo-uke, krackle box; Josh Beyer: cello; Red Bob: drums; Mike Kasunic: synthesizer; Mike Tamburo: hammered dulcimer, pipe xylophone, melodica; David Bernabo: acoustic guitar, percussion; Ben Harris: violin; Jonathan Brodsky: monome with mabalhabla software; James Gyre: darbouka, drum machine; Ben Opie: Bb clarinet; Kenny Haney: Bb clarinet; Hyla Willis: erhu, percussion, voice

- shot Sunday, May 10, 2009; edit finished May 16, 2009

- 1:22:50

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/On9c0e4pN2k


339. "HiTEC 058 'Full' Group"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: grand piano, electronics; William Wedler: Experiment 1; Unfinished Symphonies: electronic keyboard; Mike Kasunic: synthesizer; Julian Krishnamurti: electric bass, ukelele; Dani Simmonds: ukelele, krackle box, harmonica; Spat Cannon: acoustic bass; Josh Beyer: cello; Jonathan Brodsky: monome with mabalhabla softwar; Ben Harris: violin; Kenny Haney: Bb clarinet; Hyla Willis: erhu, percussion, voice; Ben Opie: alto clarinet, C-Melody sax, grand piano, recorder

- shot Sunday, June 7, 2009

- 1:22:37

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/bN44OkFaXhU


340. a. "The End of Television"

Clockwise from Wheel-of-Fortune: Tony Balko: SM camcorder; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: electronics, voice; Ben Opie: saxes, Thingamagoop; Kenny Haney: Bb clarinet; James Gyre: darbouka, drum set, flute; Spat Cannon: acoustic bass; Dani Simmonds: ukelele, small banjo, harmonica, darbouka, electronics; Roger Dannenberg: trumpet, flugelhorn, piccolo trumpet; Josh Beyer: cello; Julian Krishnamurti: electric bass; Johan Nystrom: extended percussion; Hyla Willis: amplified erhu; Ben Harris: violin; Jonathan Brodsky: monome with mabalhabla software; Mike Tamburo: hammered dulcimer, Crowned Eternal, melodica; David Bernabo: electric guitar; William Wedler: Experiment 1; joy toujours: trombone; Unfinished Symphonies: electronic keyboard; Red Bob Jungkunz: drums; Mike Kasunic: synthesizer, flute, percussion

- mostly shot Friday, June 12, 2009; edit finished June 30, 2009

- 1:58:35

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC059full

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/RjzBIOt863Y

b. "Stanley Cup FINAL 2009" (for YouTube)

- 10:30

c. "Stanley Cup FINAL 2009" (revised for YouTube)

- 9:38

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/dsncOO-sql0


342. "HiTEC 060 'Full' Group"

- Clockwise w/ Wheel-of-Fortune @ 12 O'Clock: James Gyre: drum set [left early]; joy toujours: trombone; Unfinished Symphonies: electronic keyboard; Josh Beyer: Baribanjolo; Red Bob Jungkunz: drums; Ben Harris: violin; Ben Opie: alto sax; Kenny Haney: clarinets; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: grand piano

- shot Sunday, August 2, 2009; edit finished August 19, 2009

- 1:07:18

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/nuw2QIDy568


344. a. "HiTEC @ the VAF" ('full' version)

- 061-FULL-GROUP(18) - Friday, August 7, 2009 - Visionary Arts Festival, Schenley Plaza - Audience left to right: Johan Nystrom: extended percussion, camera; Mike Tamburo: hammered dulcimer, clarinet, amplified string & contact mic; Ben Harris: violin; Jonathan Brodsky: monome with mabalhabla software; William Wedler: Experiment 1; Unfinished Symphonies: electronic keyboard; joy toujours: trombone; Mike Kasunic: electronics; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: electronics, percussion; Hyla Willis: amplified erhu, Jamaican seed pod; Tony Balko: SM camcorder; Ben Opie: alto sax, tube w/ reed, small percussion; Kenny Haney: clarinets; James Gyre: drum set; Spat Cannon: acoustic bass; Dani Simmonds: ukulele, electronics; Josh Beyer: Baribanjolo; Roger Dannenberg: McBlare, trumpet, flugelhorn, piccolo trumpet, SysMan

- 062-FULL-GROUP(17) - Saturday, August 8, 2009 - Visionary Arts Festival, Schenley Plaza - Audience left to right: [masked] Kerrith Livengood: electric guitar, etc..; Ben Harris: violin; Jonathan Brodsky: monome with mabalhabla software; William Wedler: Experiment 1; Unfinished Symphonies: electronic keyboard, tambourine; joy toujours: violin; Red Bob Jungkunz: drums; Mike Kasunic: electric guitar; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: electronics, percussion; Hyla Willis: amplified erhu, Jamaican seed pod; Tony Balko: SM camcorder; Ben Opie: alto sax, tube w/ reed, small percussion; Kenny Haney: clarinets; Spat Cannon: acoustic bass [had to leave slightly before the end]; Dani Simmonds: tenor guitar, electronics; Josh Beyer: acoustic guitar; Roger Dannenberg: McBlare, trumpet, flugelhorn, piccolo trumpet, SysMan

- 063-FULL-GROUP(15) - Friday, August 7, 2009 - Visionary Arts Festival, Schenley Plaza - Audience left to right: Ben Harris: violin; Mike Tamburo: hammered dulcimer, clarinet, amplified string & contact mic; Jonathan Brodsky: monome with mabalhabla software; Unfinished Symphonies: electronic keyboard; joy toujours: violin, amplified toy stuffed animal; Red Bob Jungkunz: drums; Mike Kasunic: electric guitar; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: electronics, percussion; Hyla Willis: amplified erhu, Jamaican seed pod; Tony Balko: SM camcorder; Ben Opie: alto sax, tube w/ reed, small percussion; Kenny Haney: clarinets; James Gyre: drum set; Spat Cannon: acoustic bass; Roger Dannenberg: McBlare, trumpet, flugelhorn, piccolo trumpet, SysMan

- shot Wednesday, August 5, 2009 to Monday, August 10, 2009; edit finished September 3, 2009

- 3:35:58

b. "HiTEC @ the VAF" (1 disc version)

- shot Wednesday, August 5, 2009 to Monday, August 10, 2009; edit finished mid September, 2009

- 1:45:00

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC06163VAF

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/FJ62djkqQ88

c. "HiTEC @ the VAF" (short version) [broken into 3 parts (slightly edited further) for YouTube]

- shot Wednesday, August 5, 2009 to Monday, August 10, 2009; edit finished mid September, 2009

- 28:00

HiTEC @ the VAF: Day 1

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/VlInVCCK4Ro

HiTEC @ the VAF: Day 2

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/YT06HpEcNj0

HiTEC @ the VAF: Day 3

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/YT06HpEcNj0


347. a. "HiTEC 064 I"

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: ASR-X Resampler, Pitchrider Pitch-to-MIDI converter, K1m wave table synthesizer (1st day w/o my programmed voices - they're all lost due to battery death), DX27S algorithm synthesizer, TX81Z FM tone generator synthesizer, small Chinese gong, 2 Chinese hand-held cymbals, 'lion's roar', chain, ratchet, corrugated tube, Zydeco tie, voice, whistling, etc..; Gina Ketter: viola, bowed electric guitar (unamplified); Roger Dannenberg: trumpet, piano; Mimi Jong: erhu, vibraphone, kalimba, voice; Hugh Watkins: kalimba, berrimbao, bottles, all sorts penny whistle, strummed CDs, stones, whistling, voice; Shane James: putatara (conch-shell trumpet), karaka manu (karaka = a particular type of tree, manu = birds; ie: a bird attractor), poi [Poiawhiowhio] (Twirled on a string, this instrument imitates various bird songs depending on size and shape of gourds and holes in them. The string inside also vibrates as gourd spins.), putangitangi, nguru (small nose flute), pounamu (jade rock percussion), beer bottle, koauau (small flute w/ 3 holes - similar to an ocarina), korero maori (Maori speech &/or chanting), whistling, putorino (trumpet/flute); Buddy Nutt: ukulele, slide didjeridoo, musical saw, Tibetan gong, Bb trumpet, slide whistle; Liz Hammond (Ukulizzy): ukulele, coronet (w/ & w/o mutes), slide whistle

- shot on Sunday, October 4, 2009; edit finished October 20, 2009

- 1:03:03

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC064I

b. "Avicenna's Floating Maori" (for YouTube)

- edit finished October 21, 2009

- 10:01

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/gPOFMfbtRmc


348. a. "Systems & Processes 1 (HiTEC 065 Y)"

- the documentary of tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's "Systems & Processes" lecture created as an introduction to a series of HiTEC & Systems Management related workshops

- involving CMU Professor Jon Rubin & the 15 students in his concept class

- shot on Wednesday, October 28, 2009; edit finished early November, 2009

- 2:03:13

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC065Y

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/8mmBXJNSuZs

b. "Systems & Processes 1 (HiTEC 065 Y)" (for DVD)

- mainly different from the above b/c the end discussion is cut out to make the file small enuf for DVD

- 1:49:28


349. "Systems & Processes 2 (HiTEC 066 Y)"

- involving CMU Professor Jon Rubin & the 15 students in his concept class (minus 1 or 2)

- shot on Monday, November 2, 2009; edit finished early November, 2009

- 1:02:32

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/NNaRMpCKy4Q

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC066Y


350. a. "Systems & Processes 3 (HiTEC 067 Y)"

- involving CMU Professor Jon Rubin & 6 students in his concept class + joy toujours, Josh Beyer, & Hyla Willis - special credit to Spencer Diaz & Laurie Shapiro

- shot on Wednesday, November 4, 2009; edit finished November 20, 2009

- 2:21:38

- the whole thing is on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC067Y

- & on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/kePdIilUbX0

b. "Systems & Processes 3 (HiTEC 067 Y)"

- the 1st attempt to edit it down short enuf to fit in the final edit of all 4 classes together in DVD length

