1985. Mail Art The Scroll Unrolls
I've only been putting catalogs on this Books website that're substantial enough to qualify as books. So far, that's included these:
Falling Annual Livingroom Video Festspiel 83 catalog
Enoch Pratt Free Library Audio Visual Department 1989 Catalog
The Fringes of Reason - A Whole Earth Catalog
Enoch Pratt Free Library Audio Visual Department 1992 16mm Film and Slide
Enoch Pratt Free Library Audio Visual Department 1992 Video Catalog
X 94 - junge kunst + kultur catalog
Big As Life - An American History of 8mm Film
The Tradition Continues catalog from the PITTS3URGH BIENNIAL 03
- more than I realized but, perhaps, less than might qualify. Some, including some of the above, are ambiguous.
Many Mail Art catalogs are very low budget, some might just be a contacts sheet printed on the minimum amount of paper that it can be managed on. This is one of the more lavish of the Mail Art catalogs. It also was from what's reputed to've been the 1st Mail Art show in Ein-Hod, Israel. - at the Janco-Dada Museum no less.
Mail Artist David Cole had something to do with the curating of this. I sent him an actual 'scroll' of sorts, a piece of mine called a "Plenial Wer", something that was labor-intensive to make, but, alas, no representation of it is in the catalog. That was a bit of a disappointment to me. A truly great Mail Art catalog has an image of something from everyone. Regardless, this is an exceptional Mail Art catalog.
Nonetheless, in keeping with usual Mail Art catalog practice, my name & contact address is given. Before mine appears, the Krononautic Divector Field's address also appears, I was involveed with that project too & we shared the same P.O.Box but this particular participation was probably from the founder of the Krononauts, X Richard.
Inserted into the envelope of the catalog I received was also this Neoist chart. I had nothing to do with it, it may've been made by Gordon W. Zealot with at least part of it originating from Boris Wanowitch & his Computer Graphics Conspiracy. I inclucde it here because I am a Neoist & it's possible that this only came with my copy of the catalog & not everyone else's.
- tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE note, April 3, 2018E.V.
idioideo at verizon dot net
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