- 48:30

c. "Robotic" (for YouTube)

- this is just the above-named section from "Systems & Processes 3 (HiTEC 067 Y)"

- 6:57

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/DkZjJ1ePIos


351. a. "Systems & Processes 4 (HiTEC 068 Y)"

- involving CMU Professor Jon Rubin & 15 students in his concept class + Unfinished Symphonies & Hyla Willis - special credit to Spencer Diaz

- shot on Monday, November 9, 2009; edit finished November 24, 2009

- 1:59:03

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/wy2_Fd-RiTY

= on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC068Y

b. "Systems & Processes 4 (HiTEC 068 Y)" (DVD version)

- the "getting back" section of the above was removed

- 1:50:39


352. "Systems & Processes 1-4 (HiTEC 065-068 Y)"

- involving CMU Professor Jon Rubin & 15 students in his concept class + Hyla Willis, joy toujours, Josh Beyer, & Unfinished Symphonies

- special credit to Spencer Diaz & Lauri Shapiro

- CMU footage shot on October 28, November 2, 5, & 9, 2009; edit finished November 27, 2009

- 1:48:35


359. "HiTEC 072 - FINAL GIG"

- Clockwise from tENT: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: grand piano, percussion, remote-control electronics, SysMan, Wheel-of-Fortune; Julian Krishnamurti: electric bass; Spat Cannon: acoustic bass; Ben Opie: alto sax, Thingamagoop, Max patches on laptop, rattle; Hyla Willis: amplified erhu; Kenny Haney: bass clarinet, Bb clarinet; Tony Balko: camcorder; Jonathan Brodsky: laptop; David Bernabo: melodica, percussion; Kerrith Livengood: alto flute, percussion; Bob Jungkunz: percussion; William Wedler: percussion; joy toujours: violin; Unfinished Symphonies: electronic keyboard; Gina Ketter: viola; Spencer Diaz: camcorder

- additional cameras: Greg Pierce, Morgan Cahn

- shot Saturday, March 13, 2010; edit finished May 31, 2010

- 1:44:35

- raw high-definition footage of Kerrith Livengood's "Sheepdog" shot by Morgan Cahn on YouTube - w/ Ben Opie as the Sheepdog

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/9oYIc09Zxk4

- An excerpt from this edited version of HiTEC's FINAL GIG that includes "Infinite Monkey Theorem", 'SOMNAMBULIST", "Saboteur", "Bypass", "Birds", & "Affinity Groups" (+ 1 typo - can you find it?).

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/o2jILMegKug

- full gig on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/FmiAklaJt3I

- also on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/HiTEC072FINAL


360. a. "Infinite Monkey Theorem"

- using footage from HiTECs 28F, 29A, 31F, 32A, 46C&G, 47A, 49A, 51-FULL, 58-FULL, 59-FULL, 60-FULL, 61-FULL, 62-FULL, 63-FULL, 70-FULL, 72-FULL

- approximately 52 people in 6 locations were involved in the making of this

- shot between October 5, 2008 & March 13, 2010; edit finished July 1, 2010

- 1:12:56

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/InfiniteMonkeyTheorem_201905

b. "Infinite Monkey Theorem" (condensed version for YouTube)

- using only footage from HiTECs 28F, 29A, 31F, 32A, 46C&G, 49A, 58-FULL, 70-FULL, 72-FULL

- edit finished July 2, 2010

- 9:30

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/bBCrl5L8stQ

c. "Narrative" (performance version)

- edit finished July 4, 2010

- 18:21


275. "Backwards Masking in Rocks"


- using untouched & rewritten texts from:

Ray Palmer & Richard Shaver's "The Secret World - Volume One"

Jacob Aranza's "Backward Masking Unmasked - Backward Satanic Messages of Rock and Roll Exposed"

Suetonius' "The Twelve Caesers"

Marlen Haushofer's "The Wall"

- filching footage from:

Jean-Luc Godard & The Rolling Stones' "Sympathy for the Devil"

Flash Gordon episodes

The Compleat Beatles

Rob Reiner's "This is Spinal Tap"

- using music from:

Jefferson Airplane's "Crown of Creation"

Steppenwolf's "The Pusher"

Canned Heat's "Amphetamine Annie"

Frank Zappa & the Mothers of Invention's "Help, I'm a Rock"

The Official, March 13th, 1993E.V., Medium-Sized Band Who Have Just Put Out Their First Record & Who Will Be Selling Them At The 14 Karat Cabaret For A Fabulously Reasonable Price As Well As At Normal's Music Store At 429 E. 31st St. & Who Are More Wonderful, Original & Imaginative Than Even The Most Overblown Hyperbole Could Possibly Even Begin To Praise & Who Have A Penchant For Long Very-Hard-To-Remember Band Names That Even THEY Find Hard To Remember But How Else Can They Make Laure Drogoul, Baby MaDenney, & The Ever-Lovin' Pam Purdy Laugh Otherwise? - &, Besides, This Is Probably Their Last Show So Why Not Indulge Them A Little, Eh? Incredible Rapidly Shrinking Big Band Orchestra OOMPH!'s "'Patamorphic Institute Spiel"

John Lennon & Yoko Ono's "Revolution 9"

Little Fyodor's "Revolution 9"

- using images from:

Richard Shaver's rock-book paintings & rock photographs

Hustler magazine

Jerome Wycoff's "Rock, Time, and Landforms"

Crescent Books' "Crystals - Symmetry in the Mineral Kingdom"

Experimental Musical Instruments magazine article re the Till Family Rock Band

- starring:

tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE as the rebellious filmmaker

- in the bible scene:

Babs Batera, Adam Grossi, Drew Pavelchak, Ray Herrera, Bill Ritter, Shaun Slifer,

G.G.Allin doll as King Saul

Scott Gibson as the Geologist

- additional camerawork during the "Dance Party Without Dance Music" scenes:

Kelly Stiles & Morgan Cahn

- dancing during the "Dance Party Without Dance Music" scenes: Morgan Cahn

- voice for the Richard Shaver / Ray Palmer texts: Kelly Stiles

- for the Punk Rock scene: Keira - stunt mouth - etta cetera - voice-over

- ALL ELSE (& that's quite alot): tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- mini-DV -> DVD/1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:04:00

- fall, 2006 -> december 12, 2007

b. "Backwards Masking in Rocks"

- incorporating footage from the premier using 4 cameras + footage from the Ringing Rocks portion of the Anonymous Family Reunion (see 181) - additional sound from Ben Opie + acting from Scott Gibson & Babs Batera + spurting blood effect from Joe Lisi - final shooting done at the Meadowcroft Rock Shelter featuring Jeffrey Carpenter

- 1:26:17

- fall, 2006 -> may, 2008

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/backwards-masking-in-rocks



- made as a collaborative project by approximately the same group of people as 233. "Dead & Breakfast" & 260. "Discontinuous Universe"

- as w/ its predeccessors, this project began when Kelly Stiles (unfortunately w/o April Gilmore this time) came to visit Pittsburgh. Kelly & Morgan & tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE thought of a rough outline for a plot wch the whole Sylli G(roup) then fleshed out - often improvisationally while shooting & responding to our many locations.

- as w/ "Dead & Breakfast", the cast performed multiple roles:

Kelly Stiles: initial inspiration, camera, Gorgamesh, sock puppets, costuming, gameboard design, editing (not used in this version) etc..

tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE:initial inspiration, camera, MEGALO, Ogre, Butcher of a Satie piano practice, gameboard design, animation, editing, sock puppets, bathroom corpse in "Dead & Breakfast" psychic flashback, 'Teenage Boy' in "Discontinuous Universe" kitchen psychic flashback, latex mask collection, etc..

Morgan Cahn: initial inspiration, camera, Brexskelren Ethetal, WASP, Dag's audience at the Fortuary, Cliff Hanger hooded figure, costuming, gameboard design, sock puppets, house set design etc..

Matthu Stull: initial inspiration, camera, Professor, Prostheseus, Minotaur, music in the "Prostheseus in the Labyrinth" scene, sock puppets, etc..

Michael Loomis: initial inspiration, camera, Pope Dag Hammerskull, Cliff Hanger hooded figure, 'Teenage Boy' in "Discontinuous Universe" kitchen psychic flashback, etc..

Thanks to:

Teresa: camera, Seductress, Giant Owl, Ogre stunt double, sock puppets

Aairyn: camera, sock puppets

the Boat People: Evan, Babz, Patrick, Elli

the mischievous kids:

1st generation: Genly Ai, Ivan

2nd generation: Reyghan, FreeSoul

their parents:

Kalie & D2K - for Reyghan & Genly Ai permission

Alan & Nancy - for Ivan permission

Yvette - for FreeSoul permission

Craig - Guy running by w/ Left-Handed Monkey Wrench in The Alley

Heinz History Center

The Carnegie Museum of Natural History Invertebrate Zoology Lab:

Insect Cult Members: Walt, Vanessa, Dave, Tim

Robin: protector of the Giant Owl

2 kids in park: protectors of the Giant Owl

Michael's Parisian Friend: camera

Homer & Greenbean: Guinea Pig Oracle(s)

Sarah: Sphinx voice-over

Phipps Conservatory & the Chihuly sculptures

Cathedral of Learning Nationality Rooms

Allegheny Cemetary

Schenley Park



Excelsior Sound Effects CDs

"75 Spectacular Sound Effects" CD

François Rabbath: bass in 2 "Dead & Breakfast" psychic flashbacks of corpses

- mini-DV -> DVD/1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:16:19

- shot in september & october & edited in october & november of 2007

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/RkOyr6cFaz4

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/START_201810


271.a. "Gran LIQUIDACION por CIERRE!"

- made in collaboration w/ DJ Cutter of Barcelona's anarchist pirate radio station: Radio Bronka. DJ Cutter donated approximately 40 spanish anarchist posters to me & I recorded an interview w/ him talking about them. We also played some sets at Radio Bronka & one of them is used in the soundtrack.

- camera, sound recording, editing. etc: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- mini-disc recorder, digital stills camera, scanner, computer editing software -> DVD & mini-DV

- 57:03

- april 24, 2004 / january 2007 - finished january 31, 2007

b. "¡Gran LIQUIDACION por CIERRE! (extended)"

- in addition to the above, this includes interjections from recipients of the posters explaining who they are, where they're from, & why they picked the poster they did. These interjections were shot at a party for the premiering of the above vaudeo at wch one poster was given away to each attendee.

- 1:04;18

- april 24, 2004 / january 2007 - finished february 13, 2007

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: http://youtu.be/6lldh74_ZUY


270. a. "Discontinuous Universe" (tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE version w/ intertitles)

- made as a collaborative project by approximately the same group of people as 233. "Dead & Breakfast"

- this project began when Kelly Stiles & April Gilmore dumpstered some costumes in Chicago & decided to try to base a movie around them. they thought of a rough outline for a plot wch tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE (& probably others in the cast) then fleshed out. tENT then proposed that multiple edits be made of the material by people in the group. as such, there will hopefully exist at least one more version edited by Kelly Stiles.

- as w/ "Dead & Breakfast", the cast performed multiple roles:

Kelly Stiles: initial inspiration, Alcoholic Unicorn, Jill, camera, etc..

April Gilmore: initial inspiration, Immacular Degeneration the Seahorse, Henchpin, etc..

tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE: additional inspiration, H.A.M., camera, editing, etc..

Michael Loomis: Diety of Incontinence, camera, etc..

Matthu Stull: Lisping Mayan Queen, Clive, incidental music, etc..

Von: Computer Pirate, etc..

Cynthia: Gypsy, etc..

Morgan Cahn: Girl Who Doesn't Make it, camera, etc..

Daniel Prince: Evil Henchman of the Diety of Incontinence #4, etc..

Katie Doody: Preppie Mormon Girl w/ Depends on Head Storyteller

Carrie: unknown, etc..

Carlin Christie: camera

Thanks to:

Germaine Fodor for "The Club" & "Letter to M. A."

& to Annie Sprinkle for "The Sprinkle Report"

Pissing Punk #1: Anonymous Wet Hand

Dave America: Rendered Incontinent Trashpicker #1

Pissing Pants: Rendered Incontinent Trashpicker #2

Dusty & 3 friends: 2nd group of Rendered Incontinents

- mini-DV/DVD/1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:01:21

- primarily shot in the fall of 2005 & then edited in the fall of 2006 - finished october 29, 2006

b. "Discontinuous Universe" (tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE version w/o intertitles)

- 1:00:00

- finished october 31, 2006

c. "Discontinuous Universe" (tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE out-takes version)

- 43:53

- finished november 19, 2006

d. "Discontinuous Universe" (Kelly Stiles' 'almost PG version')

- 35:44

- finished december, 2006

e. "Discontinuous Universe" (tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE edit of a, c, & d)

- 1:02:44

- finished december 5, 2009

f. "Discontinuous Universe" (slightly altered edii "a" made for online)

- slight alterations made to avoid YouTube problems: famous rock song rendered backwards, children made blurry

- 640X480, 29.97p, Stereo

- 1:01:40

- version finished & put online March 19, 2023

- on my onesownthoughst YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/hqvU3BySl3Q

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/discontinuous-universe


269. "IMP ACTIVISM #7"

- combines 253, 254, 255, 257, & 258 + many things from other people

- some camera, editing, etc: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- mini-DV/DVD/1/2" VHS cassette

- 2:31:17

- finished june 24, 2006


260. a. "The Official, November 2nd, 1992EV, Last Man On Earth"


- camera: Rebecca Barten

- editing, etc: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- 8mm vaudeo ->1/2" VHS cassette -> DVD

- 1:01:47

- november, '92 / january, '06

b. "Last Man On Earth"

- simplified 'performance' version

- 30:43

- november, '92 / january/february, '06

c. "Last Man On Earth"

- simplified 'performance' version w/ sound from April 2, 2006 premier at Modern Formations

- 31:19

- november, '92 / january/february/april, '06

d. "Last Man On Earth" (triple-projection version)

- 31:19

- developed for performance at Garfield Artworks for july 7, 07

e. "Last Man On Earth" (triple-projection reduced to one screen)

- this version has extensive English explanatory notes & subtitles added

f. "Le dernier homme sur terre"

- this version expands upon the preceeding by adding a complete set of titles in French as well

- English-to-Fran¡ais translating: Dick Turner

- 31:30



257. "Story of a Fructiferous Society"

- credited to: The Ballooning One & The Forked One of the Fructiferous Society

- texts culled from many sources - prominent amongst wch is Umberto Eco's _The Search for the Perfect Language_

- shot in Montréal, Berlin, & Pittsburgh

- as usual, most of everything (camera, editing, texts, concept, etc..) by: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- some additional camerawork provided by Monty Cantsin, Kent Bye, etta cetera

- sound primarily from: tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE w/ assistance from etta cetera & Ben Opie

- 1/2" reel vaudeo -> 1/2" VHS cassette & 35mm stills & mini-DV -> DVD

- 1:26:00

- '81 / '97 / '05 / etc..

Otherzine issue 17 article

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/VSlPEsZIPPo

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/StoryOfAFructiferous


256. "IMP ACTIVISM #6"

- shot in Queen's Qweef; Melbourne; Pittsburgh; Adelaide; Baltimore; Goolengook; etc..

- largely attributable to the Street RatBags & many others that they/we feel politically sympathetic to

- this incorporates 242. "I.A.C. Deer Head Sculpture @ former Rankin Steel Mill", 244. "Media Hero or Media Hore?", 47. "July 4th Anti-Patriotic Picnic" [slightly revised], 245. "Defenders of Goolengook", & 243. "Street Ratbags meet John Safran" - as well as title & contact tracks made from footage shot in Queen's Qweef, Australia_

- 1/2" VHS cassette -> DVD

- app. 2:00:00

- summer '85 / '00-'04 / etc..


249. "IMP ACTIVISM #5"

- The 5th VHS compilation of IMPish political ACTIVISM that, hopefully, has some IMPACT - featuring work by John Safran; Ron Douglas; subRosa; Think Tank (Year of the Palindrome); Neoists; Ratbags; Earthdream 2000 Crew; Money Against Capitalism; RATical; Vermin Supreme; & Chris Hopewell / Reverend Ivan Stang

- probably early 2004


245. "a length"

- The 3rd of the VHS filmstrip compilations featuring work by Brian Dewan; Virginia Fraser; Dirk DeBruyn; tANGO, aLPHA cHARLIE; & tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- probably early 2004


242. "IMP ACTIVISM #4"

- The 4th issue of the Street Ratbags vaudeozine of IMPish political ACTIVISM that, hopefully, has some IMPACT - featuring work by Adam Grossi; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; R.U.T.S./L.E.R.; etta cetera; the Lab Rats; Mark Dixon's Think Tank; Rupert Wondolowski & Alfred Merchlinsky; Monty Cantsin AMEN; Brian Dewan; KonnieFrancis; etc..

- January '04 or later


238. a. "Harps & Angles"

- to be attributed to "Who is like God?s"

- a quasi-documentary about the "Harps & Angles" installation by "Who is like God?s"

- cameras: Who is like God?s (Pestel & Tolson), Steffi Domike, Bob Gunderson, etta cetera

- starring: Who is like God?s, Steve Boyle, James Knopf, Elise Springer, Hyla Willis, Alex Smith, the vaudience, Michael Pestel's "Sound Art" class, Mark Dixon, Florian Cramer, Michael Johnsen, Greg Pierce, a boy & his dad

- DAT recording: James Knopf

- sampling & all else: Who is like God? (Tolson)

- mini-DV, 1/2" VHS cassette, CD, & DAT -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:54:20

- shot: march - june, '03 / edited: july - september, '03

b. "Harps & Angles" (rough edit of 'performance' version)

- 42:45

- shot: march - june, '03 / edited: july - september/december, '03

c. "Harps & Angles" ('performance' version)

- 28:29

- shot: march - june, '03 / edited: july - september/december, '03

- the online version is 640 X 480, 29.97p, Stereo:

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: http://youtu.be/Qk_UOY0c1bk

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/harps-angles-performance-version


236. "Automatic Pilot"

- using footage from "Rough Draft for 'Etc..Etc..'", "Feedback", 133a. "One Word per Person Party", 136. "Wallpaper Video", 139. "Teaser", 146a. "Concrete Mixing Usical Material Vaudeo #1", 147a. "Concrete Mixing Usical Material Vaudeo #2", 152a."F(acinorous)R(efulgent)E(squamate)D(onnered) S.(A.P.F.U. = Surpassing All Previous Fuck-Ups) L(ongiloquent)I(mprolificating)S(kookum)B(ruxomaniacal)E(pigamic)R(isorial)G(awsie)E(rose) R(hapsodomaniacal)" {mostly un"strobed" version}, 152b. "F(acinorous)R(efulgent)E(squamate)D(onnered) S.(A.P.F.U. = Surpassing All Previous Fuck-Ups) L(ongiloquent)I(mprolificating)S(kookum)B(ruxomaniacal)E(pigamic)R(isorial)G(awsie)E(rose) R(hapsodomaniacal)" {"techno-sensualist" version}, 146b. "Concrete Mixing Usical Material Vaudeo #1" {"techno-sensualist" version - take 1}, 147b. "Concrete Mixing Usical Material Vaudeo #2" {"techno-sensualist" version - take 1}, 146c. "Concrete Mixing Usical Material Vaudeo #1" {"techno-sensualist" version - take 2}, 147c. "Concrete Mixing Usical Material Vaudeo #2" {"techno-sensualist" version - take 2}, 160. "Color Bars", 145a. "Hypnopedagogy", 145a. "Hypnopedagogy" {titled w/ beat}, "Concrete Mixing for Orgone Cinema", "Filmstrips" {in original order for Orgone Cinema presentation}, 202a. "Space Ballet", "3 Simultaneous Reel Projection of 'The "Official" John Lennon's Erection as Blocking Our View Homage & Cheese Sandwich' for the Film Kitchen", "Sunlight thru Blind", 213a. "Circumsubstantial Playing & Blindfolded Tourism", 214. "Hibonsa o osoleluna! "Heibon" ga omae o Dame m sulumaeni" ("Kill Normality Before It Kills You"), 215. "A Slide Show by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE", "Shot out Upstairs Back Window during Rainstorm & Aftermath", "Vertical Lines", "Lightbox"

- super 8 + 1/2" reel vaudeo + regular 8 + unsplit regular 8 + 16mm + 1/2" VHS cassette + 35mm filmstrip -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 2:02:00

- fall '74-july 24 '03


234. "Subtitles (8 simultaneous versions version)" [sequenced as a feature]

- this is a combination of: 19b. "Subtitles (regular 8 version)" {version 2} + 10b. "Subtitles (super 8 version)" {version 2} + 25b. "Subtitles (16mm version)" {version 2} + 37b. "Subtitles (analysis projector transfer of 16mm to 1/2" VHS cassette version)" {version 2} + 41d. "Subtitles (digitally processed version)" {version 2} + 137b. "Subtitles (processing & miniaturization overkill version w/ inserts)" {version 2} + 148b. "Subtitles (june/july '92 version)" {version 2} + 226. "Subtitles (final? version)" (all but the "16mm version" were made especially for this & especially to be in sync w/ the 16mm & is intended to either have all those versions prsented once thru simultaneously as closely in sync as possible OR all those versions presented simultaneously as closely in sync as possible 8 TIMES IN A ROW w/ only 1 version's soundtrack on per each repetition - most obviously having the "regular 8 version"'s sound only on 1st, then the "super-8"'s sound on 2nd, etc..

- regular-8mm + super-8mm + 1/2" VHS cassette + unsplit regular-8 + 16mm -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 11:58 OR 8 X 11:58 = app. 1:36:00

- '80-'82/'84/'86/'90/'92/'02


231. "millenarianism - volume one"

- The 5th volume of the series of audio-dominated video VHS compilations of my work.

- May, 2002 or later

- 2:01:39

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/QBTFTpscd4M

VHS cover: https://youtu.be/QBTFTpscd4M

title: https://youtu.be/QBTFTpscd4M?t=13

"OUR": https://youtu.be/QBTFTpscd4M?t=45

"Multiple Projections - 1978-2002": https://youtu.be/QBTFTpscd4M?t=735

"High Evil": https://youtu.be/QBTFTpscd4M?t=1092

"Interspatiality": https://youtu.be/QBTFTpscd4M?t=1232

"(M)Usic - 1885-2001": https://youtu.be/QBTFTpscd4M?t=1744

"Hungarian": https://youtu.be/QBTFTpscd4M?t=3680

"Background Movies for Home Music: (Toasting Emotions in Freudian) Western": https://youtu.be/QBTFTpscd4M?t=5412

"Space Ballet" (Condensed): https://youtu.be/QBTFTpscd4M?t=5511

"Black Rectangle Over the Eye": https://youtu.be/QBTFTpscd4M?t=5821

"How Orgone Cinema Treats Its Visiting Filmmakers": https://youtu.be/QBTFTpscd4M?t=6936

aRCHIVE info: https://youtu.be/QBTFTpscd4M?t=7286


223. "IMP ACTIVISM #3"

- The 3rd compilation of movies of IMPish political ACTIVISM that, hopefully, has some IMPACT. This features the work of the Street vRatbags, Bob Huff, CELLmedia, & the Institute for Applied Autonomy,.

- March, 2002

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/Fswe3Pcpys4

01. "Ski Mask News": https://youtu.be/Fswe3Pcpys4?t=13s

02. title: https://youtu.be/Fswe3Pcpys4?t=2m40s

03. "Undie-Pendance Day": https://youtu.be/Fswe3Pcpys4?t=2m53s

04. "Pretzels for the Suits": https://youtu.be/Fswe3Pcpys4?t=12m8s

05. "The Asshole is a Tense Hole": https://youtu.be/Fswe3Pcpys4?t=16m5s

06. "Nestled Deep.. (Part 1)": https://youtu.be/Fswe3Pcpys4?t=17m37s

07. "Contestational Robotics 1998-2000": https://youtu.be/Fswe3Pcpys4?t=43m29s

08. "Teenagers from Inner Space": https://youtu.be/Fswe3Pcpys4?t=47m17s

09. "Nestled Deep.. (Part 2)": https://youtu.be/Fswe3Pcpys4?t=1h31s

10. "Ventriloquism": https://youtu.be/Fswe3Pcpys4?t=1h20m43s

11. "Evidence of Police Conduct & Misconduct Against May Day Celebrants": https://youtu.be/Fswe3Pcpys4?t=1h21m16s

12. "Little Brother Gets Busted": https://youtu.be/Fswe3Pcpys4?t=1h52m18s


219. a. "Hibonsa o osoleluna! "Heibon" ga omae o Dame m sulumaeni" ("Kill Normality Before It Kills You")

- This is a compilation of the Nudist Mask movies in chronological order w/ most titles removed & w/ relevant footage from 213a. "Circumsubstantial Playing & Blindfolded Tourism" interspersed. The other movies used are: 20. "Seriousness is Death", 98c. "Tent's Muir" {version 3}, 123. "Nudist Party", 130. "Signs & Symptoms of Leptospirosis", 158 b. "Volunteers Collective XII - The Last Transmission From the Short & Happy Life of a Meteorite Nudist Camp", 163. "Funny Farm Summit Meeting", 178. "Mirthplace of the Republicans", 204. "Y, 2, Nay-Ked!", + footage shot in mid '02 as a present for me of Channing naked w/ rubber feet & headgear riding a unicycle w/ flaming pedals & playing accordion while nude & masked etta cetera & Andalusia run around him on a street in Pittsburgh at night.

- super-8 & 1/2" VHS cassette & 8mm vaudeo & 16mm & mini-DV -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:11:04

- '82 - '02

b. "Hibonsa o osoleluna! "Heibon" ga omae o Dame m sulumaeni" ("Kill Normality Before It Kills You")

- This adds Karen Eliot's "I agree with tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's position on the Art Strike" & 262. "Epidermoid" & credits as well as a new section on the "Neoist Contest" at the Public Works Festival in Toronto in 1981

- super-8 & 1/2" VHS cassette & 8mm vaudeo & 16mm & mini-DV & PXL-2000 & 35mm slide-strip & 35mm filmstrip -> DVD

- 1:30:49

- '81 - '07 - finished february 24, '07

c. "Hibonsa o osoleluna! "Heibon" ga omae o Dame m sulumaeni" ("Kill Normality Before It Kills You")

- This adds 399. "Trundle Mannerisms" + the menu from version "b."'s DVD-R incarnation + my ad for Komakino Adult Diapers & the t-shirt related to the same

- 1:44:47

- edit finished August 6, 2014

d. ""Kill Normality Before It Kills You!" TEASER"

- a highly reduced edit of c. made to be unlisted on https://youtu.be/kgylDedE7uU as a promotional version - this link may or may not work now

- 3:24

- edit finished September 8, 2014


218. a. "CircumSubstantial Playing & Blindfolded Tourism"

- shot at the Mattress Factory & on the streets & at an undisclosed location in Pittsburgh

- mini-DV camera by John Evans, Jarrett Buba, & Owen Smith

- 1/2" VHS cassette shooting by all but one of the Pit Crew: etta, Dave, Nicole, Swifty, & Wynne

- 1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:30:42

- august 10 / september 23-25, 01

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/oSEcclJ78lg

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/circum-substantial-playing-blindfolded-tourism


216. "IMP ACTIVISM #2"

- shot in Pittsburgh; Melbourne; Adelaide; Philadelphia; New York City; & New England

- largely attributable to the Street RatBags & many others that they/we feel politically sympathetic to

- this incorporates the entirety of 205. "T.I.A.R.A.", 206. "'Work Will Make You Free Trade' Explained", 208. "Slime Detecting", 209. "Anti-W.T.O. Demonstration in Pittsburgh", & 210. "The Lab Rats Explain Their Veggie-Oil Powered Van" - as well as edited footage from the Surveillance Camera Players & newscasts regarding them + SKA TV + the Misinformed Citizens & Low Rent Media

- 1/2" VHS cassette

- 2:00:47

- november 30, '99 - april 4, '01

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/IMPACTIVISM2


212. "Don't Walk Backwards" (Long Version)

- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE etta cetera

- shot in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Adelaide, Lake Eyre, William Creek, Coober Pedy, Melbourne, Canberra, Queen's Cliff, Goongerah, Goolengook, & Sydney, Australia from march '00 - june '01

- edited in Pittsburgh, us@ by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE from june '00 - march '01

- Super-8mm, 16mm, PXL-2000, 35mm filmstrips, 35mm slidestrips, 1/2" VHS cassette -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 8:24:43

- march '00 - march '01

- the editing notes for this can be found here

- unlisted on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/kODzM_2_bRM


208. "Very Important"

- This is the 2nd filmstrip compilation that I assembled. It has work by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Michael Johnsen; Jennifer Fieber; & etta cetera. As w/ the other compilations that I publish that I've decided to add to this Movieography, I've decided that the editing & the titling make it a work worth pointing out & that the flow between individual works makes it a unique piece unto itself.

01. "Say Cheese! - 5 Days In Wisonsin: House on the Rock" - Oct '98 - Jan '99 - tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE - 15:31

02. "Death Bed Aerobics" - July '98 - tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE Etta Cetera - 4:58

03. "48 Seatbacks from the Fanuc Test" - July 30, '98 - Michael Johnsen - 5:00

04. "Say Cheese! - 5 Days In Wisonsin: Dreamtime Village" - Oct '98 - Jan '99 - tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE - 11:21

05. " A Contribution to an Anonymous History" - '97 - Jennifer Fieber - 11:20

06. "In Perplexing Pursuit of the Prodigy Paleontologist (version 2)" - Oct '98 - Mar '99 - tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE (starring Etta Cetera) - 17:31

07. "Say Cheese! - 5 Days In Wisonsin: Doctor Evermor's" - Oct '98 - Jan '99 - tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE - 6:13

08. "The Truth About the Dimensionally Challenged" - '98 - '99 - Etta Cetera - 6:47

09. "Shuffle Mode (take 1)" - Sep - Oct '99 - tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE - 3:00

10. "Say Cheese! - 5 Days In Wisonsin: Sid Boyum's" - Oct '98 - Jan '99 - tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE - 1:38

11. "Ignorant Recordings D Set, Tutorial D"" - Dec '98 - Michael Johnsen - 7:56

12. "Where We're Trailer #2" - '98 to Nov '99 - tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE - 5:34

13. "Say Cheese! - 5 Days In Wisonsin: Hmong Reception for General Vang Pao" - Oct '98 - Jan '99 - tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE - 18:38

- December, 1999 or later

- the digitxed online version is 640 X 480, 29.97p, Stereo

- 1:58:31

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/mbf86WvSDAo

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/very-important_202206


207. a. "Where We're"

- w/ text written by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE etta cetera

- w/ readings from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; etta cetera; Sharyn Lee Neccai; John Evans; Phat Man Dee

- synthesizer usic from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE w/ violin samples from David Prentice

- shot in Pittsburgh; Founders Grove, Humboldt Redwoods State Park; Black Rock City, Nevada (during Burning Man '99); etc.. - using found filmstrips provided by Jubal Brown + 35mm motion picture film provided by Laura Kikauka

- 35mm filmstrip w/ prerecorded sound

- 2:03:30

- october '98 - november '99

b. "Where We're"

- w/ transfer assistance from John Evans

- 35mm filmstrip & recorded sound transferred to 1/2" VHS cassette both as a filmstrip & as a 35mm film (this latter in 16 ways)

c. "Where We're Trailer #1"

- 35mm filmstrip & recorded sound transferred to 1/2" VHS cassette as a 35mm film (in 16 ways)

- 11:16

d. "Where We're Trailer #2"

- 35mm filmstrip & recorded sound transferred to 1/2" VHS cassette as a 35mm film (in 8 ways) -> 640 X 480, 29.97p, Stereo

- 5:37

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/hBP-5DImWZM

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/where-were-trailer-2

e. "Where We're" (w/ Windsor Generic Tour)

- In the collection of Peter "Brainpang" Warner

- similar to a. except that various vaudeo f/x are used as well as slightly more complicated transfer techniques + footage from the Generic Tour in Windsor is added + a snippet of mystery footage + additional sound from "Livid at the Schmaltzwald" by John Henry Nyenhuis & tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- 2:01:56

f. "Where We're" (w/ Windsor Generic Tour, etc..)

- similar to e. except that additional footage from the Pittsburgh Generic Tour, the "Black Rectangle over the Eye" presentation in Baltimore (that involved a screening of the filmstrip version of "Where We're"), & the American Urological Association is inserted

- 2:01:56

g. "Where We're" (w/ Windsor Generic Tour, etc..)

- the same thing as f. except that I added some very simple credits at the end

- 2:02:14

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/yg8mv_m9IZE

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/wherewere_201908


206. a. "Space Ballet" (Usical Material Version in 24 parts)

- w/ a soundtrack using elements from tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Peter Illich Tchaikovsky; George Antheil; John Henry Nyenhuis; Remi Gassman; & Frank Zappa

- 1/2" VHS cassette

- 2:00:30

- october-november '99

b. "Space Ballet" (condensed)

- 5:02


204. "IMP ACTIVISM #1"

- shot in Ithaca, NY; BalTimOre, MD; Pittsburgh; Philadelphia; 3 Mile Island; Mexico; Washington DC; the Pentagon; & Boston

- largely attributable to the Street Rat Liberation Front & many others that they/we feel politically sympathetic to

- this incorporates small excerpts from 142. "Vermin Supreme Campaining for Mayor in BalTimOre, Tuesday, October 22nd, 1991E.V.", a considerably shortened edit of 6. "3 Mile Island", the entirety (very slightly altered) of 196. "Foiled Again!", & the entirety of 197. "Injustice System", 198. "Close the School of the Americas!", & 199. "Carnival Against Capital"

- super 8 & PXL-200 & VHS & audio tape (etc..) -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:02:20

- february - august '99 (etc..)

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/EVEBDsOPzwI

- "IMP ACTIVISM #1" can be witnessed on YouTube in its section by accessing these links:

00. title: https://youtu.be/EVEBDsOPzwI

01. Vermin Supreme: https://youtu.be/EVEBDsOPzwI?t=28s

02. Vermin Supreme Campaining for Mayor in BalTimOre Tuesday, October 22nd, 1991E.V.: https://youtu.be/EVEBDsOPzwI?t=56s

03. Disturbed Youth: https://youtu.be/EVEBDsOPzwI?t=4m42s

04. Injustice System: https://youtu.be/EVEBDsOPzwI?t=5m23s

05. 3 Mile Island: https://youtu.be/EVEBDsOPzwI?t=11m4s

06. the Goons: https://youtu.be/EVEBDsOPzwI?t=15m41s

07. Confused? Try Zapatismo!: https://youtu.be/EVEBDsOPzwI?t=15m59s

08. 2 de Octubre (& Sarcasmo): https://youtu.be/EVEBDsOPzwI?t=22m11s

09. Close the School of the Americas: https://youtu.be/EVEBDsOPzwI?t=25m55s

10. Underprivileged Nation: https://youtu.be/EVEBDsOPzwI?t=35m56s

11. Carnival Against Capital: https://youtu.be/EVEBDsOPzwI?t=36m12s

12. Foiled Again!: https://youtu.be/EVEBDsOPzwI?t=40m17s

13. Vermin Supreme: https://youtu.be/EVEBDsOPzwI?t=1h12s

14. excerpt from "Beat the Devil": https://youtu.be/EVEBDsOPzwI?t=1h51s


192. a. "Volunteers Collective"

- using footage from: "The Widening of Peripheral Vision" (VC "3") (super 8) by John Berndt; "Color Bars" (using sound from VCs 10, 11, 15, 16, 17) (see #160), "Volunteers Collective XII - The Last Transmission From the Short & Happy Life of a Meteorite Nudist Camp" (see #158); Volunteers Collective 18 (super 8) by Alisa Dix; Volunteers Collective 19: "Vexations" (1/2" VHS cassette) by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Volunteers Collective 21 (16mm) shot by Alisa Dix & directed & edited by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Volunteers Collective 23 (1/2" VHS cassette) by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; "The Department of Good Places to Live Presents: Volunteers Collective XXIV" (8mm vaudeo -> 1/2" VHS cassette) (see #174) shot by Alisa Dix & edited & effected by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Volunteers Collective 26 (1/2" VHS cassette) by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; "Frothing Catatonic Siamese Twins Volunteers Collective 27 d composing Mozart Release Party" (8mm vaudeo -. 1/2" VHS cassette) (see #179) shot by Michael Johnsen & edited by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Volunteers Collective in the Welker Room @ Chatham, March 30, '97 (8mm vaudeo -> 1/2" VHS cassette) shot & effected by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Volunteers Collective near the Implosion of 500 Wood St, May 25, '97 (super 8) by Sharyn Lee Frederick & Michael Johnsen; Volunteers Collective @ the Anonymous Family Reunion @ Ringing Rocks State Park (near Pottstown), August 30, '97 (8mm vaudeo -> 1/2" VHS cassette) (see #181) by Anonymous; Volunteers Collective @ the Anonymous Family Reunion @ Sonambient Theater #1, August 30, '97 (8mm vaudeo -> 1/2" VHS cassette) (see #181) by Anonymous; Volunteers Collective @ the Anonymous Family Reunion @ Sonambient Theater #2, August 31, '97 (8mm vaudeo -> 1/2" VHS cassette) (see #181) by Anonymous; Volunteers Collective @ Chatham Pool, October 26, '97 (8mm vaudeo) shot by Michael Pestel &tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; "Background Movie for Home Music: Home" (see #183); "Background Movie for Home Music: Light Motion" [should be "Hurry"] (see #184); Volunteers Collective @ Jessica Rustler's Gongs @ Chatham, February 15, '98 (8mm vaudeo) - shot by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; Volunteers Collective @ the National Aviary, February 22, '98 (8mm vaudeo) - shot by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE; & Volunteers Collective "A Year of Sundays" Release Party @ Chatham Pool, March 29, '98 - shot & edited by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE & disrupted by Michael Pestel

- edited & effected etc by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- super 8 & 1/2" reel vaudeo & 8mm vaudeo & 1/2" VHS cassette & 16mm -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:30:00

- from app. '90 or '91 to march '98

b. "Volunteers Collective" {superimposition version 1}

- w/ visuals superimposition assistance from James Knopf

- this version superimposes the visuals of the 1st half-hour + the 2nd half-hour + the 3rd half-hour

- stereo w/ the sound from the 1st half-hour in the left & the 2nd half-hour in the right

- 30:00

- from app. '90 or '91 to march '98 & july/august '01

c. "Volunteers Collective" {superimposition version 2}

- w/ visuals superimposition assistance from James Knopf

- this version superimposes the visuals of the 1st half-hour + the 2nd half-hour + the 3rd half-hour

- stereo w/ the sound from the middle half-hour panning between left & right

- 30:00

- from app. '90 or '91 to march '98 & july/august '01

d. "Volunteers Collective" {superimposition version 3}

- w/ visuals superimposition assistance from James Knopf

- this version superimposes the visuals of the 1st half-hour + the 2nd half-hour + the 3rd half-hour

- stereo w/ the sound from b. & c. combined

- 30:00

- from app. '90 or '91 to march '98 & july/august '01


183. "UNCERTS"

- Another 2 hour VHS compilation in the series that began with "VAUDIO" that covers work of mine or by friends of mine made from 1990 to 1996. The "Frothing Catatonic Siamese Twins Volunteers Collective XXVII" piece is the last thing on it - hence it's listing here. It may've been assembled somewhat later in the chronology.

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40

01. "The Widening of Peripheral Vision" (Karen Eliot): https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=1m44s

02. "A.S.R.B.#1" (Franz Kamin): https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=7m13s

03. "Great Moments in Oddball Sports: A Cue Stick Guitar Duet" (Neil Feather & tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE): https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=11m

04. "Sound Cage (Radio Music Edit Section)" (John Cage; tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE): https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=17m20s

05. "Volunteers Collective XII - The Last Transmission from the Short & Happy Life of a Meteorite Nudist Camp" (t,ac): https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=23m22s

06. "Unknowing Games at the Hut" (Franz Kamin): https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=36m45s

07. "TV Hospital: Official.. TV Audience.. Medium Band": https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=42m44s

08. "Das Offizielle, 21 Mai 1994 Era Vulgari, Hypothetisches Tagediebetage Mittel-Band/Landsjugendorchester": https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=46m59s

09. "Boota/Psychologial Playfair" (KBZ200; t,ac): https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=49m46s

10. "Durham Duet" (Neil Feather & t,ac): https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=55m50s

11. "Orgone Cinema - Concrete Mixing" (t,ac): https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=58m30s

12. "Volunteers Collective XVIII": https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=1h1m

13. "Volunteers Collective XIXa": https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=1h3m11s

14. "Volunteers Collective XXI": https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=1h7m5s

15. "Volunteers Collective XIXb": https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=1h9m41s

16. "Suitcase" (t,ac): https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=1h11m58s

17. "CCMC": https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=1h14m5s

18. "Usic LPs" (t,ac): https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=1h17m39s

19. "Volunteers Collective XXIII": https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=1h18m48s

20. "Music Gallery / Funny Farm Meeting" (t,ac): https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=1h21m33s

21. "Bogus Piano Concerto" (John Henry Nyenhuis & t,ac): https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=1h35m17s

22. "The Department of Good Places to Live" (VC XXIV): https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=1h38m9s

23. "Sound Thinking: Phase III: Mimesis - "Mime" Rehearsal" (t,ac): https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=1h45m46s

24 "Volunteers Collective XXVI": https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=1h48m5s

25. "Frothing Catatonic Siamese Twins Volunteers collective XXVII d composing Mozart Release Party": https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=1h52m39s



- a collaboration w/ Orgone Cinema & friends using found filmstrips w/ their original sound + found filmstrips for which new soundtracks were made by Edgar Um-Bucholtz & anonymous & Frauke Johnsen & Greg Pierce & Todd Whitman + found filmstrip sound w/ a new filmstrip made for it by Greg Pierce

- edited by Michael Johnsen & anonymous

- 35mm filmstrips & audio cassettes & records -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:01:34

- august '96 or slightly later

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/9JaNRyrkoVA

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/Filmstrips


178. "Satanic Liposuction, Neoasm?!, & YOU!!"

- a collection of footage donated to me by John Berndt (4 X 50'), Mannette Letter (2 X 50'), Laure Drogoul (app 50'), Richard/Susan Henderson (2 X 50'), Florian Cramer (app 8 X 50'), Gen Ken Montgomery (7 X 50'), Boris Wanowitch (50'), Monty Cantsin/Istvan Kantor (app 10'); + excerpts from a home-movie version of "War and Peace"; + "porno" made by "unknowns"; + excerpts from "Mike Film" (see #3), "Crab Feast(s)" (see #11), "Luskin's" (see #56), "International Neoist/Tourist Day" (see #60), "Sponging off the Mandlebrot Set" (see #128), + out-takes from "Balling Tim Ore is Best" (see #49), "6 Fingers Crossed Country T.Ore/Tour" (see #55), "Vex 1990E.V." (see #135); + the entirety of "It's Not A Matter of Life & Death: Part Z: Stereo Brain (preface)" (see #62) & "Re-Runs" (see #132); + previously unused footage labelled: "Finish Off the Roll Film Using Intervalometer Shot from my House to Second Story Books to the Science Fiction Book Store etc..", "'Live' Autopsy" (shot for me by Martha Colburn w/ the assistance of Bill Haas), & "Funny Farm Disco Room"; + footage shot especially for it including the title, credit, & "Satanic Liposuction" scene (shot by Greg Pierce), etc..

- (cr)edited (to/)by anonymous

- soundtrack provided by Anonymous, John Berndt, & Gen Ken Montgomery

- super 8

- 1:17:00

- (footage from '78 - '98) edited from fall '95 - summer '98

b. "Satanic Liposuction, Neoasm?!, & YOU!!"

- revised to include screening footage from Orgone Cinema 1999 five projector version, 2000 Melbourne Super-8 Club version w/ explication & reel change tarot reading, 2007 Jefferson Presents explication from S. Cannon, John Allen Gibel & tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- super-8, 1/2" VHS cassette, & mini-DV -> DVD/mini-DV

- 1:25:07

- finished april 6, '07

- uploaded UNLISTED to my onesownthoughts YouTube channel on November 13, 2018, here: https://youtu.be/PpyNO5UHmr0


177. a. "The Department of Good Places to Live Presents: Volunteers Collective XXIV"

- shot by Alisa Dix

- w/ Todd Whitman, Greg Pierce, Sharyn Lee Frederick, Michael Johnsen, tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- edited & effected by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- 8mm vaudeo -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 7:20

- november 19, '95

- this is presented in the context of "UNCERTS" on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40?t=1h38m9s

b. "The Department of Good Places to Live Presents: Volunteers Collective XXIV"

- 1:02:46

- titles & digitizing finished may 30, 2019E.V. by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/QqZjCduGiz4


174. a. "The Department of Maybe Presents: Problem-Solving Demonstration"

- a collaboration w/ Julia Dzwonkoski

- 8mm vaudeo

- any duration up to 55:00

- november 4, '95

b. "El Departamento de Quizás Presenta: una Demostración de Soluciones de Rompecabezas"

- the Spanish version

- thanks to Megan Rooney & Lindsay Ruprecht for playing the game & to Jarrett Buba for having the patience to help me w/ the tedious technicalities

- 1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:17:35

- january 29, '04

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/pa0njNP6tn0


162. "Color Bars"

- 1/2" reel vaudeo

- 1:00:00

- october '93

- excerpts from this are included in "UNCERTS" on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/ShRgYeTSK40


159. a. ""Official" Retrospective: June 23, '90E.V. - July 28, '91E.V."

- 1/2" VHS cassette

- 30:00

- '91

b. "2 Yrs of "Official" History" (incorporating "a.")

- 1/2" VHS cassette

- 2:00:00

- '92

c. ""Official" Thistory" (incorporating most of the preceding & 155d)

- PXL-2000 & 1/2" VHS cassette -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 2:00:00

- '91-'93

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/ulvzrmlOgXs


158. a. "Party Propaganda" {version 1}

- regular 8, super 8, & 1/2" VHS cassette -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 2:00:00

- '90-'93

b. "Party Propaganda" {version 2}

- 1:09:00

c. "P@rty Prop@g@nd@" {version 3 - mostly black & white}

- has "Frothing Catatonic Siamese Twins Volunteers Collective XXVII d composing Mozart Release Party" added to end

- 1:13:37

- '90-'93/'96/'99

- This was UNLISTED on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/kNLVtxeIDyw until YouTube decided that it violated their "hate speech policy" & they removed it. They had removed "Triumph of the Will" on June 18, 2019 (which I didn't know until after I did some research after my censoring), for the same reason & since "P@rty Prop@g@nd@" incorporates some of "Triumph of the Will" that's probably the reason for the problem. Strangely, I think that both "Birth of a Nation" AND "October" could be objected to but they're both still on YouTube. That's probably because they're both 'silent' films. I appealed my censorship but as of August 16, 2019, I haven't gotten a reply yet.

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/prtypropgnd


157. a. "Official Tour/Ture - '92" {version 1}

- PXL-2000 & 1/2" VHS cassette -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 2:00:00

- '92-'93

b. "Official Tour/Ture - '92" {version 2}

- 1:17:00

c. "Official Tour/Ture - '92" {version 3}

- 37:30

d. "Official Tour/Ture - '92" {version 4}

- 28:30

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: http://youtu.be/EN5U7JANpRA


154. a. "F(acinorous)R(efulgent)E(squamate)D(onnered) S.(A.P.F.U. = Surpassing All Previous Fuck-Ups)L(ongiloquent)I(mprolificating)S(kookum)B(ruxomaniacal)E(pigamic)R(isorial)G(awsie)E(rose)R(hapsodomaniacal)" {mostly un"strobed" version}

- made with the assistance of Rebecca Barten, Martha Colburn, Michelle Cutler

- 8mm vaudeo -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 2:00:00

- december, '92

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/6FLaTWhRuAg

b. "F(acinorous)R(efulgent)E(squamate)D(onnered) S.(A.P.F.U. = Surpassing All Previous Fuck-Ups)L(ongiloquent)I(mprolificating)S(kookum)B(ruxomaniacal)E(pigamic)R(isorial)G(awsie)E(rose)R(hapsodomaniacal)" {"techno-sensualist" version}


149. a. "Concrete Mixing Usical Material Vaudeo #2"

- slides, regular 8, super 8, unsplit regular 8, 16mm, 1/2" reel vaudeo, & 1/2" VHS cassette -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:00:00

- '92

b. "Concrete Mixing Usical Material Vaudeo #2" ("techno-sensualist" version - take 1)

- processed via 8mm vaudeo -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- '92/'93

c. "Concrete Mixing Usical Material Vaudeo #2" ("techno-sensualist" version - take 2)


148. a. "Concrete Mixing Usical Material Vaudeo #1"

- slides, regular 8, super 8, unsplit regular 8, 16mm, 1/2" reel vaudeo, & 1/2" VHS cassette -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:00:00

- '92

b. "Concrete Mixing Usical Material Vaudeo #1" ("techno-sensualist" version - take 1)

- processed via 8mm vaudeo -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- '92/'93

c. "Concrete Mixing Usical Material Vaudeo #1" ("techno-sensualist" version - take 2)


146. a. "The "Official" John Lennon's Erection as Blocking Our View Homage & Cheese Sandwich"

- 16mm -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 25:30

- '90-'92

- YouTube URL: http://youtu.be/z9f7mzn2euc

b. "The "Official" John Lennon's Erection as Blocking Our View Homage & Cheese Sandwich" ("techno-sensualist" version)

- 16mm -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 25:30

- '90-'93

c. "The "Official" John Lennon's Erection as Blocking Our View Homage & Cheese Sandwich"

- 16mm -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:24:00

- '90-'95

- onesownthoughts YouTube channel URL: http://youtu.be/nRqfWwHAdqA


144. "'Patanational PXL-2000 Movie Festival Compilation"

- At 1st, I didn't list these compilation VHS tapes that I publish in my Movieography but given that I edited them & added titles & that this, e.g., has a section in it of a performance that Neil Feather & I gave as part of the festival that isn't listed elsewhere, it seeems appropriate to list it here.

- November, 1991

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/KIVUeDkKNDo


140. "Teaser"

- 1/2" VHS cassette

- 2:00:00

- '87/'91


137. "Wallpaper Video"

- w/ Angus & Larry Cherniak

- 8mm video -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:51:32

- april 9, '90 (etc..)

- online version: 640 X 480, 29.97p, Stereo - 1:40:24

- on my onsownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/d7pTUdRZOI8

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/wallpaper-video


134. a. "One Word per Person Party" {version 1}

- 1/2" VHS cassette

- 2:00:00

- march 23, '90 (etc..)

b. "One Word per Person Party" {version 2}

- 1:00:00

c. "One Word per Person Party" {version 3}

- w/ inserts

- 10:00

d. "One Word per Person Party" (version 4 for YouTube with titles added}

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/cvgoTPwwCog


130. a. "VAUDIO"

- a compilation of video work with a strong audio component from 1980 to 1989; some of the parts of it are online in the same formk but most of the parts are different versions than are otherwise available

- 1:56:18

- possibly as early as the beginning of 1990


- This is the version I made to put on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/yamGE-mVW8A . It's different from what's on the original VHS tape because I wanted to make some improvements:

- the components are:

"Crab Feast No.2 & 1 Halfish" (1980) - a film by John Ellsberry. That's not John's title, it's mine. I added the soundtrack too - it's by Crab Feast, a band of mine that John was in. We're shown rehearsing at the end. I had the transfer done & added the titles, John may not approve. - https://youtu.be/yamGE-mVW8A?t=20s

"booed usic at t he telectropheremoanin'quinquennial" (January 24, 1984) - a longer version of this without these titles is on the Internet Archive. - https://youtu.be/yamGE-mVW8A?t=2m58s

"Chinese for Celli" (1985) - already separately on YouTube. - https://youtu.be/yamGE-mVW8A?t=8m2s

"Transparent Smile (Monty Cantsin performing with White Colours)" (1984-1985) - the original VAUDIO version of this was of an early print of the film before I'd added scratching to the internegative. This is the same version that's on YouTube already except that the earlier upload is in 2 parts. - https://youtu.be/yamGE-mVW8A?t=15m1s

"Easter Island Bunny Booed Usic (excerpt)" (1987) - I didn't try to salvage this, what's presented here is the glitchy version direct from the VAUDIO 'master'. - https://youtu.be/yamGE-mVW8A?t=31m55s

"Generic As-Beenism - Part II: Bird-Brain-Ism" (1987) - In Montréal at Ultimatum II. Not previously on YouTube. - https://youtu.be/yamGE-mVW8A?t=40m16s

"Brain Waves Goodbye - Part VIII" (1987) - This is a complete section excerpt rather than the edit presented elsewhere on YouTube. - https://youtu.be/yamGE-mVW8A?t=49m40s

"Sound Along w/ t he Bounding Ball(s)" (1983-1986) - The silent negative version owned by the Enoch Pratt Library with a soundtrack added from various performances of the film as a score. The other version on YouTube is edited. - https://youtu.be/yamGE-mVW8A?t=54m46s

"Tents Muir" (1988) - The same version that's elsewhere on YouTube. - https://youtu.be/yamGE-mVW8A?t=1h4m16s

"Murraygate Busking" (1988.08.13) - The original version on VAUDIO is the same version that's on YouTube separately. This version is a straight shot without the PXL-2000 intercutting. - https://youtu.be/yamGE-mVW8A?t=1h14m50s

"Something That Dissolves The Shadow of Something That Was Next to Something That Combusted Twice. Once." (1989.11.04) - This is a version that's almost twice as long as what's already on YouTube (which is also broken into 2 parts). - https://youtu.be/yamGE-mVW8A?t=1h26m51s


118. a. "4 Months Away From Harm City"

- w/ Laura A. Trueseal & Pete Horobin

- slides, PXL-2000, & 1/2" VHS cassette -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 3:30:00

- '88

b. "Homeless Movies" {version 1}

- 2:00:00

- '88-'90

c. "Homeless Movies" {version 2}

- 1:57:37

- w/ titles, etc..

{there are actually 2 other intermediary versions between "b." & "c."

that are basically preparatory for "c." & therefore not "worth" listing separately}

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/_OLEL-lHFbE


117. a. "I Plagiarized This Title From Outer Space Junk Mail"

- w/ Laura A. Trueseal

- PXL-2000 -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 4:00:00

- '88

b. "I Plagiarized This Title From Outer Space Junk Mail"

- PXL-2000 -> VHS cassette -> computer -> mini-dv & DVD-R -> VHS cassette

- edit finished July 1, 2014

- 1:35:53


068. "An Incomplete History of APT Festivals"

{see #s 13, 22, 27, 30, 34, & 44}

- super 8, 1/2" reel vaudeo, & 1/2" VHS cassette -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 2:30:00

- '87 (etc..)


067. "Ultimatum II"

- as editor

- 1/2" VHS cassette

- 2:00:00

- '87


063. a. "Easter Island Bunny Edit"

- super 8 & 16mm & 1/2" VHS cassette -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:00:00

- '87

b. "Easter Island Bunny booed usic (middle mix)"

c. "Easter Island Bunny booed usic (final mix)"

d. "Easter Island Bunny booed usic

(final mix @ double speed & processed to remain @ original pitch)" -> 3/4" vaudeo

- 30:00

e. "Easter Island Bunny booed usic (final mix)" {"techno-sensualist" version}

- processed via 8mm vaudeo -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:00:00

- '87/'93


059. a. "Super Nova: The Climax/Anti-Climax of Sex (slow version)"

- 1/2" VHS cassette

- 2:00:00

- '87

b. "Super Nova: The Climax/Anti-Climax of Sex (fast version)"

- 1:00:00

c. "Super Nova: The Climax/Anti-Climax of Sex (fast version)" {"techno-sensualist" version}

- processed via 8mm vaudeo

- 1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:00:00

- '87/'93


058. "Not So Private Life (1st edit)"

- 1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:00:00

- '87


055. "6 Fingers Crossed Country T.Ore/Tour"

- special thanks to Computer Graphics Conspiracy for the computer animations & to Alan Lord for the Montréal VHS footage

- super 8 & 1/2" VHS cassette -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:30:00

- '86

- The "Rhoda Mappo signs John M. Bennett's "The Spitter" May, 1986 Texas" portion is online here: http://youtu.be/l7H8DJ0CYJE

- The entire movie was put online on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel on November 10, 2018 here: https://youtu.be/2QIZAxc1K6M

- I also uploaded it to the Internet Archive by the next day: https://archive.org/details/6FingersCrossed


044. a. "The 8th International Neoist Apartment Festival" {version 1}

- shot by various Monty Cantsins

- edited & otherwise altered by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- super 8 & 1/2" VHS cassette -> 1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:40:00

- '84/'88

b. "The 8th International Neoist Apartment Festival" {version 2}

- 1:00:00

c. "The 8th International Neoist Apartment Festival" {version 3}

- 38:20

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/fgQzQZNpgTY

d. "The 8th International Neoist Apartment Festival" - w/ inserts

- 38:20

- '84/'88/'90


038. a. "t he Telectropheremoanin'quinquennial"

- shot by Lizard Media Systems & Craig Considine

- organized & edited by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- 1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:01:25

- january 24, '84 (etc..)

b. "Telectropheremoanin'quinquennial"

- an edit combining "t he Telectropheremoanin'quinquennial" & "booed usic at t he Telectropheremoanin'quinquennial" {version 2} & improving on some of the low-light shots as well as adding titles & a few transitions, etc..

- computer file

- 1:01:25

- edit finished September 14, 2017

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/SSP1tJK3pjs


037. a. "Subtitles (analysis projector transfer of 16mm to 1/2" VHS cassette version)" {version 1}

- 1/2" VHS cassette

- 1:00:00

- '80-'82/january '84

b. "Subtitles (analysis projector transfer of 16mm to 1/2" VHS cassette version)" {version 2}

- edited to parallel the 18 sections of the 16mm version for multiply projecting 8 versions simultaneously

- 11:58

- '80-'82/january '84/october 29, '02


034. a. "Apt 7" {version 1}

- shot by Lizard Media Systems &/or Craig Considine (color) & Laure Drogoul (B&W) w/ additional footage (super 8) from Laure Drogoul & Boris Wanowitch

- organized & edited by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- 1/2" VHS cassette

- 2:00:00

- '83 (etc..)

b. "Apt 7" {version 2}

- 1:00:00

c. "Apt 7" {version 3}

- 31:20

d. "APT 7" {version 4}

- This is version 2 with scans, titles, & credits added. There were problems with digitizing the parts that were originally reel-to-reel so the last section with Monty is particularly funky. Note also that Monty's flier for the festival has the last day as the 28th instead of the 25th. I tried digitixing version 1 1st but there were too many technical problems so I settled for reworking version 2 instead. This means that footage from Laure Drogoul's "Drilling Nails" is missing but she complained about my using it so much in the 1st place that that's probably why it's not in version 2. Obviously, other things are missing too. Still, it's the best version yet (& likely to be the last one because I had so many technical problems with making it that I don't think I want to spend anymore time on it.

- 1:02:18

- on my oneesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/naU37TVUBRY


033. a. "14BX Sub-Par/Con" {version 1}

- shot by Lizard Media Systems &/or Craig Considine

- edited & otherwise altered by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- 3:00:00

- '83 (etc..)

b. "14BX Sub-Par/Con" {version 2}

- 1:30:00

c. "14BX Sub-Par/Con" {version 3}

- w/ digital effects overkill & titles


028. "Exquisite Corpse"

- 1st layer shot by Nancy Andrews & tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE, 2nd layer shot by John Ellsberry

- 16mm loop

- indefinite duration

- october '82

- online at 640 X 480, Silent

- 1:00

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/626O-4rc9A8

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/exquisite-corpse


018. a. "Made for TV Version of Attempt to Score Sum Action for Daily Living" [incomplete] {version 1}

- three 1/2" reel vaudeos (to be shown simultaneously on 3 monitors)

- app 30:00 (when presented simultaneously)

- '81

b. "Made for TV Version of Attempt to Score Sum Action for Daily Living" [incomplete] {version 2}

- 1 tape version

- 1/2" VHS cassette

- app 30:00

- late summer '90

c. "Made for TV Version of Attempt to Score Sum Action for Daily Living" [incomplete] {version 3}

- 1 tape version

- 1/2" VHS cassette

- 6:00

- late summer '90 - abbreviated january '97

d. "made 4 tv version of Attempt 2 Score Sum Action 4 Daily Living"

- 1920 X 1440, 29.97fps, Stereo

- 1:24:51

- edit made May, 2012

- on my oneownthoughst YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/cwmAtFT58jg

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/attempt-2-score-sum-action


014. "Silent Speed"

- unsplit regular-8mm loop

- indefinite duration

- mid '81

- 640 X 480, silent - indefinite duration, :57 in uploaded version

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/a4bJePK94lA

- on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/silent-speed


013. a. "81 Apt" {version 1}

- shot by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE (1/2" reel vaudeo), Lizard Media Systems (1/2" VHS cassette), & Mannette Letter (super 8) -> edited to 1/2" VHS cassette by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- 2:00:00 [not "worth" presenting]

- may-june '81 (etc..)

b. "81 Apt" {version 2}

- 32:00

c. "81 Apt" {version 3}

- dramatically re-edited using audio tape & scans & titles & brightness & contrast adjustments, etc..

- broken into 9 parts, one for each day of the festival (except from Monday, June 1, when, as far as I can tell, 'nothing' happened) - w/ the 1st day abridged, for YouTube:

81 APT - May 29

81 APT - May 30

81 APT - May 31

81 APT - June 2

81 APT - June 3

81 APT - June 4

81 APT - June 5

81 APT - June 6

81 APT - June 7

- edit finished february 3, 2010

- 1:06:31


012. a. "id ntity's attempt 2 undermine "reality" maintenance traps" {version 1}

- shot as a 2 tape/2 monitor presentation by Axis Video

- directed & DidActed in by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE (under the name of id ntity)

- 1/2" VHS cassette & betamax cassette

- 2:00:00

- february 2 (groundhog's day), '81 (etc..)

b. "id ntity's attempt 2 undermine "reality" maintenance traps" {version 2}

- edited to 1 tape 1/2" VHS cassette by tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE

- 6:00

c. "id ntity's attempt 2 undermine "reality" maintenance traps" {YouTube version}

- major editing changes made & titles added

- 10:06

- edit finished january 10, 2010

- on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/Ababbr_8Xas

d. "id ntity's attempt 2 undermine "reality" maintenance traps" {version 4}

- major editing changes made & titles added

- 1/2" VHS cassette & betamax cassette to computer to 2 DVDs & 2 mini-DVs

- 2:04:41

- edit finished january 20, 2010

e. "id ntity's attempt 2 undermine "reality" maintenance traps" {version 5}

- basically the above w/ 10:32 removed (& a transition added) so that it cd fit on 1 DVD

- 1/2" VHS cassette & betamax cassette to computer to DVD

- 1:54:09

- edit finished january 21, 2010


004. "Ghost*

(of Lamar "Chip" Layfield / Carol / Pat Brown /tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE)

(of films by entities other than myself)

of my Mike Film project

* - a Projectionist's Nightmare"

- super 8 (an 'inappropriate' 1/2" VHS cassette version exists)

- indefinite duration

- fall '78 (etc..)

b. "Ghost*

(of Lamar "Chip" Layfield / Carol / Pat Brown /tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE)

(of films by entities other than myself)

of my Mike Film project

* - a Projectionist's Nightmare"

- DVD (combines mini-DV footage of March 31, 2007 Jefferson Presents screening w/ above-mentioned 'inappropriate' transfer)

- 15:18

- fall, '78 / march/april '07

- finished april 4, 2007

click here to check out the 1st part of this on YouTube

click here to check out the 2nd part of this on YouTube


003. "Mike Film"

- super 8

- indefinite duration

- fall '78

- a display of some of the frames + commentary is on my onesownthoughts YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/N77zjW-9miQ

- also available on the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/mike-film


My Attempt to be Recognized by the Guinness World Records as the Maker of the Most Feature-Length Movies

I applied to the Guinness World Records on October 20, 2012 for "most feature-length movies" & got the following (edited) reply:


Subject: Thank you for your record application

Date: October 25, 2012 12:51:16 PM EDT

To: idioideo





We are pleased to inform you that your record application has been transferred to our internal system.

You do not need to do anything further at this stage.

We will process your claim and give you an answer to your application in approximately four-six (4-6) weeks.

At Guinness World Records, we take great care to evaluate every claim we receive. Before we accept or reject a new record proposal, we always carry out claim-specific research, which may require the expertise of external consultants.


This was followed 3 & 1/2 months later by this rejection:


Subject: Guinness World Records

Date: February 8, 2013 8:36:37 AM EST

To: idioideo

Claim ID:

Membership Number:


Thank you for sending us the details of your recent record attempt for 'most feature-length movies'. We are afraid to say that we are unable to accept this as a Guinness World Record.

Unfortunately, we do already have a record for this category and what you have achieved does not better this. The current world record is 110. Please feel free to contact us again if you exceed this achievement.


On January 9, 2015 I revised my application by informing Guinness that I had now exceeded the record of 110 features that they had previously informed me of. On February 3, 2015, I got their 2nd rejection - not based on the record this time but on bureaucratic procedure. I had actually followed their procedure exactly & correctly so I distrust their response. Their procedure is ONLY "proactive".


03 February 2015 13:17

Thank you for your message, However Guinness World Records is both an arbiter and a curator of world records. Whilst thousands of records are applied for proactively from the public every year, a vast number of superlative facts are sourced from expert consultants and institutions in order to provide a more complete snapshot of the world we live in. We do not invite proactive applications for records such as the one you are proposing.  


& here's MY reply to that:  


"Thank you for your reply.  I'm sure the number of applicants to you is overwhelming.  The unfortunate thing about outsourcing research for superlative facts is that the 'experts' are often region & circuit -centric.  In other words, they only know about records established in conventional ways.  As such, extraordinary & unconventional people such as myself are excluded on grounds irrelevant to the actual record-breaking.  Receiving public recognition for my accomplishments is not only something I deserve, it's also something that my continued survival is potentially dependent on.  As such, it's important for me to be proactive."


One friend of mine informed me that the Spanish exploitation filmmaker, Jesus Franco, who lived to be almost 83 years old, made something like170 features (I can't find the exact number I decided on at the moment). Given that I've currently made 412 movies total (as of August 9, 2015) in the last 40 years & that 116 of those are features, I think it's possible that I've already exceeded Franco in sum total of movie time & that if I live another 22 years I'll probably exceed his feature record if I continue at this rate.

Regardless, Guiness's rejection was a big disappointment to me insofar as I'm desperately trying to survive financially & feel that such international recognition would go a long way to making it easier for me to screen these movies & to get paid for doing so. As it currently stands, I'll probably die before I get such recognition.





idioideo at google dot com


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to the tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE (d) compositions page

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to the tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE as Interviewee index

to the tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE as Interviewer index

to tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE'S Linked-In profile

for A Mere Outline for One Aspect of a Book on Mystery Catalysts, Guerrilla Playfare, booed usic, Mad Scientist Didactions, Acts of As-Beenism, So-Called Whatevers, Psychopathfinding, Uncerts, Air Dressing, Practicing Promotextuality, Imp Activism, etc..

to the mm index

to see an underdeveloped site re the N.A.A.M.C.P. (National Association for the Advancement of Multi-Colored Peoples)

to tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's Neoism page

to the DEFINITIVE Neoism/Anti-Neoism website

to the Philosopher's Union website

to the tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE movie-making "Press: Criticism, Interviews, Reviews" home-page

to tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE as Reviewer page(s)

to tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's Score Movies


to find out more about why the S.P.C.S.M.E.F. (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Sea Monkeys by Experimental Filmmakers) is so important

to the "tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE - Sprocket Scientist" home-page

to Psychic Weed's Twitter page

to tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's Vimeo index

to Vine movies relevant to tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE made by Ryan Broughman

to tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's presence in the Visual Music Village

for info on tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's tape/CD publishing label: WIdémoUTH

to a very small selection of tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE's Writing

to the onesownthoughts YouTube channel